1. Country
2. Are you an incel?
Other urls found in this thread:
1. The only country anybody ever talks about.
2. Yes I guess, but it's okay because my French celestial girlfriend loves me.
1. Australia
2. no though I am ugly and mildly autistic
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
I hope I get a celestial companion too
How did you do it, senpai?
low standards
i'm too autistic to meet ppl :/
I lowered my standards way a large margin and I still scared her away
1. flag
2. i have hot sex all the time with nice looking ladies if you know what i mean
I'm a bit creepy myself, and it sucks because I can't recognize it while I'm doing it
Does it count if I've never tried to get in a relationship?
no, you're a volcel
Living with gf, 3 years now. Going to propose once my mom dies.
1. Flag
2. Yes, 25 yo and counting
what happened?
Yes, i'm a turbo incel.
Doesn't that imply that you have options but just choose not to take them? How would I know I have options if I've never tried? Am I a pseudo-volcel incel?
1. Flag
2. No. It's really not that difficult to find willing sexual partners if you have basic social skills.
I never cared about sex, I just want to love and be loved
You're still a volcel because you chose not to try.
>basic social skills.
I don't
I want both sex and love
Same... But there's no love in this cursed life......
Nice question. I'm mentally broken. I have extreme levels of anxiety to the point where I start shaking. Two girls liked me back in school days but I rejected both and ran away from society. Now i'm a friendless lifeless freak with nothing going on. Just waiting to die.
You are Russian, there are heaps of girls there
Incel is not a thing. Only volcel. You're an "incel" because you never tried
1. Argentina.
2. No sir, I am not.
Russia has a shortage of young women, most are leaving Russia so Russian guys are screwed or rather Russia is screwed.
>You're still a volcel because you chose not to try.
Fair enough. There was a qt in high school who was always touchy with me, but I never reciprocated because she was friends with half the school and I didn't wanna get involved in her normie circle.
Must suck to be a slav
Argentina economy is so bad that every Argie gets fucked, so no incels in Argentina for sure.
Sounds like me.
Are you a NEET?
I have tried but I either creep people out or my anxiety forces me to back out
For fucks sake pedro your graph literally shows a female surplus from 1984 onwards
Wait a minute i might be mildly retarded
>I have tried but I either creep people out or my anxiety forces me to back out
Then you justt haven't tried enough times. You're a mentalcel if anxiety is your problem. Incels must be like 0.00001% of men. The ones that were born with rare weird looking syndromes etc
>not really
The key is to better improve your life and learn from mistakes. Also, girls fresh out of high school will date an older guy, regardless of your personality.
mentalcels are still incels
Correct, but I said young women. No one wants a 35+ Russian woman, not even Russian guys themselves.
They are just holes for dicks, not persons for true love.༼;´༎ຶ ༎ຶ༽
You can acquire them if you really want to. If you'd rather just wallow in your own misery that's fine too, but you'll get no more (You)s from me.
>Are you a NEET?
Yes. I had a job 6 years ago but it didn't last very long. Tried to do a TI course but couldn't connect with anybody so I quit. Now I accept I'm mentally broken and that there is no way out anymore.
I think only mentally broken people like me can end up as incels in Brazil. Even the most ugly and autistic guys I knew back from high school have gfs and children now, their gfs might not be even close to pretty, but they still found someone to have a family with, now I simply can't connect with anybody, my brain is like a defective piece of hardware, simply doesn't work.
Russian guys should leave too.
I want a Russian BF.
I'm technically not an incel because I've never tried to lose it, but I'm not sure if I could even if I made an effort. I have an inferiority complex and find it very difficult to connect with other people. My social skills are abysmal, and the very idea of holding a meaningful conversation with another person seems like a pipe dream at this point.
No, i actually lost mine with a friend
No, I'm a volcel. I have an e-boyfriend and I'm sving myself for him and him for me. I've had sex with w*men before
Gaah how do you get a bf?
I don't consider myself one. I dont blame women or others for not being able to have sex. I had plenty of chances but its hard for me to build emotions.
It just kind of happened. We have so much in common I was paranoid at first that he somehow e-stalked me and was just parroting my tastes lol.
The problem is we live on opposite ends of the country, we've been "together" for three years but we're dying to meet eachother
Am I am incel if I just gave up on relationships since I was like 13?
3 years? i'm jelly as fuck dude.
i'll never experience this :(
1.Rich coast
2. Yes. I already gave up the idea to have a gf, probably will go to a hooker in a couple of years
Yeah. I'm a sperg and pretty butthurt about it.
I don't know if that's good, the distance is dreadful and I have anxiety attacks because I think he might get tired of me because we never got to see eachother. Avoid internet relationships and find an actual boyfriend if you want to, go to events about stuff you really like, you'll likely find a cute homosex man for you as well :3
thx dude
Good luck
>all this brazil
Being an incel in Brazil must be like hating pasta in Italy.
Pretty much, yeah.
it sucks being alone
No. I've had gfs and hookups, last time I had sex was 1 month ago
I feel absolutely disgusted by it. Everyone goes through romance, its phases, its ups, its downs. The adolescent lovey dovey phase. The college phase where you fuck around. The phase where they're in a relationship they enjoy.
Not me. They don't want me. They turn their faces away from me. I am disgusting.
This all while they're fucking around, being passed around, and enjoying being passed around. When they're done they'll settle for me. I will be something to be settle for. I will put time and emotion and affection towards someone who will compare me to others she has been with. Others who were better. Others who were worse. I wasn't her choice. I was something she settled for.
I don't feel angry. I don't feel rage. I feel tired, and powerless. I feel like less of a man.
I'm not a virgin. I've had several different partners. Mostly 3 out of 10s. But I guess that's me. That's what I am.
No. Kissless hugless virgin though.
no, Jow Forums taught me how to stop being a soyboy icnel
I like Croatian boys
1 - uruguay
2 - don't know. can I get a non-meme definition for the word incel?
I like Germany.
Yeah that doesn't matter because I'm not your average croat. I'm your below average croat.
we're not as promiscuous as western countries
u gay?
Bisexual. Mostly like girls but I like traps and feminine boys.
i don't think i am, i just keep my mind on one girl which makes me automatically reject anybody who is interested in me
Šta reći stari? Teško je biti nizak u zemlji u kojoj su svi 185cm visoki high test alpha muškarci.
hah, ja sam puno visi od prosecnog hrvata, imam jednu zensku na umu pa odbijam sve ostalo
vec sam negde 5 zenskih odjebo u pola godine zbog nje
it does, I'm kinda just getting used to it and trying to accept it, however it still does get to me some days.
I've just come home from a trip to Croatia and all the guys were cute
has this dude moved out on his own yet? I quit watching his videos after I saw a video titled with something about asmr
haha jebi se
meni manjak visine oduzima samopouzdanje ne mozes vjerovati
nece me zenske ni pogledati, a nije da ne pazim na svoj izgled
izgledam realtivno fit, uredno se oblacim i kosu sredim itd ali jebiga doslovno sam u sjeni momaka poput tebe
Yeah because you're average croat boy is 185cm tall and high testosterone. We have some great genes however I got the short end of the stick in that case.
pics? how tall are you?
I've got friends that browse so no pics. I'm 175cm/5ft9
>I'm 175cm
znam brt, takva hirearhija po visini mi nema smisla
imam frenda 180 i nes koji ima iste probleme kao i ti
a ova visina koju imam me cini tuznijim zato sto svi u familiji me pitaju zasto nemam zenu a ja o njoj razmisljam
samo da nju imam, zivot bi mi potpun
Of course not
you're not a woman
:( I don't want to be cute. I've always wanted to be a big manly man but as I stopped growing I realized I'm fucked. Especially in school where everyone was bigger than me. What if one day I have to fight or defend someone? I can't. It sucks. Being under 180 you're barely even a man.
>takva hirearhija po visini mi nema smisla
Ima savršenog smisla. Žene vole muškarce, pogotovo one koji imaju izrašene muževne osobine poput velikih ruku, široka ramena i naravno visina. To je prirodno da to žele, instinktivno traže nekog snažnog tko ju može paziti i maziti i braniti po potrebi. Ne ljutim se ja na žene kao neki incel što me ne žele. To je njihovo pravo. Da sam na njihovom mjestu isto ne bi odabrao nekog inferiornog "muškarc"a poput sebe. Sjebano je što ne možeš birati kada se rodiš, i ako to roditelji još ne hrane pravlino i jednostavno si osuđen da ti život bude 10x teži. Da sam visok kao ti sigurno bi mi žene prilazile i muškarci me ne bi zajebavali. Čak i ok izgledam, a da sam viši taj izgled se automatki poboljša za 10 puta.
jebiga brate, nemogu zamislit kako bi mi bilo da nemam svoju visinu, a i ti vjerovatno imas prednosti koje ja nemam
odrastao sam u sjebanoj familiji punoj bolesti, rak koze deda i otac imali, sada kada jos ja nes dobijem bit ce savrseno
ova je za tebe
>odrastao sam u sjebanoj familiji punoj bolesti
samo da znaš moje bolesti i neke bolesti u mojoj obitelji. ima toliko toga da je stane u jedan post zbog character limita
3 puta sam skoro umro bez zajebancije. Svaki put je bio drugi zdravstveni razlog.
1. United States
2. No, have had a gf but I'm pretty sure I'm slightly on the spectrum though.
You male or female?
But in a mental state only, as long as you look decent and have no genuinely horrifying physical defects you'll land somebody eventually. Some girls dig the quiet, guy type and I'm not shitting you, that I know from experience
I'm a gay lefty Bavaryan.
jebiga, mogu ti rec da do sada nisam imao niti jednu ozbiljnu bolest
sve je to lutrija na kraju dana, i kada smo pod zemljom nece nista bit vazno
I know, it's just that I can't meet people. It gives me panic attacks
how tall r you?
Hello, I'm 175 cm and 59 kg.
>I know, it's just that I can't meet people. It gives me panic attacks
Why do I find this so cute
idk lol
See? Some people think that your personality is cute
>i kada smo pod zemljom nece nista bit vazno
pa nece ali ti si vjerojatno vise uzivao u zivotu jer se nisi morao ganjati cure jer su ti same prilazile, ljudi su bili pristojniji prema tebi itd.
Ne kažem da je meni sve nemoguće ali me smeta to što se moram toliko zajebavati dok se neki jednostavno rode bolji
well the fantasy is ruined
I'm borderline nazi. Not violent or too hateful but I endorse certain values.
>Hello, I'm 175 cm and 59 kg.
Damn same as me. You're a twink. I'm 84 kg. Not fat at all though. Post face?
I wouldn't mind a nice, caring natsoc bf
I know, but I would never have the courage to meet someone IRL
>Post face?
Nah, but have my penis instead