Stop browsing Jow Forums

Stop browsing Jow Forums

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a slee a sloot for porn

this snownigger probably spends more time here than i do

I've tried multiple times, I'm just too weak.

wish i could. i really want Jow Forums to be banned and or shut down.

But I only browse 4channel

you're asking too much

Same. This place is fucking addictive

i've just kind of accepted that this place will be a part of my life until someone mercifully shuts this place down and releases us from this torment

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We need to combat (You) addiction

Consequence free communication is valuable and I hope we never lose it, but fuck if this place does not push some dopamine shit in your brain.

It's consequence free until someone from Jow Forums kills 20 people at Walmart

part of the problem is no agenda. i spent the entire day on Jow Forums while learning a second language. shit posting is like taking a breath before i go back to what ever

if i could i would

Who the fuck is this guy?

Literally kill yourself you tremendous faggot

they can't police it. say what u want.

i hope this site fucking burns to the ground, since it isn't going to get better any time soon.

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I wish I could. It’s literally killing me from the inside out.. I need help anons. Please help me. The amount of double standards are too much to take.

i would but what the fuck would i do as a replacement

this board reached a high point as recent as a week ago, now its back to being shit