All my cousins who grew up from birth in the first world are lazy or uninspired NEETs or high school graduates (only)...

>all my cousins who grew up from birth in the first world are lazy or uninspired NEETs or high school graduates (only) living minimum wage
>all my cousins who grew up here as a kid and immigrated to the first world are hardworking, all financially well off (due to hardwork and dedication) and well educated people (worked to be better people through college and uni)

Why do firsties create weak willed individuals? People with no conviction, lazy good for nothing NEETs and uninspired robots and whatnot?
I dont get it.

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Yes all first worlders are lazy faggots earning minimum wage thats why their country is better than your (literal) shithole, you cracked the code, really blew it out of the park

You sound mad, buddy.
I am merely asking why my cousins who grew up there are lazy and NEETs

>he says while posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum,complaining about his shithole country while staying at home and not finding a gf
big words coming from someone like you

Why would I wanna wageslave when I can just neet and leech?

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Because they have someone to financially support them, otherwise they wouldn't be neets, doesn't take a genius to understand

I am socially retarded when it comes with anything romantic and have crippling self esteem issues.

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How about the uninspired robot aspect? Everytime I talk to them they seem like robots

Because once you realize time is all you have life becomes boring and depressing.

If you turn to neetdom it means you have no aspirations or hope for the future, so of course they would sound like robots, Don't think it has anything to do with them living in a first world country, first worlders are usually more interesting than third worlders because they have more spare time to focus on their hobbies and develop their personality

They're Flips

When I was in America and Italy (a year ago on vacation), the people there were robots as well. Hell, most of them felt fake

The average 3rdie may have less personality and hobbies, but they felt more fun to talk to because they are optomistic and down to earth and genuine

Just by growing up in the third world you automatically get life and social skills just by living along with absolute confidence for free just by living.
This basically cancels any self doubt or low self worth meaning suffering on a long term beyond short term physical pain simply does not exist

>When I was in America and Italy (a year ago on vacation), the people there were robots as well. Hell, most of them felt fake
First world countries have individualistic and introverted societies, which is probably why them seem less friendly than third worlders

Holy based.

>I am socially retarded when it comes with anything romantic and have crippling self esteem issues.
Not an excuse for you to complain and whine everyday

Italy is f*rst world, however, America is third world

Because not everyone can handle freedom and safety. People from poor countries that push themselves and come here Legally tend to be hard workers a sthey had to be to settle down here.
People that are born here have no do or die pressure to succeed,it has to come from family or society valuing hard work, pushing for financial security or is a Status race. If people feel they made it, they relax.

Shut up. I know I have a problem. I know that being a virgin at 28 years of age is something weird. Dont lecture me. Who cares if my little brother had a gf and sex first before I did? I mean, I'm so sorry I was bullied in school and consistently snarked at by women when the topic of romance comes up

my boss is very image of duterte,but his inside is also similar.when i see him always smorking a cuban cigar

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Maybe duterte is your bosa since he walks around Tokyo a lot

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Stupid jew obsessing over me

>retarded flip obsessing over first worlders
>When he's called out he claims others are obsessed with him

Lmao that's false af, the immigrants born abroad are always the worst of the worst as they are clueless of the social norms and can't integrate in mainstream society. You can't even go to London without a visa lmao.

Life in the first world is pointless. What are we supposed to be motivated about?

Work all day to get home to a lonely apartment?

I'm simply talking about my problems and firstoid hypocricy.
I'm not the one posting pics of me all the time. Stop making me a meme on Jow Forums

It's your fault you post about it daily you fag.
You're literally as bad as Shahar or far worse you hypocrite you have a good job in your shithole which ensures your life isn't as bad as it could've been and yet you spend so much time whining online
Boo hoo if you don't want to be a meme stop posting the same thing every day you're an adult man with no personality who whines online all day long

But why? I thought third world countries bred strong willed alphas?

Filipinas is second world

>Shut up. I know I have a problem. I know that being a virgin at 28 years of age is something weird. Dont lecture me. Who cares if my little brother had a gf and sex first before I did? I mean, I'm so sorry I was bullied in school and consistently snarked at by women when the topic of romance comes up
Still not an excuse for someone like you to not have a girlfriend