does this scare any americans?
Teenage boy 'goes blind after living off junk food diet
He was British
I have nothing to worry about. I put lettuce, onion and tomato on every burger.
they need to ban sugar and reduce sodium. its killing their genes. people of america will all soon be fat fucking pigs. everybody will require go carts..
He was British
What exactly caused him to go blind? Which condition, which element in junk food causes it?
Fat people are the reason why Jow Forums has body dismorphia because they will never arm mog a fatty.
No 'cause I'm not blind. Wonder if there was an underlying genetic problem or something, no way he's the only American with this bad a diet.
lack of every nutrient necessary for a living organism
Extreme keto. Real madlad.
>Doctors discovered low vitamin B12 levels and anemia, treating the patient with vitamin B12 injections and offering dietary advice.
>His vision had worsened to the point of blindness by 17 years of age, and doctors identified vitamin B12 deficiency, low copper and selenium levels, a high zinc level, reduced vitamin D level and bone level density, according to a statement from the University of Bristol.
Kid had shitty fucking parents that listened to him go "no veggies" and said "sure!". Had eaten nothing bug white bread, crisps, chips and the occasional bit of ham since primary school.
here's a better read
>Doctors carried out tests and found all of his vitamin and mineral levels were dangerously low.
>They initially thought he might have a rare condition called Leber’s disease, which is a hereditary optic nerve disorder that causes vision loss.
>But tests came back clear leaving medics to put it down to lack of nutrition in his diet. It comes after it was revealed a boy from Bristol went legally blind at the age of 17 after eating only sausages, chips, Pringles, white bread and processed ham.
Thank you for your service
Why do people eat processed meat? It's not even that much cheaper than the real deal
Can't go wrong with some sausage and potato gratin every now and again.
Woah goyim! Those demands are a bit extreme do you think?
the consistency of his shits must've been awful
Nah. Gut fauna adjusts based on what you eat. His was probably so specialized to starch and processed red meat that literally anything fresh he ate would have gave him the shits
if I drink some coke after 5 months without soda will I get sick?
well true dat
can't believe he was from bristol that story has poorthern shithole written all over it
heck yeah brother
>banning things solves shit
ok leafposter
fuck yeah, they could at least made him take vitamins
Vitamin B12 deficiency.
This response will never make me not kek
Can I go blind if I eat almost nothing other than jerky, raw fish and sweets? That is like 95% of my diet, but I don't want to end up like this guy.
I eat berries sometimes if that helps, but I don't eat vegetables.
fish has many nutrients, but why are you eating it raw?
Don't you eat spinach or brusselsprouts?
>burger buns and chips
Well, okay then.
I don't really like cooked fish, but I like the taste and texture of raw salmon and tuna. I actually thought I hated fish for a long time, then one time I tried sushi and loved it, and now I just buy the salmon and tuna to eat by itself
No, I dislike vegetables, and those are two of the vegetables I dislike the most
nigga ur weird
you probably have a few pounds of worms living in your digestive tract and maybe brain lol