Average Italian man from Sardinia
Average Italian man from Sardinia
Literally true
God i wish that were me.
Why is jojo popular? Does everyone like oraora?
It blew up in popularity after Part 1-2 was released in 2010
Part 2 and 5 were great. Part 3 had shit pacing.
There's something in it for everyone.
I like all part.
>during the coup in Honduras the president of Honduras was deported to El Salvador in his Pajamas
Actually its this
Average german man
1 is good
2 is great
3 is kind of a mess, but a fun mess
4 is great
5 is a mess and not in a good way
6 is good
7 is best
8 is good
>Steel Ball Run will get an anime in your lifetime
Because unlike Dragon Ball and other popular series Jojo wasn't released in Europe and America due to retarded copyright laws
Good taste, it's easily the best part
>Purple Haze Feedback will never be considered canon
>Purple Haze Feedback will not get a special OVA series
most likely with cgi horses
5 is awful. no good characters other than bucciarati and it has the worst, laziest cop out resolution in the series yet, and that's saying a lot.
> green eyes
How is it a cop out resolution? Its established as early as part 4 that the arrow has the power to grant new abilities.
i think most people were expecting some kind of fight like in part 3 or a tricky battle like in part 4, and instead got a deus ex machina. desu i expected a major fight between diavolo and giorno or something and was promptly disappointed
Giorno gets a "get-out-of jail card" and turns his stand into the most broken stand in JoJo
because instead of coming up with a creative way to defeat the villain's seemingly unbeatable abilities using the casts' existing stands, the fight is instead about getting the arrow which will give giorno a stand whose ability is literally "no u" and end the fight.
even in part 4 when Kira uses it, he doesn't become GER levels of bullshit, not even close. and he's the villain to boot, not the hero getting a last minute powerup like it's every other shonen ever made.
you know why people like mystery novels? cause the reader has the ability to figure out the answer themselves before the book does so using the available hints. how satisfying this answer is greatly influences the quality of the book. similarly, here you try to figure out how can the heroes' abilities outwit the seemingly invincible villain. if the answer is literally "magic thing that wins the fight for you", do you think that's a satisfying mystery?
But its not a deus ex machina. A deus ex machina a contrivance that solves all the plot points, the arrow wasn't a contrivance, it was already established the arrow could give stands new abilities and that the final fight would be getting to the arrow. Polnereff literally says "whoever gets this arrow will have the power to rule the world".
Well if you don't like that style of fight then fine, but its not a cop out since it was established that the final fight would be for the arrow. Also, Bites the Dust is as broken as GER. Had Josuke not heard Kira reveal his identity, he would have been invincible.
>But its not a deus ex machina. A deus ex machina a contrivance that solves all the plot points, the arrow wasn't a contrivance, it was already established the arrow could give stands new abilities and that the final fight would be getting to the arrow. Polnereff literally says "whoever gets this arrow will have the power to rule the world
it turns out that some people were expecting more out of Giorno and Diavolo's fight
Now imagine the shitshow that would be Part 6 when Weather Report becomes too powerful and Pucci gets a God Stand
>Well if you don't like that style of fight then fine, but its not a cop out since it was established that the final fight would be for the arrow
It's a cop out in the sense that it's not a satisfying fight and instead it's a lazy rush for the magical instant victory item. The fact that the arrow was shown before doesn't change that at all, if anything it only makes things worse as it reduces tension since it makes you fear throughout the series that the answer to defeating the villain could be a generic shonen last minute powerup.
But Pucci's stand evolution is the best thing from part 6.
best thing too since it resets the Entire Jojoverse which allows Araki to rewrite everything
Well it was a fight between Bruno's gang and Diavolo, metaphorically. The whole part is about how you shouldn't skip the small details of life and try to rush for results, because it will bite you in the arse later. Diavolo has a godly stand and uses it to literally skip the fluff and get anything he wants straight away, which ties into him wanting to erase the past and just keep the result, which is him being at his everlasting peak, whereas Bruno's gang go through hardship and come to terms with their pasts. This comes up in the final fight when Diavolo doesn't smash the light orb properly and grabs the arrow, while Bruno completely destroys the orb, sacrificing himself and the gang are rewarded for this with the arrow. That to me is more interesting than a brawl. Brawls are good but we already have enough of them in Jojo, something different is refreshing.
Its not a lazy rush. A lot of thought was put into the fight. The themes I already mentioned above, the fact that the fight is essentially a symbolic exorcism with diavolo possessing people, it wasn't a magical instant victory. 2 main characters fucking died during the fight.
call it symbolic and representative of the journey all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a lot lazier and easier to write than coming up with an inventive idea on how to defeat the villain's seemingly invincible ability. you would never get away with that kind of explanation in a mystery novel nor is symbolism and satisfying conclusions mutually exclusive, you can have both you know. in fact that explanation of yours just makes me think of an unironic usage "it was the journey, not the destination" or "the true treasure was the friends we made along the way", something that usually is only a mocked cliche.
> it wasn't a magical instant victory
I said magical instant victory item, the arrow, which gives giorno GER and the fight is officially over at that point.
No its not "lazier", it requires more thought. I have no doubt Araki would've been able to come up with a solution to diavolo way easier than what he made. Hell, Polnereff nearly kills Diavolo in the first minute of the fight. And jojo isn't a mystery novel. Confronting your past rather than trying to erase is addressed almost straight away, look at what Bruno says to Abbachio "don't die bound up by your past". The reason all the characters are in the gang is because of things that happened in their past, but they've accepted their lot in life whereas Diavolo can't. That's the theme and narrative, its not "the friends we made along way".
1 ok
2 ok
3 good
4 meh
5 ok
6 meh
7 best
8 ok
1 ok
2 ok
3 meh
3.2 good
4 ok
5 best
> it requires more thought.
Since when is magical instant victory item something that requires more thought than coming up with an inventive strategy using your existing abilities in a smart, creative way to defeat the seemingly invincible villain? That's the whole tension here. Instead you get the most childish of abilities and resolutions, a literal "no u" stand. Also again, you can have both your symbolism and not have a copout item that solves the problem for you at the same time and in fact most series out there have symbolism and book ends.
> I have no doubt Araki would've been able
Whether or not he could doesn't matter, the point is he didn't make a satisfying one using existing abilites in the style of most jojo battles. I'm sure the oscar-winning Francis Ford Coppola could have made Twixt into a great movie, doesn't change the fact that he ended up making a crock of shit.
> And jojo isn't a mystery novel
I didn't say it was, but both share intrigue and tension. Part of that comes with the inventive ways that the villains are defeated using the existing abilities. Imagine if Sherlock Holmes, instead of coming up with a lengthy explanation as to how a crime really happened and what hints give it away, just pulled a note of confession from the culprit alongside definitive evidence from a box he found that we were told of at the beginning. That is how a mystery novel compares to jojo, and really any series with any kind of intrigue out there. Something is interesting if you want to find out what happens next. The less predictable, the more interesting it is.
>because of things that happened in their past
That's cute, but again, symbolism will never ever be a substitute for inventive, satisfying resolutions, and in fact that symbolism you speak of is in most fiction worksout there. It's a book end, something brought up early on that appears again at the end, character development, it's not special nor is it nonexistent in other jojo parts.
>The less predictable
*but still grounded and sense-making, mind you.