Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-14 at 21.17.15.png (1912x1198, 955K)

Bob still goes to prison for years and gets raped by Jamal and Tyrone.

Who's the real loser?

who even made this image? it's literally zero quality bait

Attached: ANNPC2.png (964x632, 224K)

It was originally from r/latestagecapitalism I believe before it got memed around here late last year.

>thinking bob got caught

Attached: 1463067735415.webm (640x266, 655K)

Whoever said his name was actually bob..

Attached: 1533145920788.gif (695x392, 2.24M)

Attached: 1535075065573.jpg (500x333, 42K)

now put cozy pepe on bob


Attached: 1535672796031.png (474x443, 442K)


Getting used by bbc sounds pretty good to me

I mean we have his name and face. Shouldn't be too hard to find him.

Ann does it for free, at least Bob is rich.

Attached: annbob.png (1019x640, 62K)

>implying you could mine BTC in 2012 without a top GPU

Attached: NIGGER.jpg (1651x719, 226K)

Bob mentality is what will get you rich. All of you fags chasing pumps will be eternally raped by the bear. Near everyone who made millions off Bitcoin either got lucky, or held through ups and lows because they thought it was cool shit

What the hell did Ann spend all her money on? Assuming you're in America, haven't racked up debt in college, don't have kids, and aren't living in a place where the cost of living is six figures, I can't understand have you could have literally zero savings.

Does she break a limb every year? Spend it all on shoes?

Attached: 1480244768569.jpg (1280x1438, 96K)

>pick the best option
>buy it
>hold it
>get rich
>tfw the best option is XRP
>tfw when it's the global standard
>tfw i have no face


stfu brainlet... dyor


Attached: Sergey Nazarov ChainLink.png (591x730, 34K)


>Working hard
>No savings
It's your own fault ann, you dymb bitch.

Maybe Ann should have bought some crypto isntead of wagecucking for the jej.

Now this is the first gud NPC meme

There is nothing wrong about lolis

Attached: loli.jpg (1280x800, 391K)

make more

T. BBC reciever

Attached: BOB.png (1147x645, 194K)

Hell yeah dude


Pretty good.

quality content