How often do you eat meat?

How often do you eat meat?

I'm Uruguayan (t. holidayfag) and I eat red meat once or twice a day. I thought this was normal.

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Once a day, usually chicken or fish.

About every other day. My gf is a vegetarian.

t. burger on holiday

I'm more of a chicken strips and potato wedges kind of nikka

I eat meatballs today

Fish is based as fuck but pork is better, whiter, and more based than chicken.

Four times a week.
I'm a poorfag, shit meat taste awful and by buying shit you're supporting bad practices.


Is there a link to the top 10?

otra lista en la que no figuro
>How often do you eat meat?
every odd day but mostly minced meat
beef cuts got expensive

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I ate gnocchi with bolognese sauce today.

I used to eat red meat pretty much every day. Now just once or twice and my digestion issues went away, Never realized that Fish is much cheaper too than beef and even pork


legitimately basically every single meal

haven't eaten meat since i was 10

Only time I really eat pork is bacon. All my favorite meat meals are chicken and fish.

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Probably average around 500g of meat everyday. Mostly chicken.

The most common type are potato ones, but I had "tricolor" ñoquis: potato, pumpkin and spinach ones.

Honestly, any bovine meat aside from picanha and tenderloin is meh
I'd rather eat pork or chicken
Fuck ribs. Specially US style ribs. It tastes like candy

I probably eat about 40% beef, 20% chicken, 20% lamb, 10% kangaroo, 10% fish/prawns

I like it. Potato are the only kind I've had but that sounds really good.

i hate pork

how cheap is turkey in your state?
When I was bumming in Massachusetts I was gladly surprised by how cheap the thanksgiving chicken was, down here turkey is an only-once-a-year meal as it's expensive as caviar

almost daily

Why do you hate yourself

i don't like draw meat

>Fuck ribs.
Fuck you.


I couldn't tell you, only time I ever eat turkey is Thanksgiving.

Damn, nigga. Turkey doesn't ever cost very much here afaik. I never thought the meat was anything special myself.

Like 6 days a week (beef, pork, chicken, fish and seafood in general)


anyone have a good tuna sandwich recipe?

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1-2 times a day but it's a mixture of chicken, turkey, lamb, or pork usually. Beef for hamburgers or roasts.

every day, though on the weekends I tend to eat fish since that's when my father and I go to our local market
just now I ate some empanadas from yesterday since 18 is approaching and all that

All of them are short countries.... Males you think

make scrambled white eggs with spinach and tune and put it in the microwave, put it in a baguette and put grated carrots, lettuce, jicama and cucumber, add hot sauce

enjoy senpai


Salmon every evening, I decided to stop eating red meat unless I'm really drunk.

There are so many turkeys in massachusetts. If you live in a suburban area you see entire flocks of them just wandering around.

that unironically sounds delicious, thanks mexibro

Fish is more expensive here in California, I specially like red tuna and swordfish.

Every meal. A meal without some sort of dead animal isn't a real meal

honestly don't know how else people do it
bread is unfilling on its own. I'm not a child so i don't eat cereal.
I'm not a rabbit

Meat at least once a day, we normally eat it in fillets

A few times a week