>TFW PhD student
Does people pic related occur often in your country?
>TFW PhD student
Does people pic related occur often in your country?
grad school is a waste of time and money for every major besides medicine and hard sciences.
You don't get into denbts if you go to university
In what subject?
There is no way you can be a PhD holder and not get a job unless its like a declining field.
Are there any points in doing PhD in STEM except for Math and Physics? I think master would suffice in most cases.
Honestly University rankings should be adjusted to the price of University.
Here in Europe you can easily be debt-free and start earning money as soon as you start the PhD.
Yes very often
I almost fell for the meme myself but I had co-op and realized academia is absolutely shit
Biology, Chemistry, pretty much all of the social sciences degrees are useless without a master's.
All of STEM is a declining field
T. maths student
Man these are the deaths I actually feel sorry for. 31 is kinda old though, isn't it? The shock for my first corporate job was also quite intense for me, I can relate.
Yikes bro.
So you are like a forensic scientist? Bro you know crime is going down in Canada right? Especially violent crime that'd require a toxicologist. Even drunk driving cases are going down and you don't need a toxicologist for the vast majority of cases.
My mother has a PhD in immunology and couldn't find a job for a year, went into the healthcare industry instead, and then transitioned into a managerial job which paid double
No it's not forensic science. I'm researching birth defects at the moment.
working a shit corporate job now and I think about necking myself every day
Do you have the faintest clue about the state of academia in 2019? It's oversaturated as fuck. Moreover, the job market in all STEM fields (even fucking engineering, which used to practically be "guaranteed job as soon as you have a degree" not so long ago) is more restrictive than ever. There's simply no use for overeducated PhD students with no industry experience.
Ehhh yeah I don't much about medicine but engineering sciences aren't declining.
I mean, I got 6 figure job out of university (bachelor in engineer). But I work in the US. However, a lot of my classmates got jobs in Vancouver or Toronto..
Mechanical and architecture, if you count that, are definetely declining. I could absolutely see the rest of engineering degrees except those related to computering being oversaturated in a couple years
>while his professors take all the credit
everything else would've been fine
yeah.. no but its because there aren't many jobs in Canada for engineering. I don't fucking know why but this country is obsessed with blue collar trades work. Even Electrical Engineers are having to go to Masters' cause they can't get work after an UG degree. In the US, it's different though.
>I mean, I got 6 figure job out of university (bachelor in engineer)
And? Your experience is not the norm.
>However, a lot of my classmates got jobs in Vancouver or Toronto..
I'm not saying there are no jobs left. I'm saying that it's more restrictive than it used to be. Just look up the statistics for how many engineering graduates in Canada end up not working in engineering, especially in Ontario. In fact, see for yourself: I checked out of curiosity, and literally every single mechanical engineering job posting in Ontario on Linkedin that was explicitely or implicitely entry-level had AT LEAST 150 applicants.
>31 physics degree dreams not fulfilling money not coming life is wasting
Do north americans really have that good salaries? My dad has a masters degree in chemical engineering with almost 30 years of experience and still doesnt make 6 figures
I mean I have a slightly different mindset because I think of 20-something year old engineers as being able to to work internationally. In Canada, yeah this country is backward. In US there are a lot of positions that need to be filled for engineers. Overseas, as well. People pay good money for western engineers.
Yes we have higher salaries than Europe. But America has the highest salaries.
In Canada you can earn 6 figures doing retard tier tradie work.
I've heard that mechanical/civil engineers get bullied on the job site by boomer foremen because foremen make more money than starting engineers.
It always depends on the type of company (e.g. if it's a startup then salary might be lower), conditions (e.g. if you have 35 hour weeks then you'll probably be paid a bit less than if you did 40 hour weeks) and how much of a shmuck you are. By this I mean that if you allow companies to exploit you by paying you a shit salary, then they'll gladly oblige (I made this exact mistake with my first job out of uni).
That said, master's in chemical engineering with 30 years experience would normally easily land you a 6 figure job here.
Ah shit I forgot 1€ = 0.7CAD maybe he makes 6 figures in canadian money
that's grim.
30 years experience???
Crane operators get 6 figures in Canada. Computer/Software engineering is the field to be in if you are a young person.
But yeah enigneer wages suck here. Your first job might pay little as 2500€lmao
>that's grim.
How so? Are you expecting them to be making 7-figure digits?
I mean my first wage cuck job paid 2300€ when I was 17 at an assembly line
Before or after taxes?
>30 years experience
>masters degree
So a 50, 60 year old who is just earning 6 figures? If you mean like 100k-199k, then they can't even afford to live in downtown Vancouver with that salary these days.
nah. at least not for steam. those who go for that are going for huge money
now post graduation for lesser courses happens a lot, specially human sciences.
A staff engineer at facebook gets 400k/yr + stock options. And you don't need 30 years experience (maybe like 10 years)
Fucking hell even the junior engineers (
Americans have higher paying salaries in some areas for sure but being middleclass is way better in Canada.
Before, but usually it's around 3000€. Some people just are desperate. We train too many engineers here
Are you LARPing or just retarded?
Being in Software is the way to becoming a yuppie. But you probably can't be a retard code monkey for long. Gotta transition into more complicated stuff like ML or database engineer.
Yeah of course. I don't want to live in America but the idea of being a highly trained engineer and still being worried about income is absurd but a common situation in Canada.
I wanna make money in America, save up, and move to Europe if I can.
its true. 100-something k is not a lot these days. You need to make at least 200k/yr to live comfortably in Vancouver. Those who make less already have assets in Vancouver before it became inflated as fuck. I live in Vancouver so I think I know what I'm talking about bruv.
Especially at 50-60 years old? yeah, look what other engineers are make with fucking 30 years experience????
A starting engineer in America makes 150k/yr
Ah, in that case that is indeed pretty low. 3000€ is a bit better, and similar to lower-tier entry-level engineer job salaries here in my experience. The average entry-level would probably be closer to 3200-3400.
>We train too many engineers here
We have the same problem here.
You're comparing fucking silicon valley to Canada. What the fuck are you expecting?
and if you mean 100k leaf dollars, thats literally 75k/yr USD. 75k/year USD is what like an accountant makes. You gotta be freaking joking if you think a masters degree engineer with 30 years experience should only get 100-199k a year.
AND we have higher taxes
AND we have higher cost of living.
>You need to make at least 200k/yr to live comfortably in Vancouver
It's been like this in Korea for a long time now. Engineering degrees have become no different from finance.
Dude you gotta stop living in the past. There is nothing wrong with those comparisons. And not exactly silicon valley, but SEATTLE, which has a lower cost of living than Vancouver. But regardless, this isn't like 1990s anymore. People travel quite often. Those yuppie execs and engineers rent in other cities because they get transferred often and drive up the cost of living.
Places like Vancouver and Toronto are hot places for young people to move for a year or two, rent, and go to another city while making big bucks. You can't seriously think we live in the time where Canada was just a place for Canadians. Or any country for that matter.
>A starting engineer in America makes 150k/yr
Not all of America is Silicon Valley, and not all of engineering is machine learning engineering you fucking dunce. Literally just fucking google salaries for various states and levels of experience. For example, the average chemical engineering in Atlanta according to 2 different sources is $75k (for ALL levels of experience combined).
>You need to make at least 200k/yr to live comfortably in Vancouver.
You can easily find a decent condo in Vancouver for $600k. Assuming a 20% down payment, that's EASILY doable with a $100k salary you LARPer.
>Especially at 50-60 years old
im planning on starting a phd next year, except i wont have 100k+ debt and more like $10-30k when im done. ive heard my field is pretty in demand and from past graduates i should start at 6 figures easy if i go to some place like cali or seattle, or close to 6 figures at lower cost of living areas. i probably could have made much more money just doing CS or some quant work but i will be well off anyways and will like this work 100x more. almost all of the past students for the advisor i want to work with have gone on to NASA, Apple, and one other big name place so that could be cool
okay w/e lmao
you do what you want but I think you are deluded. There is a reason why Canada's talent is moving out of Canada for generations now but you just being ignorant. We actually have really smart people in our universities and they go to burger stan because people like you think its okay to pay an engineer 100k/yr after decades of experience while some boomer truckie gets 200k, or a crane operator working in some shit hole northern town gets 300k/yr
>Dude you gotta stop living in the past.
meaningless drivel
>There is nothing wrong with those comparisons.
You are literally comparing the single region with the wealthiest corporations and highest salaries (*even compared to elsewhere within the USA*) in a specific field which happens to be the one that's relevant in said region to all of engineering in Canada. You then go on these inane tangents about how you can't live in Vancouver (by the way, I never brought up Vancouver in the first place, nor do I live or intend on living in Vancouver).
>But regardless, this isn't like 1990s anymore. People travel quite often.
more meaningless drivel
>People travel quite often. Those yuppie execs and engineers rent in other cities because they get transferred often and drive up the cost of living.
more meaningless drivel
>Places like Vancouver and Toronto are hot places for young people to move for a year or two, rent, and go to another city while making big bucks.
more meaningless drivel
>You can't seriously think we live in the time where Canada was just a place for Canadians. Or any country for that matter.
more meaningless drivel, and on top of that you're apparently replying to arguments which you just invented on the stop, seeing neither I nor anybody else ITT ever mentioned such a thing.
To be frank, I can't remember the last time I've seen someone post such a staggering amount of mindless drivel with such a blatant disregard for any actual statistical evidence.
>There is a reason why Canada's talent is moving out of Canada for generations now but you just being ignorant.
Compared to the number of engineering graduates who actually stay in Canada?
>tfw double meme bachelor degree
>tfw non-stem master degree
Fucking kill me
insturmenation/electrical tradie here.
2yrs at trade school plus 2 years at work teaches you more than an engineering school at a faggot uni. I laugh at chem eng niggers when they try to tune any control loops.
okay doug ford enjoy your brain drain.
Only completely naive idiots think that uni actually properly prepares them for working in industry. Most are well aware that 2 years of industry experience is far more useful than 3-4 years of classrooms and theoretical exams.
And you manage to pile on even more meaningless drivel. Amazing.
>theory bad
lol you can always spot someone who has no respect for the field and just cares about money.
>Doing electrical engineering PhD in photonics
>Get a small stipend, enough for rent, utilities, vehicle, and groceries. Not much else for anything, have to ask parents for small amounts of money once in a while.
>Realize that photonics is a small emerging field and doesn't have many jobs
>Realize I'll probably stuck in academia for my life
Welp, I only have less than a year left, might as well finish. Maybe I can get a tenure as an assistant professor or professor and make a decent amount like my colleagues.
>tfw bachelor's degree in english
Well, at least the debt will get wiped away in another 24 years
>These fighting leafs
A "staff engineer" is a band designation for a software developer. You can be a self taught developer hired by facebook without a HS diploma, and become a "staff engineer" at facebook once you're promoted to the right band. You're not actually an engineer in the real world, but yes you are a software developer.
Still, despite the very low salary/stipend, there is a certain comfiness in the everyday life of academia. And even in the hectic periods, it can be very rewarding. I still very fondly remember my Master's, and keep thinking that I should leave the industry and just pursue a PhD, as to this day I haven't managed to find nearly as much enjoyment or interest in any of the jobs I've had. Of course, much of that is contingent on factors like one's research supervisor or one's manager if you're working in industry.
technically anyone can be an engineer in the US as its not a legal term but you are delusional if you think the majority of staff engineers are not carrying MScs and at least 1 decade of experience.
I'll probably end up like William Stoner, but perhaps that is an okay or good thing
I don't know about facebook specifically but at FAANGs you can climb the ladder even with a degree in music/no degree at all if you got the chops and the projects come out decent.
but that doesn't mean you will or many people do.
If there was a homeless bum on the street and he was the next Von Neumann, yeah idc what his major is.
A company like FB or Google will pay for you to get a masters degree. If you don't have a bacherlors and applying for either company believing you have a shot, you're clearly low IQ.
The amount of competition to get into a FAANG is ridiculous and only people I've heard of in them are proper, high IQ NPCs.
Go back to your plebbit/buzzfeed forum for those "no degree and I work at Google" propaganda.
The only thing about software is that it's hot like nursing in that you could prob get a job in the industry being below average worker/intelligence.
You're butthurt and retarded
lol then go work for faang if its so easy. you don't need a degree so you should get in easy.
You sound envious man. "Wrong" questions on hackerrank again?
i work for microsoft and i used leetcode for 1 week before my interview; pleb.
omg dynamic programming
omg trees
omg linked lists
really nigga? shit isn't hard. im surprised people actually struggle with that stuff.
So what's the problem?
Is there a problem? Just trying to get more people onto the gravy train. You should apply to FAANG too bro. Don't worry it's easy to get in.
Is it really?
You don't need to work at FAANG to make huge dollars bruv. Try to apply, if you get in great. If you don't apply to companies like tableau or (WeWork even though its a huge scam) etc. There are so many companies in Seattle, SV, Dallas etc. that have huge venture funding and are looking for talent. They pay just as well as FAANG except the stock options at FAANG are better. Also Facebook and Netflix in particular pay crazy amounts but in general, you don't have to worry.
>he has to pay for university
Why is wework a scam
just watch. it'll make theranos look like a joke
But don't they actually provide a product
something something about lying to investors
something something about having a bonkers evaluation
Neighbors 30 year old kid just moved back in with him after he finished his PhD in a hard science niche. Everyones happy for him and everything yeah but its been 6 months now that he's been a quintessential NEET. It's a real sad sight seeing him at 5pm taking a jog looking like he just woke up.
He'll foor sure get a really high paying job if he could just get his foot in the door but until that happens he's essentially a black hole. Sad.
>tfw cs
I thought everyone in this was smart, even the autistic nerdy dudes aren't good at it
You told me only wizards existed, Jow Forums. At least it scared me into learning obscure compiler shit and trudging through the pajeet infested atmosphere of asp.net core
You guys can always consider moving to Europe if it won't work for you in the west.
just try and avoid a batshit wife
is engineering still cool, I want to study if I ever bother to go back to collage
But i heard in burgerland you will have to compete with Pajeets
this is my worst fear, although i plan to try like hell to get an internship or two during grad school, or maybe just a year round one in the same city to give me something to maybe fall back on. i also plan to go 1000% into trying to find a good gf/future wife when i get to grad school that i can depend on too. Anyways, I dont think 6 months is all that bad, unless he hasnt gotten any interviews at all then it is shitty.
isn't that software? even if I don't get a job in engineering It will help me make bombs and other weapons for the second American civil
>PhD student
>still browses Jow Forums
Oh no no no no
Why wouls their kinder surprise degrees be sought here
old habits die hard
France's higher education is notorious for being garbage. Even something like ecole polytechnique would be considered a mid-tier institution here
French mathematicians are legitimately the best in the world. Though the system needs reform. it is great at grooming the brilliant.