Dentside Edition
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
luv mercury motors edition
Can we go back to trucks looking like this? Modern trucks, too many look gay. like they were made for a woman to drive because she didnt like her minivan.
>look like
You're going to take your turbo V6 Crew Cab with a 5.5" bed and you're going to LIKE it. Got that bud?
boy i sure do love it when flags completely fail to load because i happened to commit the mortal sin of watching a vid while i loaded the thread
day of the internet soon lads
>5.5" bed
My truck objectively has everything you need and nothing more.
I really liked the lariat ford I drove. I felt like a space trucker
>lifted super duty that probably rarely hauls bags of mulch from the local home improvement store and nothing more
I didn't lift it, just best image I could get because I like the lights look cool
was hauling a digger across the midwest btw
what about lumber
I was mocking the truck in the picture, not whatever one you drove.
an acceptable load, yet unlikely to be carried by your average suburbanite who drives his F-250 4x4 with a 4" lift to and from work.
suburbanite trucks are for hauling the occasional piece of furniture the wife buys or the kids soccer gear when its not raining
suburbanite trucks are for driving to chik-fil-a on the way to dropping your son off at lacrosse practice
>super doody
more like mega shit
suburbanite trucks are for letting soda cans, leaves, and pine straw build up in the back since the owner never looks in the truckbed
>Yeah, my truck is a long bed, single cab. How could you tell?
>by your average suburbanite who drives his F-250 4x4 with a 4" lift to and from work.
never understood this
cave grug like manly mammoth
cave grug use mammoth for build stonehenge
hut grug have girly mammoth
hut grug never use girly mammoth, girly mammoth full of berries and flowers because no use
>full of berries and flowers
looked at buying a '65 but it had the V8 instead of a six cylinder and was a long bed.
pretty sure mammoths were herbivores so it would be okay for them to be full of plants and shit
looks like we got ourselves some mammothologists here, boys
this is the most retarded thing you have ever wrote. and the funniest. wow.
this is an ok duel cab.
cat threw up
Its called an extended cab
on carpet or hardwood or furniture?
any how....
this your desk cobb?
>implying I have c*rpet
shouldn't be difficult to clean
No I sleep in a big bed with my wife
god I fucking wish
I would never desecrate a truck or car in that manner
I said desk. who talks about a bed when someone shows a desk?
maybe its fake
it's clean now
Those hoods aren't repoduced in anything other than fiberglass and I doubt a boomer would've paid 500 for a part just to hack up into a desk. Thats more than likely the front half of a '66 lopped off and made into a desk
I want to think not.. I want
you don't know boomers very well then
mammoths were extinct thousands of years by the time of stonehenge
>never seen the Flintstones documentary
I just realized that my grooming habits become more and more patrick bateman-tier as time goes by
give me five primary historical sources which corroborate that claim, in either MLA or Chicago format; ten academic journals which feature articles agreeing with your point of view, a photograph of a mammoth standing in Salsbury Plain before stonehenge was constructed, and a letter from stonehenge's current owner confirming mammoths were not used in its construction. You have ten minutes.
here's a (You) for the effort
my parents got a cat. I won't see it until christmas
LOVE donks
well they gotta fatten it up for the christmas roast
not funny
wake the fuck up dixie
They will kill you in your sleep
*activates Scroll of Icatharian Flight*
i don't bother combing my hair most days because no one will see it
imagine having hair that you can comb
imagine being a fucking manchild
Dont forget wasteful fuel consumption.
>2.76 MB, 4160x3120
how tall are you finn
Why is Dave Chappelle so controversial now?
tldr; he called out cunts for getting offended constantly
critics got offended and gave him shit reviews
normal audiences love it
>stop being offended
>*abruptly cancels own show, moves to Africa, derails own career for over a decade, and converts to Islam because people kept shouting "I'm Rick James, bitch" at him in public and a white crew member laughed in a way that made him feel "uncomfortable" while he was filming a sketch in blackface*
>realizes (((comedy central))) execs are exploiting him
i see no issues
*blocks your path*
I'm just saying, he has some pretty notoriously thin skin and constantly demands that white people enjoy his comedy only in the specific way he wants them to. Hopefully age has mellowed him out somewhat (apparently he's only 46, what the fuck?)
hey....... back off.......!
I'd run to be honest, but I doubt I could outrun the Shaman King.
yare yare daze...
/dixie/ is a lanklet-free general
coming here was you first and last mistake, yank
any last words?
honorary manlet
I said /dixie/, not /cum/
the virgin czech vs the LONG ohioan
at least i'm black
no homos in this mans computer
I am awake
I sip
gonna have a shower and some toast and nap
fuck night shift, come home and all these kids are running around and some guy is out mowing his lawn
isn't bernard a manlet
oh yeah i think you and him are in the same category. except youre twink self is beyond saving
Is it ok if you're tall but also a fat fuck?
you're short for the dinaric alps manlet
too easy
*links vocaroo*
>honorary manlet
Now what's that supposed to mean virgin
that's not that bad for your height. just lift
fuck you
who /dayoff/
every day is a day off for me
I watched the special, it was pretty tame
hilarious though, but I've seen guys like Louis CK and Bill Burr say worse stuff on late night appearances than the things Chappelle say in this special. I can't believe this was controversial
Are you keeping up with real estate news?