Rainy tuesday morning edition
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Why are teenagers so fucking hot? I remember being 15 and finding only the prettiest ones attractive, but the older I get the hotter teenagers get too, to the point where only hamplanets aren't attractive.
Apparently 40 yo men experience this with 20 year olds too...
Americans and their retarded puritan laws
teacher shouldn't have sex with their students
Why do you hate love?
you think a 40 year old man screwing a 12yo girl is fine because he loves her?
How would you feel if you were her father
Of course it's okay. Who cares about the father? Should you not screw your girlfriend because your mum dislikes her too, or what?
Sholmo is that you?
gas all poles
lel, Pepik BTFO
I can try to ignore it
But it's so fucking tiring how people 10 years younger than me (early teenagers), are more capable socially than me and pretty much in every way when it comes to living
I don't know what to do
Become a bona fide hermit, like me.
I'm pretty much a hermit but I don't like it and it feels like shit
I love people I'm just afraid and scared of them and don't know how to approach them or communicate
you gotta get out of your comfort zone and adapt to the world outside of your room
thank you captain obvious
then what the fuck do you want me to say
the only way to fix your social skills is to drink a potion made from ground up mole teeth!
I've noticed that all cigán kids nowadays are fat as fuck
>then what the fuck do you want me to say
some random, concrete life tips
wash white laundry separately, or it may get stained
Go to the gym.
are a bit too much polish food
>dance teacher with a 15 year old girl caught by step-father
Literal porno movie scenario
Imagine being that guy and calling the police instead of having a threesome
Oh my God what a failure of a man
this but unironically
>Go to the gym.
Came here to post this.
You are the chico de soja here.
I mean social stuff
>a 40 year old man screwing a 12yo girl
The articles you post are about attractive 20-something females having sex with horny late teenagers
Throwing them into a prison for several years for this is ridiculous
t. compensating beta
>about attractive 20-something females
because if they weren't attractive that would really change everything haha
Even if that was truth, it would be better than being a beta, knowing it, and not compensating it.
It isn't, because if I for example started trying to compensate, that'd be a pathetic sight.
Silence you fat fuck
We should chop you burgeoisie ass to pieces and feed the proletariat
It can't be more pathetic that what you are already, so no reason not to try.
There's nothing more hilariously pathetic than ugly manlets trying to be alpha.
>There's nothing more hilariously pathetic than ugly manlets trying to be alpha.
stop being so bitter and negative
Well, yes. I don't see a problem here.
If I'm a horny 15 year old and a hot female teacher wants to have sex with me, I'll be happy to comply. If an ugly, fat teacher wants to have sex with me, I sue her and hope she gets a sentence. Simple.
>manlet humor
Lose weight
Better than your brown shithole
You can say whatever but irl people laugh with me.
Richer than you Janusz.
God, Warsaw is so ugly.
There are people unironically living in this vill... I mean city?
15 year olds are pretty much adult so I don't see the problem either way
Imagine lifting even though you're an ugly manlet that no woman will ever love anyway lmao
stop being so bitter and negative
No it's not
Get out, Mykola
>Socrates said a thing, therefore that thing must be true
Literally not an argument.
Tbh these laws should be different depending on gender. Men's age of consent should be lower than women's.
When will you faggots learn to not give him attention?
It's a good reason to lift though.
Women's should be 9
Men's 12
Because women start puberty earlier. A 12 year old girl can have developed breasts, not to mention tons of pubic hair, while a boy her age won't even have undergone voice mutation yet
I'm not a pedo or an ephebophile or whatever, but 14+ "children" are perfectly capable of making their own decisions.
Then the thread would get boring and die. There must always be a marcel
other way round you mean?
girls go through puberty earlier than boys
Nah, after a certain degree of ugliness, any attempt to "improve" yourself (as if attaining strength you'll never use in practice actually improves you in some way) has diminishing returns.
Ignore Socrates and take the sentence alone.
Still make a lot of sense, men should strive to be the best version of themselves.
Ultimate red pill:
Age of consent is unnecessary
>but child molesters will get away with their crimes!!!
No they won't, there are still laws about sexual abuse that would apply here
Age of consent laws mostly exist to make the life easier for judges and prosecutors, because they can refer to age and be done with it
Look at this from father's perspective. You want your daughter to save her virginity for some who will actually take care of her instead of you and will be a useful son-in-law. At the same time, you want your son to score as early and as much as he can, so he will become a confident, sensible man who won't get swayed by the first thot he meets. Straight shota is the answer.
But having sex with older women is fine or in fact superior, while having sex with older men is creepy and disgusting.
>You want your daughter to save her virginity for some who will actually take care of her instead of you and will be a useful son-in-law
you're saying that as if women are were womanchildren retards who can't take care of themselves
Holy fuck I can’t believe someone as dumb as you can have such an enormous ego
Shut the fuck up
stop injecting your fetishes into it
>not lifting to overpower females and make them give you consent
Does anyone have that pic with Janusz Graf & the boys? I mean the one with a few random polack criminals in UK. That last lad is what I'm talking about, extremely ugly rapist
Good looking non-virgin > ugly or average virgin
Good looking virgin > both
name a better polish city
having sex with old hags who have wrinkles is cringe and repulsive
Shut the fuck up
t. actual pedo
You're saying that as if they weren't
>Still make a lot of sense
It doesn't, and I won't waste hundreds and thousands of hours doing something entirely useless just because Socrates said that I should see the beauty of a man's body or some dumb shit like that. If it'd help me get a girlfriend, then I'd lift. But since I won't ever get a girlfriend again, I won't even bother.
well this thread is off to a great start
sloneczko, lose weight
pedopole, don't fuck kids
Stop me yourself if you can
PS: you can't
and you can't either
Is there even a single good argument against commercially produced softcore CP such as it was available in Europe up until the late 70s or so and in Japan till the 90s in the form of magazines?
Women love strong, fit guys tho
And women hate short ugly guys no matter how fit they are, you even admitted so yourself.
Żbsz im większe miasto, tym bardziej myląca jest ta statystyka. Co z tego, że na obrzeżach metropolii jest kawałek lasu jak w centrum jest sam beton? I na odwrót, centrum może być ładne i zielone a wynik i tak będzie niższy, bo dajmy na to las jest we wsi obok tuż poza terenem miasta.
t. inny user
Have you considered becoming a priest?
How would that help?
that’s because Kraków is an actual city while warsaw is just an overgrown village
Because I'm very negative I say those things, but I know manlets with gfs.
Also, you aren't a manlet you are average height.
>wake up
>remember that I'm a low IQ subhuman
>day instantly ruined
Every time I see one of these demanding single moms posted here I instantly assume it's a Jow Forumsfalseflag
I see no other reasonable explanation
In touching kids? Probably a lot, you disgusting degenerate
w sumie racja powinni tylko dzielnic właściwych używać w zestawieniu
ale w krakowie jest faktycznie mało zieleni
Just wanted to post this.
But honestly I know a fat ugly 160 womanlet who openly told me and my friends that she wouldn't date a guy who's below 190, and some other examples of ugly women having entirely unrealistic standards. So I wouldn't be surprised if at least some of these demanding single moms turned out to be legit.
Villages have soul. Warsaw is not a village, it's one big corpo office space.
My slightly feminist female friend told me once it's men who expect other men to be tall and not women
being tall fucking sucks
and I'm not even that tall