Lowlander & a Englishman sitting next to each other on a long flight

Lowlander & a Englishman sitting next to each other on a long flight...

Lowlander says
“Ye Soudron? I aagates wisst tae crack wi a Suddren sin nocht o ye gangit tae this kynryk.”

English man replies
“What? Sorry, I don’t speak Gaelic. Could you please ask me that in English?”

Lowlander replies very angrily.
“ERSE!!!!! Ye ar seilfuu I ortnae ye i tae the se! Ye buid be vexand binnae fain tae cluit out!”

The crying English”man” mumbles
“P-please calm down s-sir… I don’t want any trouble.”

Lowlander accepts the apology but says to his wife
“Dae ye lisit tae for me tae spulyie hint up?”

They both leave and the English”man”’s wifes son spits in his face. He commits suicide later when he realises he can’t compete with the lowlander.

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I hope you applied to be a janitor we need someone to remove the Ir*sh from this board

I am not allowed to be a janitor.


Males hae twa testicles o seemilar size conteened within the scrotum, that is an extension o the abdominal wall. Scrotal asymmetry is nae unusual: ane testicle extends forder doun intae the scrotum nor the ither due tae differences in the anatomy o the vasculatur.

Lowlanders don't speak Gaelic they were colonized by Anglos, you're thinking of Highlanders mate

I bred your mum.
Yikes! Virgin freak tier English, not Scots,

I was born in Glasgow and I was a wee laddie there

The English were colonised by Anglos as well.

Semen, an aw kent as seminal fluid, is an organic fluid that mey conteen spermatozoa. It is secretit bi the gonads (sexual glands) an ither sexual organs o male or hermaphroditic ainimals an can fertilize female ova. In humans, seminal fluid conteens several components besides spermatozoa: proteolytic an ither enzymes as weel as fructose are elements o seminal fluid that promote the survival o spermatozoa, an provide a medium throu that thay can muive or "soum".

None of that is Scots.

Exactly, Scots is just English written by people who can´t into spelling.

>that isn't scots it is English
>written scots is english

Another less autistic scot here. Literally nobody speaks like this.

is the gaelic highlander compared to the lowlander similar to lowlander to englishman? or is the lowlander just the chad of the isles?

Because you and all the people you know are English with funny accents.
Lowlanders are like Portuguese compared to Spanish.


No, because I’m not lying to foreigners in an attempt to sound more interesting

whiter than you Aonghus

How am I lying? Every word used has at between 200-700 years of use.

Angus is a Gaelic name.
Fenians are evil.

Perhaps every word has a historical basis of use - I don’t doubt that. Nobody uses distinct words in that high a density however, most people use the odd Scots word here and there.

You know the majority of Gaelic speakers live in the lowlands? Glasgow has the most Gaelic speakers of anywhere in scotland.

That is because all of you speak English and not Scots.


The only examples of people speaking anywhere near to what you are trying to pass off as common in Scotland would be pensioners and even then, they wouldn’t use that many distinct words.

Most of them are not in the Lowlands. Galloway Gaelic went extinct by 1750 so any Gaelic spoken there is a foreign language.


Woah! So you are saying that the country Scotland that had Scots go basically extinct by 1900 outside of small villages doesn't have any Scots speakers alive today? woah so cool.

Most of them are in the lowlands. Their families probably moved from the highlands, I don’t deny this - but they live in the lowlands.

Pretty sure I’ve spoken to you before actually. You’re the deluded nutcase who thinks the Picts were germanic.

Why is Scotland's strongest man dating a short and fat goblin though? He isnt a looker himself with that face but he is like 6'8, buff, and somewhat successful in his sport

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Precisely. Yet OP tries to pretend it has any semblance of a standardised spelling convention and that it’s also his native language.

That was a joke. Picts were not really an ethnic group, they were more likely just Gaels and Britons that joined into a nation.
There is more to love than looks.

It isn't my native language. Norwegian has no standard spelling and everyone says it is a language.

>that was a joke
ah! hilarious

They were not likely to be Gaels originally by the way. They were Britons and later Gaelicised by a Gaelic nobility.

It actually has two standard spellings. Bokmal and Nynorsk, with Bokmal being used by the vast vast majority of the country.

Mate, yer so bent..

Gaels arrived in Scotland from the Rhine then moved to Ireland.

This had better be another one of your famous jokes, lad


"the DNA evidence rules out a native origin of the Gaels (i.e. descendants of the pre-historic inhabitants of Ireland who absorbed the ‘Celtic’ Hallstatt and La Tene cultures). In fact, less than 1% of Irish males have a prehistoric male Y-DNA signature. What the DNA shows is that Ireland was swamped within a very short time by a ‘Proto-Gael’ people who poured in from Western Scotland. "

>Yes. I did remove all the Gaels. How did you know?

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I really can’t be bothered reading this right now but yes, celts would’ve crossed into Ireland from Britain originally and south west Scotland is the closest part of Britain to Ireland. But the gael/briton distinction wouldn’t come into being until much later. Insular Celtic was once one dialect continuum, but those who finally settled in Ireland went through a vowel shift that was different from the vowel shift seen in Britain.

This is the meaning of the terms Q-Celtic and P-Celtic. Meaning words with a Jow Forums sound in Gaelic Ireland adopted a /p/ sound in the same place in Britain.
This is why, for example - in Welsh son is “ap” but in Gaelic, it’s “mac”

I’m sorry mate but the reason what you’re claiming is so ridiculous is because, in the time period you’re talking about the Gaels travelling from the “Rhine to scotland,” Gaels didn’t actually exist as a distinct group from other insular celts.

How would you know that? There is no literature sources. Where else did they come from?

This conversation is going to be exhausting since you very clearly have no real knowledge of linguistics and I have actually studied it.

You don’t need written records to build hypotheses for how language develops, the languages themselves, their syntax, their vocabulary, etc hold many of the hints to see when and why languages split apart and go throw separate vowel shifts and consonant shifts. Britonic celtic and Gaelic Celtic descend from the same language originally, but it is known that at some point they underwent very different shifts and the best current explanation for this is the separation of cultures by the Irish Sea.

Gaels have genetic different race. There is no evidence of Gaelic coming into Scotland from Ireland.

I hope in reality scotts don't speak like this?

no. they speak English instead.

That's not gaelic its a bastardised dialect of english called scots that nobody speaks but OP keeps pretending they do

brittonic celtic is a pseudoscience.