average woman in america
just end us
average woman in america
just end us
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white woman are a lost cause user, it's time you realize the glory of hispanic women
>tfw 5'8
why do I even try
white woman are a lost cause user, it's time you realize the glory of robotic women
Are your girls actually obsessed with height or is it just some loud internet minority? I see 5'7 chicks dating turbomanlets fucking everywhere here and I wonder if its the same in first world countries.
loud internet minority, women generally don't care unless you're like 5'1
It's a first world thing and a result of feminism. Women don't have to have a man to survive so they choose them based on superficial traits.
they are so entertained by this 6'0 joke
I wonder if people actually get offended by this. I wonder if incels are driven even more nuts since they'r so paranoid they lost the ability to tell what internet trolling is anymore
its just a meme. like a picture you like and press 'like'. it has nothing more to it. it could also be propaganda. but i wouldnt know.
i'm 6'2 i think and it doesnt mean anything because i'm tall as shit and most women are short. but, i wouldnt want to marry a tall woman.
ive only met like one tall women in my life.
i dont know whats going to happen to me.
Taller men get paid more, are more likely to be in leadership positions and have a clear dating advantage
its straight discrimination that is never discussed
>woman gets notice of some Jow Forums meme (through reddit/twitter of course)
>never shuts up about it
This so much
>the 5'11
What should I do? Wear elevator shoes? Walk on my tip toes?
>there are people who are having sex regularly
It blows my mind
>mfw 5'4
You can be 5'9 and that tiny woman will think you're 6 feet.
yeah, me
i see what youre saying but slightly disagree, i dont think theres a lot of preference for height. people will choose the better looking person any day.
reminder we cure manletism years ago
the only ones who don't see a preference for height are the tall. no different from the ones who see no different in treatment between pretty and ugly
I mean, ask any girl who hit the wall. Suddenly their facebook is so empty and her posts don't get as many likes as before. Makes it seem like people never truly cared about their opinions as they once did
im guessing he got surgery to increase his height? thats messed up. like he must be very insecure to do such a thing.
kek that destroys your natural proportions and you end up looking like a freak, better off being a manlet
>tfw 6'4
ok thats an example full of bitter rage im sensing. but, i mean to say its not like theres a huge disparity between tall and short because theres much more to view. its not like pretty and ugly where its obvious.
women are weak. they want an armoire by their side. even here in my country's history there are accounts of euros thinking better of tribes because they were taller
simple as
there's a research done by an english man, even here in latin lands, and his conclusion is no matter how tall (or short) the average population is, preference towards manlets is never a thing.
thats fucking funny shit. op is a manlet lel
>tfw 5'10 manlet but people say im tall
maybe living in the third world isn't so bad
Height is a plus, but height isn't really a problem as long as the girl isn't taller than you.
>costly surgery with excruciating recovery
>can't walk for weeks to months
>after your limbs are healed from being intentionally broken...
>you're still a manlet
manlets BTFO
also pic related, enjoy not being able to play sports
Manlets jumping out of windows as I type.
His femurs look so short now... he may look very weird when he walks
venite a mexico. yo mido 185 y soy de por lejos el mas alto en cualquier lugar al que voy
fui a un festival y parecia un titan entre los mexas todos petisos
Dumb cunt probably can't measure the difference
Honestly I envy people who are able to feel actively insecure about their height. It means you either have the rest of your life in order or are just blissfully ignorant of the rest of the things that are bad about you. I'm 5'8" and it sucks but it's like not even like the 10th most thing I feel insecure about so it doesn't even register to me on an every day.
Ur body is a temole and you shouldn't share with someone heavier than 80kg.
Lol no it's not, his life just got 100% better desu
Fair point. I have literally everything else going for me as far as genetics and privilege is concerned, but im 5'7 so it means i will never attract a women based on height alone, and im rather chuffed about it.
lol, I'm the same height, and boomers often tell me how I've grown quite tall and I'm generally around the average height for most people in the country while standing above some others
I'm 5'6 and not only was never discriminated for my height but have multiple encounters with women taller than me.
This is a gringo only problem, stop hanging with gringos
that thot is hispanic lol
just realised that chuffed meant something that i didn't mean, i meant 'displeased'
you meant chafed.
LOL Roastlets don't deserve tall men. What towering Alpha male wants to risk producing manlet sons with some entitled goblin? Sounds like this short stack want to upgrade her shit genes.
I had an uncle who was a 5'6 manlet who has an ex wife who was taller than him and a new wife who is also taller than him. Height doesn't mean as much if you don't act like a spineless faggot about it. To be fair though, it amazed us that he was the one cheating on his first wife and not the other way around because she was much better looking than him and even after they divorced she never remarried because she kept wanting him to come back.
Im 6ft 4 but still an incel so whatever that means.
I'm 173 cm and I've never had problems with women
height discrimination is a Germanic and Anglo thing
I'm 191 cm and I've never had problems with women or any other interaction with them
It's a shit test
How much cocaine you consume every day?
Yes dude, non-metric users are cancer, can't agree more bro, I feel ya.
there are only guidelines for dating guys without money. if they have money then all previously stated rules are void.
I'm 6'3 and every girl I've been with has cited it as an attractive feature
>tfw have a thing for short girls
The uglier the girl is, the more loud she'll be about height and dick. She's just signalling her social status to other women rather than to men. The same way the smallest manlet in a gang of niggers will always be the loudest, most boisterous and most aggressive. It's a very common thing for highly social people who are on the uglier side. It just happens that more ugly women are extroverts than ugly men, because pussy pass.
You sound short.
I'm the shortest in my family, and it suck. 5'10, not a single one of my male relatives is under 6'1. That doesn't change what I said.
Knew it.
this is based though manlets couldn't exist
I've been for years mate, so I don't see what this proves on your end. I don't live in the Netherlands here, so I don't have to have to worry about people towering over me aside from my own family that is.
You do realize it takes two to tango, right? All the manlet genes are being passed on through the female side, because there's no sexual selection against women in that regard.
but also : All women prefer a man taller than them, not necessarily 182 cm+, but taller.
It's like for men : we like firm boobs and a nice round ass and we'll say it, but in the end, we'll fuck with women who don't always meet that criteria because there's more to just that.
holy shit lmao, bet the doc performing the procedure was a 6'3" gigachad
God always had a great sense of humour.
Based but a bit too soft. Imo we should genocide manlets. Put them all in manlet pits then fill them up with concrete.
The only girls I've heard say that IRL are 5'9"-5'10" and don't want to date a guy they'd be taller than in heels.