24 hrs. quack quack

sorry gents, I would have said sooner if I could have.
t.landlord link

Attached: Untitled1.jpg (1122x937, 212K)

Other urls found in this thread:



met je lelijke pauperbak

Marmalade Mammaries Marvel Mavelovently

who dis
and wai

kankermogool, het is een engelsman

ga holo kopen loser

Ok, I need a quick rundown, a lot of larpers lately and I can't keep track of all of them. Who is OP?

landlord link

owned of 2mil link

told us about the connection to landownership moving to blockchain in england.

said manipulation would stop in a couple of days..; less then 24 hours aperently.

also daddyo can you please give us some hint what i going to happen, huge pump or something significant?

Thank you. I remember him, let's see what happens tomorrow

These are exciting times to be a link holder. Enlighten us landlord link.

Thanks for including me in the screencap. Fucking ranjids thinking they can suck up to real people by being into cars.

Fuck larps, fuck insiders, fuck partnerships, fuck simplified main net. I just want it to be 2020 where I'm connecting data feeds to blockchains with my bare hands in a VR simulated onsen.

it's true. i know some people were talking about real estate transactions being tested with chainlink. dead serious lol, when i heard that i sent 100ETH to binance and started buying more LINK


who was talking about it?

shoo shoo

people who would profit from real estate ownership being conducted on the blockchain. professionals in the industry. would be bad if i said more. trust in LINK. you'll remember posts like mine

Where do you discuss your link research outside of Jow Forums?
t.quarter-mil link holder since ICO

Attached: 1515098048013.jpg (600x622, 161K)


>Jason Rozovsky will walk through a private, >permissioned blockchain platform
>built by R3, called ‘Corda.’ Jason will explain >the origin of Corda, the difference between >Corda
>and other blockchain platforms such as >Ethereum, and how agreements are >represented on
>Corda. In addition, Jason will discuss the >specifics of how transactions (and smart legal
>contracts) are executed on Corda. He will >describe a project executed by R3, two >banks, and the
>Financial Conduct Authority in the UK, called >‘Project Maison,’ focusing on regulatory
>reporting and the specifics of the ‘Project >Maison’ prototype.

“An oracle, in the context of blockchains and smart contracts, is an agent that finds and
verifies real-world occurrences and submits this information to a blockchain to be used
by smart contracts.
Smart contracts contain value and only unlock that value if certain predefined conditions
are met. When a particular value is reached, the smart contract changes its state and
executes the programmatically predefined algorithms, automatically triggering an event
on the blockchain.
The primary task of oracles is to provide these values to the smart contract in a secure
and trusted manner.”

Go to r/LinkTrader, Ctrl + F 'discord', click.

It's a discord created by Fergly (r/LinkTrader creator), use the channel #muh_dots for research

Can someone give me a rundown on who this guy is and why people are listening to him

The scenes when Chainlink is not the oracle

I'm so sorry I can't disclose that, I'll give most of you the credit for understanding why that is, but I can say it's definitely not

Are you in any way connected with the puzzle larper? Or do you know what this would mean:

er ds nk le

You would actually be surprised by the level of professionalism and understanding that there is inside that discord. It's the only community I really take seriously.

So much vague shit about this project.. probably mostly larp giving ppl false hope.

When $1k?


Ik begrijp gewoon niet wat je zo fijn vindt aan in je bek gescheten te worden

there we go again
I solved the puzzle back then and I will solve ops puzzle for everyone, thank me later
This is what you get when you put all the clues together

Is that English?

Indeed, thank you user. Op is probably astro fag, saging this

This dude is real
What happens in 24 hours? No manipulation?

The question is, if manipulation ceases, what will happen? Is manipulation keeping the price up or down?

Down surely...

Can a mod ban everyone itt thx

Voor $1000 EOY dan zoiezo vooral door koning Sir Gay

Attached: 634D8AC7-00DD-4A41-9177-026FABE1D021.jpg (1280x853, 649K)

lol up of course.

Of course.

Oh wait i mean the price will go up if manipulation ceases haha.

Here's a little riddle for you, user, seeing as you are so cool and helpful.
What is
>an aromatic plant whose greyish-green leaves are used as a culinary herb, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean


Not land lord link, but the answer is Basil. Now give up the info.

What do you have to lose? Just give us one hint and you can be king larper tomorrow
If you don't, you're just bullshitting us

he's edging you like a gullible loser.
Thin of the entire time you've been in crypto, how many larps, and muh dots have you seen and how many of them translated into your own financial gain? 0? I thought so.
Mainnet is far away and partnerships with no real utility don't mean shit in crypto nowadays. The days of shit like ripple pumping like crazy just for being associated with some banks are over. No utility and real demand - no money for the holders.
Instead of falling for larps and hopium better focus on other things in life, no one is gonna take your links from your wallet in the meantime

this is the worst larper of all time...how are you guys even giving this guy time of day? get a trip op so i can filter your threads

>greyish green
Where you getting your basil from m8

big walls fall without the support of even the smallest bricks.

the ducks are aligned.

it's what you make of it now gents.

sell walls will disappear
finish your accumulation

>big walls fall without the support of even the smallest bricks.
>the ducks are aligned.

So the price manipulation of Link will fall and the plan will be set in motion?
Well we'll see. How late UK time can we expect you tommorrow?

no-one wants to be the last one to finish.

Shut the fuck up idiot
LMAO at these cck wannabes

Well fuck, I'm all in allready, but get will get paid on the 24th.
Thanks based larper. Was in your thread yesterday, you seem like a decent guy.

Verify that you're landlord link with a transaction or something and I'll buy some more link right now.

Mods confirmed for onions s-o-y 100%

Attached: The_truth....jpg (3027x1702, 1.05M)

no problem.

I've got an extra $15k sitting in Coinbase, just waiting for any excuse to buy more link with it.


Attached: 1524805798081.gif (219x186, 1.76M)

what do you suggest?

Just buy the fucking link.
Store safely in a hardware wallet.

Seems easy enough

Just move a small amount from your 2M wallet or something.

You already said that, that's not any kind of hint about a possible announcement tomorrow
"Hurr the price will go up guys"
So no concrete hint = Bullshit
Stop wasting everyone's time

why would I keep 2M @ 1 address? you'd see several from smaller wallets perhaps. but I don't feel like jumping through hoops tonight.
I gave up that a long time ago.
you all believe in link, so put your spuds on the plate.

I already have 150k link in cold storage but since someone with 2M and possibly insider connections thinks it's gonna move tomorrow, well, I'd be willing to grab another 10-20k to trade.

We'll likely slowly grow leading up to dreamforce anyway with or without OP's info and then pump or dump depending on news or lack of.

whats the address?

>hey you guys I'm important pay attention to me
>prove it
>I don't feel like jumping through hoops tonight

Attached: wearypepe.jpg (600x600, 37K)

Fair enough, I wasn't in your original thread but I had just assumed you already verified your 2M there since that was claimed in this thread.

Have a good night OP, hope you're legit.

quack quack all in LINK quack quack

Kek. He gave us UK land registry move to blockchain approx a day before it happened.

C'mon that's pretty fuckin random and specific.
I'm with you landlord.

That doesn't have anything to do with Link for now

AssBlaster gave as pretty precise dates on link pumps too, doesn't mean we are rich now

OP is a faggot


You associated with a company called "land trader"?

bump - great thread.

UK linkies are the best.

nice one link landlord

Attached: are-you-ready.jpg (1383x746, 93K)

It's sage you fucking idiots. Can you be any more of a newfag?

Did you make that yourself? For what purpose?
And what did you mean by this?

come on newfag, keep up

no I agree I think it's thyme.
See the joke is when you say it outloud it sounds identical to "time"

He didn't make it. He found it in the company sharedrive. It was most likely made by a NSA grade AI.
Yes, chainlink is professionally shilled. It's pretty obvious when you connect the dots for yourself (instead of floating on the current). Don't worry though, it's a good thing.
This isn't you typical PnD paid-shilling. This is Sergey realizing that the product only works if people like us also run nodes and don't sell regardless of price. If we sold sub $1k, we would be selling straight to SWIFT and DOCU, etc. The network would be too incestuous to be valuable. So he spent some of his $32MM to build solid memes and get gets. He needs us to be strong.

I'm not questioning that landlord is an insider, just questioning if landlord is OP

can someone link me to archived threads relevant to this one

haven't been on biz in a couple days dunno whats going on


officially fake and gay

Seconding this

>not being on Jow Forums 24/7
not gonna make it

Nvm, found it