God bless Abe

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Scramble for Africa 2: Yellow Dicklet Boogaloo

Japan announces Co-Prosperity Sphere 2

Maybe they should stop illegally fishing in Somali waters first

More like Empire of dust 2 : Takeshi's turn

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There is no yellow people you think the Simpson exist? Dumb American. Plus Asians have bigger dick than white European.

>they should stop illegally fishing in Somali waters first
what is that?

Go back to China you tiny dicked yellow monkey

What the fuck are you talking about Zhang

Abe has been America's biggest ally in recent years, he is very tactful and a great executive.

The truth is we need MORE pirates.

This world will never succeed until you can take out to sea to pillage.

why you talking like that seamus

Literally this fucking hell
Who will be the Belgium of Asia i wonder


He is willing to water the desert.
We all feel dizzy.
America and Europe should rule or support Africa.

Came here to post this

Hey user. We already conquered a small part of africa you know.

Africa is a money sink.
With only few exceptions.

taiwan kinda fits the bill
small country in between two great powers, kinda neutral, created during revolution
now they just need to kill a few people and they will truly be the asian belgium of africa

Africa is not meant for human habitation, the climate sucks and kills productivity.
Got a lot of natural resources, tho.

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Majority of that money is going to corrupt African politicians, what a waste.

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I claim benin for finland
this is important

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>s*mali waters
I can't find these waters, where do they exist?

Unironically, how did the niggers use money from developed countries?