Friendly advice: dont invest in fat-titted thots anons. No matter how fit she may look at the start...

Friendly advice: dont invest in fat-titted thots anons. No matter how fit she may look at the start, they all get fat and lazy eventually. Worst investment since buying fucking iota at the literal fucking top.

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Low test post

Is the right supposed to be how she got “fat” and this spoiled? Because it’s hotter than the left

My gf is small tited and chubby.. eh but finally ive forcedbher to start cross fit. Damn land whales

What a faggot

I like petite woman with small breasts

I like a chubby girl with big tits tho

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BASED mat.i poster

Actually he is right.
Most of the girls dont do anything special.
They dont explore
They dont thrive for knowledge
They dont need physical effort
I could go on..
They secure shitty regular job because muhhh male dominance
And they get pregnet. Thats all.
So if she at least cant be fit fuck her

obese women = no self control
also fat people are generally stupider

basically this

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and as an user said it yesterday:
Those fat people have less self-control than an untrained stray dog. disgusting

U are gayyyyyy

fucking disgusting - obese american taste

seek treatment asap
its because of these mentally ill faggets why these hos go "user but Im just curvy", "user you cant epxect me to not gain weight in a relationship"
fucking dropped

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Based and redpilled

Get the fuck outta here faggot

Europoor sorry

Comes down to personal taste left is good but right is better. Nice thick slampig. I agree it is unfortunate that it gives them self esteem because the condition stems from gluttony and weakness-which for many is a turn on because the woman is seen as a dumb breeding animal

Right is hotter in both instances though, you low test faggot

Have some more tits you triggered faggot

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This is true, I've known a lot of girls who ballooned up suddenly in like a few months. Then again, I'm a bit of a chubby chaser so I don't care lol.

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right is the calm before the storm

She's gonna be a cow in 5 years but she's perfection right now

Left is absolutely peak performance

At least you banged that hot body

this made me lol

>if you’re not a desperate virgin salivating over fat chicks you must have low test!
Imagine being this pathetic

Well, yeah, once she finds a beta bucks provider she knows he won't ever dare cheat on her. She can get fat, leech off user, and fuck chad without a condom.

she was already a fatty

Well.. frankly most men are slowly starting to look like fat and balding shit after mid 20's too.

Aging sucks. Chubby girls do have a higher change to get fat after mid 20's indeed, but trying to get involved in some sports together is definitely more effective than bitching on Jow Forums about it.

Keep yourselves in shape anons.

the one on the right plz

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Amerifats spotted. No wonder you idiots fell for the muh beautiful at all sizes meme when two thirds of you are fat. When the majority of your women are land whales you have to delude yourself into thinking it’s “natural” and “sexy”.

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I am European you faggot. In fact there’s a severe lack of slampigs where I live

That's not fat, that's what happens when girls don't wear clothing that supports their tits.

Hi incel.
It's your job to train your female to keep herself healthy. Stop being a male feminist.

ignore the "right is better" shills.
there is definitely some shilling/psyop/attacks going on.

No sane man wants a a fat lazy mother for his children.

I preferred asses all my life, then I tried a German girl with humongous tits (not the fat kind, just genetically hueg) and she ruined my life. Now all other tiddies aren't big enough.


This is kind of what I'm holding out for slept with only 10 girls 9 of the 10 were attractibe but all had small to medium tits and all I want is to just experience some giant titties before I die.

Probably just go for a prostitute when I make it just to scratch the itch.

> dem milkies
> dat jelly belly
> dem hips
Fuuuuuu op you lucky bastard you are literally living my dream. What did you feed her? How much did she gain? Post her fatass please

unironically thin thots give out less sex as there so depressed about keeping fit and eating that extra rasin they shouldn't have, the one on the right will let you fuck her anywhere and any place to keep you happy because she knows that she aint peak performance and needs to keep you from straying

More milkers.
Big tits>every thing

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She had sensitive tiddies too, so she was taking all chances to drown me in them and making me succ dem pink nipples. I am talking about Gianna Michaels tier tiddies.
Honestly I wanna kms now.

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>expecting women to have willpower
you have to go for the naturally thin ones to have any chance at all of them not getting fat. the only way is if they don't have to work for it.

It's true. Married a thicc DDDD that still couldn't contain those tiddies. Good damn she was a good fuck back in the day. Swallowed and would give me road head. Divorced now though. She weighs probably 250 these days. Fat af.

user please, I am trying to get some work done here. On a side note why are pink nipples so superior to brown ones? Ah who am I kidding, all nipples are great.

You still in touch with your big tiddy-fu?

My relationship with her kinda ended in silence. After a while we were just too wagecucked to find time to meet and then the whole thing just faded away without a goodbye or harsh feelings. Then I moved out of Germany after quitting my job there. Life's melancholic sometimes man.

Where is she located?


those tits on the right are beautiful

low test

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>arms up
the classic saggy-tits-girl move

Eh shit blows, but there is something to be said for events in life that just stay crystallised as good memories rather than drag on and sour the whole memory, or maybe i'm just becoming more of a boomer *sip*

Truth heh... Cheers my man.

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it's hot, you can see her pits and that cute navel piercing

Life's life, man. Life's life.

Avoid thots with colored hair.

I've heard this before but what is the reasoning?

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Mfw my gf has huge tits, but I still prefer asses.

Although it's nice to see her sucking on her own nipples

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My wife works and supports me through school. I take 10% of her income and put it into crypto.
If your wife isn’t youre absolute sex slave that will do anything you tell her to do, find a new woman.

I'm starting to think that having a fat fetish might be the key to a lasting, fruitful marriage.

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>fat fetish

Men have always been attracted to thick women, being into skeletons is a modern phenomena. Also there's a big difference between thick and straight up fat, your dick should be able to tell you which is which

more cushion for the pushin

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Yes, just remember, fucking the neighbor's wife because she gets preggers is bad manners.

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>Men have always been attracted to thick women, being into skeletons is a modern phenomena.

Why do you just repeat normie memes so effortlessly? Are you an NPC?

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based and redpilled

Lots of thick women have small waists though

For like 5 years max.

I think HEALTHY men generally like woman that are shorter and thinner as them. Men are build to dominate and lead, not submit.

>Men have always been attracted to thick women
found the fat american

You're supposed to be keeping her pregnant, lads.

>Also there's a big difference between thick and straight up fat, your dick should be able to tell you which is which

right on the money

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>muh skinny whore are better than big tit goddesses

Haha, my gf is the same way actually. She clearly thinks because she has big tits, she doesn’t need to work out/she’s still hot. The thing these girls don’t realize is that yes, they could still go out clubbing and show off their big tits and pull a decent looking guy. But most guys are going to pump and dump as soon as they realize the girl is fat and was titty-tricking their horny ass.

I’ve tried to get her to work out, gone on runs with her etc. but if things don’t change I don’t know what I’m going to do. It’s gotten to the point where I’m not that attracted to her anymore sexually and that’s a scary thing for a relationship. I work out 5 days a week, for the record.

Fuck, my land whale doesnt have big tits but still owns a bit of fat. Luckely ive forced her to do cross fit. We will see.

The sad thing is, her tits only look big when she has clothes on because she hides her fat. When she’s naked her tits just look average sized in proportion to her body. She looks like a smaller version of this with slightly bigger tits, it’s not attractive. If she had a bigger ass it’d be much more forgivable

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I never understood the appeal of big tits. Petite, with small/medium tits and nice thighs/plump ass is best anyways. Maybe it's because I'm not a nigger

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But that's literally what's niggers like user. I've got that type of girlfriend but I can't deny that most negress divas are exactly as you described.

ITT Fat lazy niggers white knighting land whales

Girl on right is hot and if you don't like her u prolly virgin, sry

>Fat lazy niggers
Just use the right word for that combination - Amerimutts

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Mine is more like this..but wider
Most annoying is she is wearing loose clothes, thats how i got into it in the first place. Didn realize the trap. No sexy, thight closes.
Of course she has visible fat and folds
At least sex is 9/10, she is willing to do literally anything.
Well i hold 800k of nimiq so..maybe..

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Protip: if you wouldn't smash her mom, don't smash her

Modern skinny, boy-ish looking girls with no tits or ass are just this- a fad. They are neither healthy or feminine looking.
Women forever always had a layer of fat which is there on purpose and is actually healthy. The gay fashion designers, using hangers and pushing this starved look into everyone won the popular look. I think the healthy look is coming back slowly though. And again, it's not fat that we are talking about. It's the look that you see on old paintings.

Fat, just like everything else. Is good in moderation. Too skinny you die, too fat you die. Plz gib me thicc gf

Wait till she's almost 30. They either become whales while others don't. It's hard to tell which will happen. I feel bad for the guys that married hot Stacies in their mid 20s that became whales. You have a brap hog that has Stacy attitude.
>t. 30 year old boomer

That's literally Niger taste user.
The nigs are the ones who changed the focus from tuts to ass as well. Morse in the US but Europe is suffering from it as well.

Look at her mother. I'm 100% serious.

Agreed. That's why I said, it's not fat that I'm talking about. It's overall thick and soft. Not six pack sporting boy-woman kind neither.

I disagree. I am a sport chad.
Gym, football (eu, soocer), skiing, climbing, swimming and tona of other types. Doing sport things at least 4 times a week. Sport is my passion. So i dont want thin/fat girl. I want fit one that is just life-juicy. That has energy to run, lift and fuck.

Always wondered why women are so obsessed about extremely lean girls being pushed by MUH PATRIARCHY in the media when the fashion industry is clearly and transparently run by homos and targeted at women. Men don't give a single fuck about the fashion industry and yet we are blamed for it.

Yep, after we met ive met her mother. Fuck ive run out of the house in a serious neurosis fear attack. I was like; WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? When will the transformation happens? Can i stop it? I cant FUCK. Im scared till today.

My gf's mom is quite well preserved and good looking. With a fitter body and a different hairstyle she would be quite a delicious milf. Hopefully the genes are there.


Mom of mine is a regular front line orc

That doesn't exclude the type of girl I'm talking about. Seriously. I'm not talking fat, I'm talking healthy.
The six pack on a woman to me looks just wrong, as much as a huge belly caused by the lack of moving and energy.
Extremely thin girls, as you said are pushed by gay industry, and men did buy into it sadly. Women, being women, of course don't understand this, nor do they care. But one thing is true: even for the fit and healthy girls the "I deal can be hard. That stupid "tights that don't touch" meme is only possible when the woman is already a bit too skinny. Doctors bought into this stupid meme as well and the BMI that is considered "healthy" for women on the lower end is just too skinny. I know it's just my personal opinion but I prefer healthy and fit and energetic to a clothes hanger with the entire spine visible through the skin. That's disgusting imo
You did good actually. The transformation will happen sooner rather than later. It's not even completely genetic, it's like 60% genes and 40% learned behavior.
Now, let's make her pretty again!
I assume your woman wasn't half bad looking when you first got her, after all, there was something about her that caught your eye. I also assume she has since let herself go completely, because that's what usually happens. Since you now know that YOU are actually 100 % responsible for this sad state of affairs, let's do a quick recap of how you managed to send her signals that instructed her to stop caring about her appearance:
-She asked you which pair of pants to wear, and you grunted unintelligibly and didn't really look. That signaled to her that her appearance is of no importance to you.
-She showed off her new haircut and you failed to comment positively on it. That signaled to her that you don't find her attractive anymore.
-She wanted to buy some piece of jewelry, and you grumbled that it was a waste of money. That signaled to her that she is worth very little to you, and you don't think she's pretty enough to deserve to wear nice things.
-She asked you to zip up her dress when you were going to a party, and you didn't take the opportunity of kissing her in the neck as you used to. That signaled to her that you don't want her anymore.
I could go on and on adding 500 more examples (as could your woman if you were to ask her…), but I'm guessing you got the point already!
So how do you reverse the damage you have inadvertently caused through a lifetime of being a complete doofus?
Simple! You just use your remarkable male brain power to come up with a bunch of little things you can do that will send the correct signal, and then you DO them when opportunity strikes! A few examples, just to get your imagination going:

my gf is losing weight because I control her diet. It’s sad because I started dating her because she was so fucking thick and fat. Belly jiggle, huge big wide ass, nice titties and surprisingly an 8/10 face. Cutest fat girl I ever saw.

>>women let themselves go because of men
Well if the only thing that would validate a woman that I'm with is my supposed shitty behavior then why would I be with a woman like that. Fuck why would I want to be with someone who will just take it and won't be independent enough to leave my ass if they don't feel happy, or fucking at least tell me that?
I don't want to be with a NPC

I can confirm that this user is correct.

This is absolutely not true.