Weight of Hong Kong in the chinese GDP:
1997 = 25%
2020 = 2,3%
Weight of Hong Kong in the chinese GDP:
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Beijing and Shenzen >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> trash >>>>>>>>>>> Hong Kong
this reminds me of chinese nationalist and christians fighting over a century ago
> and there are still idiots who say that capitalism does not work
Uh, do you know who governs China?
Why do they want hong kong if it's that irrelevant?
strategic position close to shenzen, the chinese sllicon valley
why dont they massacre the obvious cia niggers holding american flags?
why are chinese so tolerant and calm?
Hongkies are cucks. I saw a few of them waving British flags. They actually want to go back to apartheid era. Xi should crush them unironically but Hong Kong is important so the West can do business with China without speaking Mandarin.
hong kong should be an independent commonwelath realm
should? then why isn't it?
>then why isn't it?
insects disrespecting treaties and annexing territories leased in perpetuity
then do something about it. i thought the british was so powerful
Go back to China you tranny.
these guys are trying to start ww3 they are not democratics. false flag.
Unequal treaties created by imperialist war mongering, I guess China should just nuke London if that's how you want the world to run
>1997 = 25%
>china the victim
china was an imperialist nation that oppressed its minorities and exacted tribute on its neighbouring states and had massive famines all the time
the british empire was benevolent in comparison for absolutely destroying them in a war and taking an island
Go for it, we have more than enough warheads to turn your parents' homeland into the world's biggest parking lot.
China literally controls your power grid lmao. you cannot actually make this up. how far the mighty have fallen.
Because its their de jure land.
We also control their bars and pubs. Not to mention if we were going to nuke London, it'd be through US.
I have control of the nukes. We can do it.
>china was an imperialist nation
how lmao
>territories leased in perpetuity this clause
England forfeited this when Thatcher returned Hong Kong to China
>disrespecting treaties
You haven't seen anything yet. Just wait till 2047.
negro estupido, como iba a ser china imperialista si tiene las mismas fronteras desde el siglo 13
Ignorant, racist cunt.
Fucking die.
Hate to brake it to you buddy.
it's supposed to be autonomous until 2047
instead red china bastards decided to wreck rule of .law by forcing an extradition treaty on Hong Kong early
whinge whinge whinge
fuck the hong kong soycunts
are you pretending to be retarded?
you better not be
Hong Kong will be free and there is nothing mainland cucks can do about it.
On the contrary, there is a lot that we can do. We are just choosing to let them resolve this on their own, for now.
name one thing that the PRC has taken from hong kong in regards to law that the british did not already do in regards to autonomy.
name one thing your mom wouldn't let me do to her in bed that tyrone hadn't already done to her last week
that's right you can't
well my moms never been to mexico. also, you haven't answered my question.
You know absolutely nothing about the extradition law or why it was proposed. Do some basic fucking research you racist piece of fucking shit.
Nobody wants to be a part of a dictatorship, period. Doesn't matter what they haven't taken now but what they will take in the future when it's official, now fuck off slave.
Peg breaking soon?
What dictatorship?
>>Nobody wants to be a part of a dictatorship, period
user, i understand that you are ideologically inclined to democracy but it is absolutely arrogant to assume that everyone shares your opinion.
Bring down the firewall and see what happens Chang.
not my call to make. many Chinese emigrants who are outside of the great firewall also support the PRC. opinions are like assholes, everybodies got one.
The Great Firewall stays.
Yeah and everyone supports NK, USSR, 3rd Reich etc etc
Tread carefully....
not everyone user, but enough people supported NK, the USSR and the 3rd Reich at some point. i don't actually quite understand the point you are making. some dictatorship/authoritarian governments work and some don't. there is no scientific conclusion that says X works and Y doesn't. iu suggest you lay off the propaganda and look at world events with a clear eye.
They did, though.
I think "You" should lay off the propaganda. What happens in Hong Kong will soon happen in mainland.
user, im trying to make reasoned arguments with you but you insist on making vague blanket statements. whether or not what happens to hong kong will happen to the mainland is not even the subject we were originally talking about.
when was the golden age of hong kong? the 80s?
how much of the chinese economy did it make up then?
That would imply Hong Kong has any influence or control over the security apparatus of the PLA, which they don't.
>reasoned arguments
lmao, "it's ok to be slaves cuz other slaves say so", but don't worry when CCP falls, you'll thank Hong Kong in the end.
>thread about Hong Kong
>canadian and australian flags start sucking chinese dick
Every single time.
Absolutely nothing about the extradition treaty defies Hong Kong's legal autonomy and the rule of law, HK already has extraction treaties with many countries and in any case people can only be extradited if the crime they committed is also a crime in HK and listed in the treaty, it doesn't allow HK to extradite people to China due to political dissent or anything like that. If anything one could be afraid of China wrongly accusing people of murder just ask for an extradition then bribe all of the HK judiciary to accept it, but that kind of conspiracy is something beyond the law and it barely makes sense because if China really wants they have simpler means of abducting people, there is NOTHING wrong with the treaty itself.
>> "it's ok to be slaves cuz other slaves say so"
perhaps you have trouble understanding my argument, but at no point did i imply this. quite frankly i don't even understand how you managed to get this thought in your head. perhaps i need to center the argument. name one right that the PRC has revoked in regards to autonomy towards hong kong that the british did not already put in place during their rule.
You are underestimating how much the younger Chinese in the mainland love their country.
Treaty doesn't matter, it's just a spark and it worked, HK doesn't want to be part of china, nothing else matters.
It's not what they have revoked, but what they WILL revoke.
Yeah well Hitler's youth really loved their country too.
Que es el tibet?
Que es taiwan?
Que es butan?
Que es cachemira?
Que es vietnam?
Fuck you fucking racist
>It's not what they have revoked, but what they WILL revoke.
user, after the sino-british declaration ends. it is not a matter of fact that the 2 systems 1 country policy will end. in fact, im a believer that the system is not planned to end due to the fact that the PRC's judicial system will never reach the standards of their western counterparts. so hong kong will always play a vital nexus to the the mainland. so the point still stands, are we in agreement that there has been no erosion of hong kongs autonomy since 1997? what happens in 2047 is unknown and uncertain so it is illogical to make assumptions either way.
The protests won't happen in the Mainland for two reasons:
1) There is not enough popular support for it. Support for the movement is seen as complicity in allowing the corruptive tendrils of western (((CIA))) influence to spread amongst vulnerable young Chinese.
2) There is no legal hindrance to the government stamping that shit out before it even happens. What is America, or the world, going to do if China just decides to kill a bunch of its own people one day? For no reason.
That's right. Nothing.
"Just leave your kid at this child molesters house, we don't know if he will do it, but he hasn't done it now, it's ok bro"
They aren't babies, they can think for themselves and some day CCP will pay for thinking otherwise.
>kill own people
other countries won't have to do anything, the Chinese themselves will get rid of CCP.
>>"Just leave your kid at this child molesters house, we don't know if he will do it, but he hasn't done it now, it's ok bro"
user, are we to assume that at the entire history of the worlds nations, nobody has done anything wrong? are we to leave your kids at this child killers house? no country is without guilt. but it is amazingly biased to point out one countries and not accept others.
also, are we in agreement? that there has been no erosion of rights in regards to hong kong since 1997? you keep evading the question.
You mean the voting rights violations?
>200.000 = two hundred thousands
>freedom units
kys whoever does this
elaborate please.
>They aren't babies
>they can think for themselves
Chinese people are sentient adults capable of thinking for themselves. Naturally, yes.
Maybe they have all come to the conclusion that it is in their own best self-interest to willingly support the CCP? It seems that way.
such an argument won't sway the HKers
"We starved, imprisoned and killed our own people but other countries did it too, sooo stay with us ok?"
It doesn't matter, CCP knows what they did or did not do to warrant such protests, you don't get such numbers for nothing.
Neocon technocrats.
What's the difference between the terms whining and whinging?
The only good thing about CCP is that it is stable for now, but sooner or later freedom will far outweigh stability and money.
fren, it's not whatboutism. i'm not deflecting blame. im saying everyone is blameworthy.
so you have no answer to this question in a yes/no format? please, provide an example of an erosion that the PRC has committed towards hong kongs promised autonomy.
>everyone is blameworthy
Yes that is whataboutism. Only blame CCP should look at is their own.
It doesn't matter, but whatever it was it was enough for protests.
Hong Kong doesn’t get to elect its own candidates even if they get popular support unless the government approves which is a false democracy.
user, answer the question in a yes/no format you slippery bastard. name one erosion that the PRC has done towards hong kongs autonomy.
also,i accept the fact that the PRC has committed many mistakes, but none so unique that has never been committed by anyone else. what we need to understand is that many countries do not develop the same way as your prime example. what we have here is an example of hubris and a lack of perspective.
That day may or may not come. But it isn't going to be today.
Why don’t you people search on your own?
Also you didn’t reply to my answer you stupid chink.
and is this an erosion of political process that the British did not already implement?
This piece of shit chink saying the same question over and over again while ignoring all the answers truely brainless insects, chinese mainlanders are.
which question user? that response was in regards to the latvian, not an american. please clarify. i have searched user, and in my course i have not seen one example of the central government exerting influence on the government of HK, every policy decision and law put forwards towards HK has been done through the HK legislature.
i would appreciate it if you would clarify what answer user.
“Meanwhile, the law and judicial process are being used by the government to suppress dissidents, warn critics, who point to the prosecution of leaders of the Umbrella movement for archaic common-law offences such as “conspiracy to commit public nuisance” and “inciting others to public nuisance”.”
Erosion of freedom of speech. Also people don’t care about the past. People care about the present. UK is currently a democracy with high levels of protected speech. Hong kongers love UK for what it is currently not its past. China meanwhile is suppressing speech that it thinks is sensitive.
I already said it you retard. China won’t let Hong Kong elect its candidates unless the government approves which is literally not a democratic.
>>“Meanwhile, the law and judicial process are being used by the government to suppress dissidents, warn critics, who point to the prosecution of leaders of the Umbrella movement for archaic common-law offences such as “conspiracy to commit public nuisance” and “inciting others to public nuisance”.”
is a remanent of basic law, a british invention.
>>Erosion of freedom of speech. Also people don’t care about the past. People care about the present. UK is currently a democracy with high levels of protected speech. Hong kongers love UK for what it is currently not its past. China meanwhile is suppressing speech that it thinks is sensitive.
freedom of speech is still prevalent in HK. the right to criticisize people and government still exist. can you name me the law that restricts HK peoples right to expression?
and do you know what system was in place before 1997 when the british governed the colony? i'll give you a hint, it wasn't electoral system.
And again, it doesn't matter, whatever CCP did was enough to warrant the protests, but the extradition law was the spark on all that bad rep CCP has garnered, doesn't even have to be about autonomy.
That's the thing about mafia style run government's there are always bullets involved in the end.
so the answer is no? also, the extradition law was pushed by the HK government, not the PRC.
Then I guess only HK government will have to be replaced :)
If you don’t get it you will never get it. You’re a soulless chink insect living in another DEMOCRATIC country. Go back to China you fucking chink. Imagine living in another DEMOCRATIC country and saying this. Go back to your autocratic country if you’re defending it so much. Disgusting.
your response puzzles me, i don't understand how that relates to my response.
so you have no argument to my response? all im reading is REEEEEEEE.....
please respond rationally. name the law that the PRC introduced that limits HK's right to expression.
It literally doesn’t. It requires infinite growth on a planet with limited resources. We’re already starting to hit walls with it and the biggest one is climate change.
First the bank, now this. Tsk tsk tsk, Albion.
Go ahead and live the life of your autocratic chink brothers, don’t fucking live in a democracy if you’re going to defend autocracy. How much of a fucking piece of shit do you have to be to live like this? As far as in concerned, you’re trash.
another non-answer. try to be rationale and reasonable.
What I’m saying is that you, as a chink will never get it and never will. The answer is right there. Hong kong wants to be a democracy. Period. China wants to stop that and will do everything it can to stop that including denying candidates that it doesn’t support and the extradition bill. If you don’t understand why this led to protests you truely are a soulless chink. Like i said go back to your fucking autocratic country if you like it so much. You’re clearly enjoying freedoms that your people back home don’t get to have. Fucking chink.
Hong Kong will never, EVER be a democracy.
hong kongs desire for democracy is noble and legitimate. it is ultimately up to the CEO and legislative branches to decide. that said, it is still a step up from the British legacy of simply appointing a governor. i believe that the PRC is respecting the sino-british declaration as i can see no substantive overreach by the central government. unless you care to provide evidence on the contrary?