Germanics are proto-europeans, not indo-niggers
Fake, we're arabs BVLLS
Seethe more tranny you will never be a Baltic Finn
Not seething, just sharing my opinion
poo in loo pajeet
>implying that is a bad thing
Pretty much yeah
It's bad in finland's case as they are our slaves
That is EUROPA.
We are the oldest Europeans. You Indians are invaders and you were BLACK 10000 years ago while we were and are WHITE.
Daily reminder Swedes though this half-Gypsy half-Finn/Russian/whatever is their kin and still deny being of Pakindian blood
Retard. Cheddar man was i1 WHGchad. Indo-niggers were r1a/r1b retards
>whiter than 99% of Finns despite being half Gypsy
made by a half pajeet
You are the same as him! You speak the language of Pajeet .
ironically baltics are the purest indo europeans
eastern dutch, sardinians, bosnians, swedes, danes, northern germans and dalmatians are the true europeans, everybody else is an indonigger
Where are the basques
is it 1999?
Balts have high Indo-Yuropoor and the most WHG despite not having paternal haplomemeshits from WHG
Dalmatians, krauts, frogs etc have high Anatolian farmer despite not having all that much paternal lines from them
>the most WHG
Sardinians have the most WHG in all of europe and the world, I haplogroup, along with G and some other almost extinct ones are the only native in europe
N is literally Uralic and never was native to europe, J2 is more european than N, not to mention that Finns have high asian admixture compared to the rest of europe
now gtfo out of my continent you subhuman manlet russian rapebaby
>Sardinians have the most WHG in all of europe and the world
Really depends on the definition of WHG here and whether we include WHG admixture in EHG, Anatolians, Natufians etc. Matter of fact remains that a Latvian is immensely more similar to a WHG than a Sardinian.
>blah blah blah
Sorry, more genetically similar to a WHG than you. Not that I care since Europe is just a peninsula of Eurasia anyway.
you all need to have sex
go back to asia, slanty eyed rat subhuman
WE are European.
>waaaah my ass is hurt :(
>t. looks identical to an asian or a slavo asian mix
>b-b-but you look a-asian
Even if I did, and I don't, you would still be a raghead refugee compared to a Latvian. There's nothing proto-European about you.
ironically every estonian i have ever met looked like a person from southern croatia
no, you are not european
yes, you are asian
You're delusional as expected. Balkan schizos can't handle reality.
>Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia
>literally denies genetics
go get your eyes fixed m8, i am guessing they're too slanty for you being able see anything
>ironically every estonian i have ever met looked like a person from southern croatia
Assuming that South Croatians don't look like Asians
I haven't denied anything. Finns have some genetics which trace back to ancient populations which we could consider Mongoloid. Very tiny part of the big picture, in which Finns are largely similar to Balts and retain more of the pre-Neolithic genetic variation.
Croatians on the other hand have far higher Anatolian farmer.
they look like the complete opposite of asians
188cm average in certain regions, completely different skull shape to asians, bigger noses and other stuff
>Croatians on the other hand have far higher Anatolian farmer.
not really, finns literally have 5-10% asian admixture, the most in europe, literally turk tier
Brits are about 40-50% Anatolian farmer so your map fails to capture the component.
Even Swedes have around 35-40%.
the blank area in croatia is also the tallest area in europe
poo in loo
indoniggers gtfo
>poo in loo
>indoniggers gtfo
Try to figure out at your own pace that farmers in the northern half of Europe were raped by Indo-Europeans
is this man the next step in evolution
No one is arguing against that you idiot. It doesn't the facts presented. Finns are more European than Croats, who are heavily Middle Eastern in origin.
yes, we're asian. we're from siberia. got a problem with that, wh*Toid?
No, it's an unfortunate step to the side
sounds like bullshit cope to me, go back to asia you actual chink
>literally russo swedish rape babies
It's pretty clear you can't accept the facts and will stick to your schizo ramblings
You could just start roleplaying a proto-Middle Easterner instead of a proto-European and you wouldn't so wrong
a proto middle easterner is still unironically more european than a finn though, go back to the urals
i will when r*ssia is finally balkanized :) the land of my ancestors :)
Why is this Pajeet so upset ?
Balkan schizos blame it on Finns they were ruled by Turks for 2000 years even though those hairy assed Mehmets are their genetic brothers not ours
Let him seethe on his own, brother.
We Finns liberated the Balkans from the Ottoman empire, but they won't show gratitude.
We Finns lead the world in quality of life and civilization, but they won't show gratitude.
We Finns spread our white genes to these dumb Indians, but they won't show gratitude.
Just let Indians seethe. That's all they can do.
Indians are rape-babies of Aryan steppe invaders, not the other way around....
nonsense, take your poo to the loo
>med, finn and germnigger
really makes you think
And the poos lose to the Finns yet again...
>liberated from the ottoman empire
but you are Ottoman empire , fucking fingol
Based proto European Basque swede man brother I'll gift you a bow and some arrows
tasty indopoo asshurt, well done op