I'm addicted to drugs and alcohol.
I'm addicted to drugs and alcohol
based and yeastpilled
its never time to give up,you can turn ir around user
Me too
Hey OP, looks like you're having some difficulty keeping your thread up. Let me lend you a helping hand.
Atleast you have a 3.0 GPA and live in Canada
Just say no, retard.
I am addicted to alcohol but only do drugs in moderation because I am responsible
Same but I don't see it as a problem
Does this mean posting furries in Jow Forums won't piss people off now?
I'm addicted to getting attention
here you go mate
Which drugs?
How do you get "addicted" to drugs and alcohol lmao just stop using them retard
Thanks. But then I also get addicted to the person who makes me feel loved and needed.
maybe I could make you feel loved and needed tonight
im a girl btw
Well I've been feeling a bit lonely again lately, so that'd be great thanks
Wew me too....
Start waking up at 4AM. You'll, be in bed around 8PM, so you won't have time to do drugs at night.
oh nice I'm not really a girl
Cocaine, speed, benzos, marijuana
You were memeing ok gotcha
>its never time to give up,you can turn ir around user
Can someone explain me why is there such a prominent fashion of being a junkie in Anglo countries?
>Cocaine, speed, benzos, marijuana
shit tier
Cocaine is nice, but benzos are a waste of money.
Bad role models
We have them too over here. But drug problem is like 10000x higher and it's the most visible in Anglo countries. Just enter the english speaking area of Canada and you're surrounded by junkies, same in UK, Ireland, Australia, US.
Why isn't it discussed?
Why wouldnt you be