>oh, you're from the 2020 census
>my race?
>white of course
Oh, you're from the 2020 census
>remakes the same thread but in english for a wider audience
as a statistics autist, I really hope politics doesn't fuck up muh census. I NEED those 2020 numbers
>he's been browsing Jow Forums for 5 hours
my sides
just subtract hispanic whites from the white percentage and there you go
the only thing politics will get in the way of is legal vs illegal immigrants
hispanics are r1b mestizos/quapas (amerinds are only 60% mongoloid) who speak a european language & practice a european religion, how are they not white?
Mexicans are Aztecs and don't have any European ancestors
if i have a kid with an african he'll be my haplogroup
idk what that means
>amerinds are only 60% mongoloid
they're 100%. what are you talking about?
>who speak a european language
speak an indian-european language
>practice a european religion
lmao Catholicism is a vulgar form of christianity from the middle east
>european is the same as white in the mutt mindset
You'll never be pure white, amerimutt.
>if i have a kid with an african he'll be my haplogroup
he will be more culturally white tho because children tend to adopt the culture of their fathers over their mothers
>idk what that means
it means you are more than 50% non mongoloid, a euro white leaning hapa
>they're 100%. what are you talking about?
amerindians have more caucasian noses and stronger jawlines than asians for a reason, they are 40% caucasian
>speak an indian-european language
spanish is a euro language what do you mean by indian?
>lmao Catholicism is a vulgar form of christianity from the middle east
catholicism is roman, cope
you are not aztec
>culturally white
Which part of Texas are you from?
>amerindians have more caucasian noses and stronger jawlines than asians for a reason, they are 40% caucasian
Some Norwegians and Swedes have mongoloid features, they’re still 100% caucasoid though
>spanish is a euro language what do you mean by indian?
It’s derived from Latin which is derived from Indian-European
>catholicism is roman, cope
You worship a Jew and his mom instead of God.
>Some Norwegians and Swedes have mongoloid features, they’re still 100% caucasoid though
nope, north europeans have mongoloid admixture
>It’s derived from Latin which is derived from Indian-European
indo euro= white
so you're saying if a north indian and an amerindian had a baby it would be white?
these features dont exist in someobe who is full mongoloid
not nordic white but still white
pure asians have broad west african like noses unlike amerindians
there are some japs and seamonkeys that look like that
wow you are so FUCKING funny
papi trump already prevented the census from adding a mena category
fuck off discount arab
What her ethnicity?
>there are some japs
Japs are not pure mongloid
>and seamonkeys that look like that
No and sea are not pure mongoloid
has negro admixture