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>posting on biz therefore talking to 20% of the non-enterprise node operators
She's doing just fine bro


so a slut

Why are all these SJW asian women so addicted to white cock?

Because asian men are .onions golems

Yeah but they're all richfags
Shouldn't it balance out at least? I see these faggits driving Ferraris in my area all day

>heard of chainlink
>heard of her
job done

only the rich ones live in your area you melt, in asia most chongs can barely afford to eat fucking rice

Yeah but how would the ones in asia be fucking banging white American men famalam?

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Absolutely this. Look at that fucking smirk. Guarantee you the number of cock's she's ridden is in the mid twenties or higher.

what is this new meme of tiger mommy posting on biz now. Sauce?

Average grammar level on Jow Forums hasn't dropped noticeably, so it's not very likely

>be Adelyn
>get a job offer at the company ""
>arrive at California 50 Street and take the Elevator to the top
>sit in a tiny cubicle all day
>Mr. Nazarov told me to not touch anything for the next 6 years

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She’s very competent. Ask Rory and he’ll tell you she’s busy planning the marketing outreach right now.

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pee pee poo poo

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Kekles McKek

out of all the chinks you could pick you choose an ugly one

really says a lot abou sergay

All the smart chinks are ugly
Everyone knows this

sergey only fucks top tier slav pussy that couchsurfs in his 30 million dollar mansion.

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why is it so heart warming to imagine him carrying all these ladies airplane bags. hes such a good guy.

Based pee pee poo poo poster.

Extremely well played.

Absolutely based.

Obv they're limited to the expats there. If you're white and decent looking, you get puss left and right in Asia. The Asian men just get ignored.

Told u guys.
U dont want an asian female for marketing director