/smg/ - Stock Market General

Here comes the FUD edition

Popular brokers for stock trading:

>Super cheap options commission

>Commission free and no minimum to open

Interactive Brokers
>Cheapest trading platform for Europeans, very good API, anal registration process. $0.005/share, $1 minimum. Lowest margin interest. Free API access

TD Ameritade
>$6.95 commission per trade. No minimum to open. Fantastic data/charting through their free ThinkorSwim service

Degiro (Cheap broker for Europeans)
>2nd cheapest platform for Europeans, they announced an increase of their commission fees. Very quick registration process

Instant news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth charts:

Premarket Data:

Earnings Report Calendars:

Biopharma Catalyst Calendar:

Pump and Dump Advertising:

S&P 500 VIX Futures (For SVXY/UVXY, higher is better for UVXY, lower is better for SVXY)

CNBC Live:
Fox Business Live:
Bloomberg Live:

Basic rundown on options:
youtube.com/watch?v=TBAQtjyqNHw [Open] [Open] [Open]
youtube.com/watch?v=SuTTzfa4ePE [Open] [Open] [Open]

Suggested books:

previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Link if anybody wants to read it

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Buy the SPY you dumb peons

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Just opened a small position in AMRS because I’m a poorfag. Really nice discount today.

please stop

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The younger and thinner the better

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please dont

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>comfy rolls out of bed at noon to give his virgin opinion

Kill all fats

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would give half my net worth for her slavery to me

Was NIO a good buy or is that money doomed?

god how repulsive must these 'tits' look out of a bra

really at some point why even bother, what support are you really needing for waht reason?

Kill all 3d

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This. HODL AMD, triple digits by next summer

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They think they bought the dip, dump it.

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The /dogsofdow/ are awaking after nap...pamp it again!

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Life doesn't get any better than having a fat girl sit on your face.


amd looks like a cyclical stock I would not hold that because history likes to repeat itself.


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Why is everyone suddenly talking about a recession today? Did something massive happen??

red candle obviously means 80% nasdaq crash incoming

no, large investors want to make money off of scaring people by selling articles that scare people

a correction is gong to happen again, but probably not for another year


Always do the opposite of what namefags say

Yeah, the market is going to crash before october 1st. Screen cap this.

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Its just Bagholder and Reluctant talking SHIT
Disregard all haters

looks like it bounced off my arbitrary memelines exactly as I predicted

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News outlets been screaming RECESSION since newest president was elected.
I want it to happen but,
>it isn't going to happen


Is anyone interested in LB for their slutty advertising and 8% div yield

Surely DRUMPF is finished this time!

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Rev up those pink wojaks because I am sure hungry for a market crash.

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LB is the next Sears you brainless nigger
They diont even entice new customers with their free pantie bra giveaways because they cant afford it

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I am not a homosexual.

I'm not even gonna touch stocks after getting raped by Crypto this whole year.
Blumpf is a raciss an AMD is gon 2 da moon yall

What’s with this post in every thread?

How do you feel about Canadian Banks vs American Banks?

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Probably Bi though


The other day I heard "I want AMD to go to $40 again"
If said person is ITT, hi

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I dont do the forex anymore but last year I remeber reading that Canada will raise rates

Anyway, American banks are obviously better and a guaranteed bullrun to 2021 because of interest rates and low valuations from the 2008 crash

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what recession
everything am fine
what you talking about
you crazy person

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Trying to get memed like a certain energy beverage

Was down -$200 on AMD, traded my way back to -$.80. I get this nagging suspicion if I keep trading, I'm going to widen that loss, put my week into negative potentially, and put a chair through my window.

it has a cute little robot assistance is a good buy.


Fucking MU making a comeback, let's see + $50 after ER on the 20th, daddy needs some fucking walking around money

>SAFM moon
guess it wasnt such a bad idea

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Who here bought the AMRS dip ?

AMRS-chan will soon return to $50 by 2020

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Anybody got sauce on this meme pic? Also, looking to drop 10k into s&p, should I just go for it or hope there's some sort of pullback?


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That is a bit optimistic
MIDTEENS™ is far more plausible
But I am smelling some short-term drawbacks because - once again - of the fucking chinks

Papa Melo is trying to make deal with these slily slant eye untrustworty bastards. My opinion is he is wasting his time and effort and will ever get paid.

Don’t DCA, just do it

They're trying to demonstrate to you an important concept of the market. They lose pretty much nothing by saying the collapse is right around the corner if they're wrong, but if they're right they'll sell a million+ copies of some stupid book they intend to write.

M8 didn't u have full-blown aids or some shit you're not kidding anyone

international jewry is buying stocks so they publish articles telling the dumb goyim to sell

I may be saying retarded and inaccurate things, but that is what I have understood of today's economy

Modern economic works on fiat money, more precisely debts created out of thin air
So the majority of money you see floating in the economy has been taken on margin (sort of)
So a recession means less economic transactions (less spendings/incomes), which means there is a high chance economic actors get margin called
And that is when a global selloff occurs

People mainly feel rich and spend (on margin) because their assets have a high valuation.

Don't get the wrong idea I am against this system. These are the rules so you either accept them of gtfo. Besides, I believe this high leveraged system is what get shits and progress done quickly, compared to before (notably the gold backed currency meme)

I'm not your mate fag.

all that institutional ownership is albertson's and the take over deal evaporated. i was in for the bezos, but they'll kill it b4 they let him have it.u think they'll offer a better deal than $2/share?

You mate with fags

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Sell your SPY, its gonna be a SOUR hour.


btw, whatever happened to B5G?

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big sells comin in all of a sudden desu

he lost his money, his girl, got AIDS from a Mexican tranny and still posts under the trip Planes

I'm trying to save you some shekels.

everybody post your long term holding retirement portfolios

I wonder how many people are spread across some blue chips vs how many people are all in on 2 or 3 total ETFs, returns should be about the same either way ?

Just buy BUD
as long as it doesnt closes lower today, its higher highs
Buy the up trend

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Actually, thats none of your business

SPY, V, GD that's all. My only portfolio is my retirement. I'm 40% cash. Returns YTD are 1.8%, got completely justed all summer in a biotech washout and tesla.

>loaded up on Jan 18 AMD calls yesterday

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Try Blackrock and Vanguard. No more spoon-feeding.

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TLRY is going to be FNKO next week.

Buy Blackrock and IShares ETFs

I'm a clueless wagecuck with $20,000 in life savings. What do I invest in?

nlst to moon





Nah, bruh. I don't fuck with that shit. Also
>The point
>Your head

buy silver, when this thing pops your silver will be as good as gold

unironically AAPL

I wasnt really replying to you
I was shilling Blackrock
Buy Blackrock and Ishares ETFs

You invest in not coming to this general

This unironically

80% into s&p500. with the other 20% you can consider being a degenerate gambler. On that note, what's the best s&p500 ETF for a canuck to invest in? I'm debating between VFV or convert to USD for 1% charge and buy VOO.

Holy shit, SAFM is mooning right now
Do I deserve catching the bottom
Thankgiving is coming up
Holy shit

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Will canopy rivers be listed on RH, or should I move some funds over to my TD account?

Bond yield hasn’t inverted yet so there likely won’t be a crash

3/3 impulse up

Is Jow Forums becoming a stock market board?