There are literal 180cm 12 year olds in Germany

There are literal 180cm 12 year olds in Germany

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>tfw 5'8
Just kill me

I'm 182 cm. Will I be mocked for my height? (I'm not white)

Dont feel sad bro, most men in the history of humanity die alone without ever breeding

their ballsack is like punching bag for me

im 167cm tall

king of manlets

>most men in the history of humanity die alone without ever breeding
Lmao where the fuck do you get this

my cousin is that age and he's 6'2"

15 years old Belarus president's son

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I can't find it now, but I remember reading somewhere that about 40% of all men will never have children.

imagine not being the optimal male height (6'2")

easier to trip because higher center of mass

>i was 178 cm at 13
>i'm 183 cm now, at 20
puberty is really f-fascinating

nice source

I just can't find it

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random posts on r9k are not a source

do the Italians cower at your towering physique?

The average kid in my in high school was about 180cm or taller, while I was still 176.

Being 180 cm tall here is considered gigantism.

not really, the average here is 177cm but i've noticed that zoomers are getting taller and taller with time

>mfw 165cm
What kind of past life did I have to deserve this?

I'm only 183 6ft).

I'm 171 :)

187 here

massive pain behind that "smile" bloke

Imagine unironically being obsessed with your height
Something you had no control over
Lmaoing at you pathetic niggers rn tbqh

Saw a girl at the shopping centre yesterday (about 178cm) stopped her and told her I thought she was cute ...turns out she was 14

Don't blame me, blame society desu

i looked it up with the following two statements.
>what percentage of men are childless
>what percentage of women are childless

Google could only give me the female answer but duckduckgo helped me find a Norwegian statistic related to the male side of the issue. A quarter of all Norwegian men past 45 are childless.

With women the stats was from the us and articulated like this
>The proportion of childlessness among women aged 40-44 was 10% in 1976, reached a high of 20% in 2005, then declined to 15% in 2014.

In short, we don't know the current statistics as you need to die first. But the trend is undeniable, its going towards a divided society where over 30% will be childless. A significant higher percentage of men will be childless.

There is spermbanks, so most of the women fall under voluntary childlessness anyway.

But you incels better not get petty because of this

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>only 186cm
even girls are taller than me

Perfect height for not feeling cramped on an airplane.

Hmm yes I see

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my sister is taller than you

same height
maybe we should fuse to become a normal sized person

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this 13 years old frog is 218

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I'm of a pretty mediocre height but I could not give less of a fuck if I tried desu. Never understood why user gets so wound up about it.

Because we have been bullied for it

it's only bad if you're noticeably much shorter than average
for example, 178 is mediocre, but not too out of the average range, but if you're 168 then it's something people will harp on

face>height BIG TIME


Good thing i got a nice face and 190cm to work with.

yeah right you ugly virgin

Hooe you've learned how to banter back instead of falling into an autistic rage every time someone makes fun of your manlet-ish-ness

No I would just run away

germans also start balding at 12

Lost that to a boy when i was 10, girl virginity when i was 15.

Ive had a lot of weird sex

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Most Germans never bald

Larp on

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this doesn't cover the men who are childless voluntary either, sex doesn't have to equal child

>so deprived of sex he thinks a classical youth is larp

I was almost raped by a 16 girl when i was 11 too.

>yes people normally have sex at 10
Sorry you were abused user, have you seeked professional help?

163cm, can still get a qt jp gf?

I know, these statistics have plenty of variables that makes it something you need to study to get a realistic understanding.

>mortality rate among men
>fertility rates

your peninsula needs Jesus

t. SureƱo

It was curiosity, no adult was ever present. Not abuse, unless i was brainwashed by some secret cult.

If it helps, i haven't had sex for 4+ years. Haven't even tried once in that time. Plenty of opportunities but my sex drive is close to dead. Too much hassle desu

>194cm and handsome
>slightly overweight
I just need to get in shape

Sorry for what happened to you user. No wonder you had so many weird experiences after. That damaged you on a fundamental level happening to you in childhood. Statutory rape is fucked up.

I might be slightly fucked up but not milo tier. Im fine desu

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>Events from 8000 ago
He was talking about the present day

8000 ago doesn't tell us either,there was endless wars back then and the general peasent was malnourished/can't do shit unlike now

no, he didn't
>most men in the history of humanity

do you subhuman really hit puberty that early? makes sense