>mfw made $53K this year just buying and holding stock
>mfw I basically have a full time job salary while not doing anything
Mfw made $53K this year just buying and holding stock
53k is a pretty shitty full time job. thats what, $20 an hour?
i spend more than $100 on dinner.
wow, you must be loaded
i have a 120k salary before bonus from my day job. software programmer. not loaded by any means, but $25 is shit. not even enough to afford a house in most cities.
Dude shut the fuck up, it’s significantly more than the majority of first worlders make, and OP (allegedly) makes that just from stocks. Don’t be a jealous bitch.
nice, do you live in a high COL area?
new york minimum wage is $12. you could make half that at mcdonalds.
what do you get from bragging on Jow Forums? your life must be fucking devoid of any joy to brag about your salary to autists on Jow Forums
120k is shit. im actually embarrassed of it - my coworkers make close to 180k. my manager makes 250k.
why'd you answer him and not me you silly cunt
i live in bumfuck nowhere and work from home.
nice larping you fucking faggot, you sound like a pajeet lol
>180k is shit. im actually embarrassed of it - my coworkers make close to 250k. my manager makes 400k.
Etc etc until you kys
if you dont have expensive tastes and have actual passions in life thats more than enough to have a good life.
Nothing wrong with wanting more, but not everyone cares about buying expensive shit for the sake of it.
nice, how can i get such a job lad
k. but im white. so is everyone else i work with, and 90% of the entire tech industry. anything we need done cheap we send overseas so shit tier skills arent needed here.
learn postgres/mssql/security against sql injection attacks/.net framework/webshits. businesses wont outsource critical shit that needs to be secure because they are afraid of information theft. they also wont fire you, because you could rek the company.
do I need a degree in compsci or no? I can learn all that shit on my own
is there certs for these?
i don't have one, but ive also been in the field now 10 years. all the interviews weve had with new programmers consisted of:
>be white
>have resume thats likely bs but names a lot of tech
>open up node.js, write us a simple webpage while we watch
bonus points for banter while I eat a burger.
lol, if not larping thanks
not a larp. seriously just fake your resume, if you get called out on it, meh. be white and have semi decent social skills.
all interviews are usually with other programmers, finding who they are OK working with and can get along. its not with a manager or anything, we usually know more than him. as we all work remotely 90% of the year, being able to communicate is important.
>arg node.js you should use node-red its easier
>this pc is slow
>what only 1 montior
>you guys using dsl? this ajax call to the rest api im making takes 10 years
Patrician tier. I made 9k on NVDA, bretty comfy myself
The difference is you made it wagecucking and selling your time, the guy made it nearly passively. If you were a good software dev you'd be getting at least half of your income from your own projects, making money while you sleep
$26 per hour I think it comes out to.
And that's $26/hour for doing nothing.
Stay mad.
but thats not the only way i make money. meanwhile making $50k passivley year after year is hard.
>i don't have one, but ive also been in the field now 10 years
do you have an unrelated degree?
True, the market can go down or even dive hard
i have no degree. i got hired right out of highschool by a teacher that recognized skills and owned a mom and pop company. built up skills, he sold the company. from there I got hired by a fortune 500 company.
>53k is a shitty full time job
>can't do basic McJob tier math
What did user mean by this?
interesting, thanks for the info
was it hard to get a remote gig? that seems like the shiznit
i have a calculator to do math...
not the shit. at all. its actualyl fucking difficult. first few months i played video games all day, getting itno that routine was real hard.
>first few months i played video games all day
somehow I think I can avoid this pitfall.
I find it hard to believe you're not NEET. You strike me as remarkably lazy in all aspects of life. No offense.
I pitty you :( better get a good night of sleep and stop dreaming, tomorrow will be a hard day at McDonalds and you want to save some of that dreaming for lunchtime :)
I am a dev myself and I know no other software developer this retarded.
My estimated guess: Burger King
i am lazy. doesn't mean im not good. my job is deadline based so we meet once every 2-3 weeks and just pass off our projects to QA. I got my shit together eentually but it took a long assed time.
Damn OP, I would have been you had I actually followed the NIO call but I freaked out at 8.05, up 17K this year
>>you guys using dsl? this ajax call to the rest api im making takes 10 years
Yes, this is how software developers talk fuck my sides are in orbit. Literally TumblInAction leddit tier.
if you dont sell any of it then you havent made anything dumbass
yeah, we do?
So much this. Paper gains aren't worth, well, the paper they're printed on. Sell and and some of those gains.
wow tell us more
whatcha want to know