Does Jow Forums share similar sentiments to our British brethren?
Does Jow Forums share similar sentiments to our British brethren?
fuck the EU, fuck the euro, fuck g*rmany and fuck r*ddit
Why are redditors always so theatratical bigger-than-life-flaming homosexuals.
kys Ameriglobo sleeper
>I just want to say, that while a lot of us don't think Brexit is a smart idea, in the end we still love y-
this, but fuck bongs too
the eu is gay and cringe. i respect england having the balls to shit in g*rmanys mouth and tell them to piss off. fuck europeans
My thoughts
eu food laws are cool though, mostly because our food laws allow the most disgusting things to keep the industry happy
brown subhumans licking american boot
Yellow subhuman licking franco-german anus
literally whiter than you brown manlet
>Mongolslav calling me a manlet
You wish.
go back to r/europe and kys
yeah we are all bored of brexit and it should finally happens for god sakes
god i fucking hate the way reditors talk, it's so fucking retarded
hell no, FUCK BRITAIN, they deserve to suffer for betraying Europe
this poster is 14
>1st world fucks think a little banter is suffering.
Sensitive babies
That's the kind of gay ass post you write on a sugar high or after taking mdma
10 rubles
en oo ryssäbotti
Since the EU makes Americans, Russians, Brits and pol-tards seethe it can only be a good thing.
I don't give a single fuck about the EU, I want Brits to leave as fast as possible so hopefully other cunts will follow
Go back to Russia, Ivan.
...what an astrosurfer would say
They're very nice but I wish they'd either fuck off out of the EU or stop crying about it. I don't really mind either way.
i hate sl*v(e)s