Can you guys bizpill me on Tron?

Can you guys bizpill me on Tron?

My friend got rich in crypto last year and told me to get Tron. He has over 5MM and says it's going to hit close to a dollar within a year or so.

I currently own ETH, LTC, and NEO, but I don't check it very often because I don't have enough time to keep up with crypto. Probably have about $2000 in crypto right now, should I go all in on tron?

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bump plz

crypto is doomed

get out with your 2000$ before it turn to 0


Not sure if bait so I'm gonna be brief, one of few cryptos with actual applications (soon). The bittorent acquisition was a major flag for the legitimacy of the project, where trx (or trc20, not sure myself still) will be used to reward seeders and required from downloaders for certain content.

Have a look into tronchat too, few other interesting dapps in developing too, with point of trxs Blockchain being a upgraded Eth, orders of magnitude higher TPS and free transaction (within a limit), you get free bandwidth from owning TRX, the bandwidth then used for dapps and transactions

They are aiming for a huger userbase, that's why the supply is so high, they only need 100M users (I know I said 'only') each holding 1k tokens to exhuast the supply, and that's including what's locked up by the team

He's retarded.
Also LINK.

Sc what I said, are you waiting for 5k btc too. I've been accumulating in 1.9-3ยข range as I get fiat (3rd year aerospace engineering student)

0.5 is the ceiling, sell at 0.45

>t. user who literally sold the top and already bought back in at 0.03

May I ask out of interest how much you hold and if you bothered to vote for SR. 300k here and no

109,110 also no

>Chose that number for Messerschmitt bf109 and ME110

Ascend fren, let go of the stinkiest of linkys that anchor you down. Give in to the chink side

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your friend is a retard who got lucky

This Tron general thread now

Elaborate chink marketing scam. Justin Sun may actually be able to buy his way into adoption though.

>Hype man hypes

>Ridiculous size user base from Peiwo and BitTorrent

>Genuinely novel vision that if successful will see widespread adoption in which the token actually has utility

I bet you knew about BTC in 2010 and didn't buy any, rite?

Pic related

Attached: IMG_20180707_094211.jpg (750x1334, 86K)

One day tron cryptocurrecy will be worth $10,000 a coin

Attached: tron.jpg (399x399, 33K)

> Thot Catalogue

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this cryptonig is so much more funny after that tweet.

based on this unintelligent response you gave I'm not going to answer your question

More power to you, homie. This shitcoin already mooned and dumped, leaving thousands of desperate bagholders in it's wake, just waiting to get out the second they break even. I am not touching it.

Meant for you, bae

>can you please elaborate?


>I'm ready for you Mr. Nice guy!
>The guy is 6"2, makes 100k, white, jacked as fuark, and has done part time modeling for a&e

even when they're settling they're fucking delusional

>I will show you what you're like at you're best.
>at you're best
filthy illiterate roastie

Justin Sun got connections to really wealthy ppl that are invested into Tron. You are dumb if you don't believe Sun will turn Tron into top 5

why respond to this idiot. Its a subtle shill thread. Incase your serious stay away from tron OP.
