Why do modern Mexicans LARP as Aztecs? The conquistadors only won because so many non-Aztec indigenous people hated the Aztecs.
Why do modern Mexicans LARP as Aztecs...
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My grampp was tlaxcalan
i honestly don't get it either. i chuckle to myself every time i walk by a banco azteca
It is likely a chicano thing to feel distinct from the US culture. Over here, everyone is trying to be more white, not less.
aztecs no longer exist and no one suffers because of them, why would people hate them?
Ackstually the 1920-50s elite thing to compare the aztecs to the ancient gayreeks and make statues and paintings of them
Chicanos should strive to be Chichimecas. They are the ones who beat up the Spanish and recieved QT redheads in return for peace.
>Over here, everyone is trying to be more white, not less.
we are eurosiberian chabochis not amerindian
It really is. All the billboards and commercials in the city are full of white people.
mexico is novohispanic concept retard, being anti mexivsn is being anti hispanic
Ignorance mostly
mexico did not exist before spaniards arrive did it?
Mexico did not exist before 1821 MEXIGLOBO RETARD
An entire civilization group with ethnic differences had been unified to form mexico before the spanish arrived
mexico is just nueva españa with a different name
im not a mexcrement, I HATE NUEVA ESPAÑA
>An entire civilization group with ethnic differences had been unified to form mexico before the spanish arrived
Not it didnt Mexicas spent a good part of their last years wearing against surroubding civilizations, and that was only on México valley, there where many other injuns and there was no unified national identity in the territory that eventually became México
mexica empire is not shitxico
I mean why not cumskins larp as nazis or some nord crap why can't they
>mexico is just nueva españa with a different name
congrats on being a fucking breainlet
>im not a mexcrement, I HATE NUEVA ESPAÑA
>Built pyramids and learn astrology
>Watches dragonball Z and eats takis
What went wrong?
monkey see monkey do
great argument, puta
Fuels nationalism.
>The conquistadors only won because so many non-Aztec indigenous people hated the Aztecs.
I would assume new world diseases had a greater role.
No its not, nueva España included half the US and parts of Central América, those where at some point part of México, but no such thing as México existed before independence, turkey is turkey, not the ottoman empire, Irak its Irak not Babylon and so on
>congrats on being a fucking breainlet
everything about mexico is novohispanic despite its nahua mexic name
im not a central american, im an aridoametican mestizo (chabochi) with american citizenship
White people
>everything about mexico is novohispanic
lack of ethnic identity
>new world
meant "old world"
>aridoametican mestizo (chabochi) with american citizenship
I thought there was nothing more retarded than calling yourself a latinx but i was wrong
i like nazi larping it's a lot of fun and i learned a lot of history through it
having cities with names in nahua does not change the fact that you are a novospicspanic shithole
white people are too busy making money to watch DBZ and eat Takis
im a chabochi, i refuse to call myself a latino or spicspanic american
congrats on being a fucking brainlet, you literally have no clue on how to follow a conversation
whats not spicspanic about your shithole?
>I would assume new world diseases had a greater role.
Actually no, the disease that ravaged Mexico was actually a native disease.
The conquistadors forced natives into essentially farming camps, which increased proximity to other natives as well as animals that acted as disease vectors. This is similar to how tenements accelerated the Spanish flu in 1918.
the fact that MEXIGLOBO subhumans like you decided to declare independance from spain
>in a world dominated by the white race since centuries those that most resemble the white race benefit from this trait
>I would assume new world diseases had a greater role.
It was a big role but teotihuacan was fucking huge, it had a population that at the time made it the 6th largest City in the World and the largest in all of the Americas, even after disseases spaniards needed their tlaxcalteca allies
lmao and those stupid retarded mestizos wave the mexican flag in los angeles thinking theres no racism in mexico
im not a mexcrement
they use the mexican flag to represent their mestizo ethnicity not the mexican nation
literal damage control by buttblasted chicanos, notice how that wiki page does not even have an Spanish translation.
if it was an indigenous disease, it would have decimated the Spaniard expeditioners, but it didn't because it was brought by Spain and natives had no defenses against them
Ch*canos can't deal with the facts
Theres racism everywhere in the World you dumbfuck, still theres less racism in México than in the US and thats not only becuase here its more subtle
>notice how that wiki page does not even have an Spanish translation.
But it still has 36 sources, some of which are in Spanish?
You are always representing the nation when you wave its flag.
>if it was an indigenous disease, it would have decimated the Spaniard expeditioners
why would conquistadors interact with local animals? that was the hypothesized disease vector
>notice how that wiki page does not even have an Spanish translation.
notice how he grabs for straws in a desperate attempt to confirm his worldview
yes and? Chicanos can circlejerk and write as many texts in spanish as they want too, the fact that there isn't an spanish translation means the spanish speaking community does not consider such page relevant at all
Had it been a native disease, it would have decimated the Spaniard colonizers, not the native population.
Are Arabs considered "white" in Mexico?
>this much Ch*cano, Latinx and other commie liberal cope
holy shit lol, what decimated native americans were diseases brought by Spain, not local diseases, otherwise they would have decimated Spaniards
Fow what i understand this research and shit dont really look into actual ethnic make up of people, is more like a colorism system
i don't even know what you're talking about, i just think "look, the wiki page isn't even in spanish!" is a terrible, terrible argument
its fun
next thing you are going to tell me wikipedia pages are made by unbiased experts with no political agenda
>still theres less racism in México than in the US and thats not only becuase here its more subtle
Lol no you're a fucking retard. Mexico is way less political correct than the United States, and it's a proven fact that whites there are treated better than mestizos and blacks. Mexicans are not subtle about their racism. They are open about their hatred of blacks and chinks. There is elitism there when it comes to skin color and class. If you happen to be dark skin or amerindian, you are automatically look down upon and can't even visit certain areas because people will refuse to service you. Don't tell me racism in Mexico is "subtle" when actors in Mexico went batshit insane when that Amerindian actress became famous from that movie Roma. Fucking clown.
yeah even though I'm a light skinned Mexican, I feel kinda bad over who we've frozen brown people out of power even though its their country
Go ahead and read the source to determine that yourself
wish all the cringeposters would leave
>Indigenous populations of the Americas experienced high mortality rates during the early contact period as a result of infectious diseases, many of which were introduced by Europeans
now post a source that supports your point lol
you'd be racist too if you had to deal with them all the time
a clearly mestizo person would say to a slightly darker person "pinche indio" without thinking twice lmao
Cocoliztli is an indigenous term for a foreign disease
México isnt even the most racist country in latinamerica, tsht would be the DR with their whole removing citizenship of Dominican born people for having a single haitian grandpa and shit.
Not saying there is no racism at all BUT looking at the track record of both of our countries, we abolished slavery first, there has never been officialized and legal racism such as the jim crow laws or red taping practices used in your country to keep the blacks away of certain neighborhoods and if you look at both of countries presidents in México theres been full indios, mulatos, average mestizos and many more, the US has preetty much only have wasps except for kennedy, Obama and now trump
Im dark, ive never had been denied service anywhere because of that
>>you'd be racist too if you had to deal with them all the time
we do thanks your lax enforcement of the northern border. which is ironic considering how strict you are at your southern border
it's like you want to turn our entire country into Chiapas.
Absolutely disgusting. Those territories should be named after their true Native American owners. Sioux, Navajo, Comanche, Choctaw, Seminole, Cheyenne, Iroquois, etc.
north indians are killing themselves in masse and racemixing with whites
>las olimpiadas del menos peor
orgullo a la patria
So only white Mexican women are privileged not white Mexican men
>be me
>want to meet qt grill I meet on Discord
>have to get a fucking VISA and all other shit because the MEXIGLOBOS can't follow the law
if it were for me I would kill all MEXIGLOBOS and give death penalty to deportees
Bueno que verga no estoy diciendo que todo esté chido aquí pero esta muy pendejo decir MÉXICO ES SUPER RACISTA Y EL PEOR DE TODOS XDDDD cuando hay montones de evidencia que no es así, es más ni los gringos están entre los peores del mundo, en África hay negros matando otros pinches negros sólo por no ser el mismo tipo de negro
because the average mexican is too low iq to know more about history than spain and the aztecs
kys then mexcregoblo
>it's like looking into a younger version of me
>north indians
I don't care about what's happening in India.
> having a single haitian grandpa and shit
De que mierda hablas?
im not a shitcano either
full blood AMERIGLOBO then?
damned mexicans ruined mexico
It's to raise awareness boi don't get so defensive
Cuando decidieron retroactivamente que si tus parientes haitianos entraron a república Dominicana después de 1929 entonces andaban de ilegales, así que técnicamente tu no podías ser dominicano así que empezaron (o propusieron) a retirarle la ciudadania a vergas que habían nacido y crecido en el país sólo por que su abuelo o papá entró a Dominicana en 1930
>raising awareness of water being wet
Hay gente q no lo quiere reconocer en este mismo hilo mijo
>23 posters
>91 posts
Kill yourselves subhumans
>he thinks his infographic is going to affect people who are either in absolute denial or straight-up refuse to reconsider their pre-existing notions because it would either disadvantage them, place them in a state of uncomfortable introspection, or otherwise shatter their worldview
racial, and social elitists deserve the rope
the Louis Capet and Marrie Antoinette didn't laugh much
Mente mas derrotista, hay otros q no caen en esas dos categorias. Gente con empatia