Refugees that escape from Syria are suffering and deserve to be taken in rich countries

>refugees that escape from Syria are suffering and deserve to be taken in rich countries

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i agree, keep them in spain

>we should forcefully convert all middle eastern immigrants to Nordic paganism and deport all the african immigrants to america

Attached: Actually_me.jpg (500x500, 37K)

why don't they all just flee to india instead. they will be warmly welcomed there instead of oppressed by evil whites

Syrians are Med and therefore White, you divide and conquer kike.

you want banana monkey?

Of course an obese mutt shartoid would seek to get rid of fruits.

thats it, youre not going to be fed for a week you bad monkey

>deport all the african immigrants to america
to american white girls

Firsties caused the war on Syria, it's natural that the should be obligated to take care of them.

Only Western Syrians (Levantines) are Med, and unronically the ones fleeing from the civil war tend to be Arabic-speaking sunnis

Turkey and Lebanon are closer, so they go there instead

>and unronically the ones fleeing from the civil war tend to be Arabic-speaking sunnis
These are like, more than 90% of Syria. Even the levantines.

>Refugees should be sent solely to neighboring country that has no war or Saudi Arabia that has enough money

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>all the african immigrants to america

no send them to fucking Israel they love funding Africans.

if I remember correcly they used to be something like 60% of Syria's population before everything fucked up, nowadays Sunnis make up less than 50% of the population, Kurds and Levantines have stayed the same at 10% each

Everyone speaks arabic except for Kurds in the far east.
t. Latakia rapefugee

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What is this goblin mumbling about? Is it having an HFCS crash?

lol literal illiterate monkey

Nassim is delusional and wrong about almost everything, but he has top tier rhetoric so imbeciles believe him

Nassim is correct

The only people who claim to speak Arabic but are unintelligible to the rest of the Arab world are Moroccans everyone else speaks an arabic dialect with minor differences

Vade retro, ogre of the high BMI persuasion...

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>deserve to be taken in rich countries
Why you don't like them if they aren't going to your country?

ok but I was talking about the fact that they speak a different version of "Arabic" isn't it? kind of like Chines and their "topolects", similar sociolinguistic situations exist in other (ethno-)linguistic communities like "Malay" and "Quechua", anyways what I'm trying to say is that the Alawites, Druze, Levantines, etc., can use their dialect/language as another marker of identity besides their history, religion, genetics, etc., I don't care about Taleb

get back in your cage monkey. your containment continent isnt enough

Even arabs don't speak arab then.
There are dialects of arab even in the Arabic Peninsula


It's making noises, it seems startled and hungry for syrup and genes...

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nice meme. monkey see, monkey do hehe

>The only people who claim to speak Arabic but are unintelligible to the rest of the Arab world are Moroccans everyone else speaks an arabic dialect with minor differences
well that is not what I have been told by actual linguistic research on mutual intelligibility between different languages and topolects of the same macrolanguage family

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Its more like the UK dialects and which region your from in Britain giving alight variation and then scots and Irish and have bigger variations and then new worlders having an even bigger variation

Why does this mexican retard think he knows shit about Arabs
stop posting it is embarrassing

It's dragging its legs, it smells fried food and Irish genes somewhere...

Attached: 1aa.png (2000x2000, 1.67M)

smelly monkey needs a bath. maybe your brazillian owner will wash you soon

The argie doing a better job at bants than you

>Its more like the UK dialects
kind of (if you were thinking about Scots vis a vis English) see

It's drooling, it's tired and looking for a mobility scooter, HFCS levels still high...

Attached: 499.png (960x1024, 838K)

nice of you to stand up for your pet

humaner than you chimp

The only dialect that would skew this observation is Moroccan because its so far gone that none of us consider it arabic

He is retarded
no use

It extends its robust paws holding some piece of brown skin, apparently seeks to exchange foreskin for European ancestry....

Attached: 43d.jpg (1250x1250, 126K)

He's not retarded at all, the entire internet has just managed to spread a ridiculous amount of misinformation on our entire region

are you typing with you feet? haha

Ignore that
he obviously gets his information from Jow Forums
only a super retard would do that

You're getting btfo user

ok mr apezillian thanks for your input

OK OK but anyways the point that I was trying to make wasn't about the Arabic language at all but about this post, that you cannot clump all Arabic-speaking peoples in Syria as if they were a single unified block

it offers carbonated drinks in exchange for clean underwear and antacids, it asks whether brown nipples are just dark pink...

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That's true but despite the current situation and events that occurred we're a lot more unified than whatever the US is doing. I come from a alawiyya family but after grandpa died we pretty much became sunni like Bashar did cause if you knew what alawiyya believed you would laugh hysterically. Arabs as whole have a way more in common than say a country like Russia we're just currently in turmoil mode and sitting around trying to analyze it is doomed to fail cause we're not as tribal as you've been led to believe especially the Sunni vs Shia stuff and the Muslims and Christians hating each other

the way I see it right now is that everybody else is united against Sunni Arabs, would that be a elementary but straightforward rendition of the situation in Syria?

youre the coolest monkey in the jungle imo

No everyone hates wahabbis and wahabbis are not sunni and have been repeatedly denounced as non Muslims by the majority of muftis in the Arab world.

are Alawites considered Muslim?

it reveals its stretch marks, claims they are a sign of Caucasian ancestry, its copious sweat proves he is human he says...

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Nigga living in Mexico is as much dangerous (or even more) than living in Syria yet you don't see us claiming asylum to get gibs from the yts.
The war on drugs has taken over 100k lives since 2008 and forced the migration of thousands of families.


how's your hut holding up fella?


Most refugees are not Syrian or even Arab and the mestizo caravans and future demographic shift tell a different story

it tries to emulate English, utters something about German genes giving it its particular round shape...

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when are you going to swing along you mad monkey?

Caravans shilled by buttmad evangelicals in central america and not Catholic Mexico, mind you.


>oye, Gringo, we are good beaners, not like those el salvadorians! we are surely an ally of the white race... hehe...

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Can we just rangeban newworlders?
It's just spics arguing with spics.

we mexicans will kill them

stfu irrelevant country

You're not mexican, Yon Brayan.
It's not mexican's fault yt women would rather breed with them instead of emasculated euromutt mouth-breathers.

tengo ciudadania mexicana