Binland thread ask questions about winland :DDDDDDD
Personally I'd like some finnish alternative rock band recomendations :DDDDDDD
Finlan thread :D
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worst thread I have seen in years
Finland shocked, Sweden rock.
does binland? :DDDDD
soy thread
f*nland is shitland
why are finns so austistic people?
Our internet culture is basically the "I just pretended to be retarded" meme taken to 11th level.
my country :)
Hot uwu
how is kaurismaki seen in finland? are his works actually representative of the country?
I hope every single Finn has a terrible day. Fuck you, I hope you all get hit by a train.
lolzors guise. binland is winland
epic thread
capping this and posting on r/4channel
I hope Finland colonized Lebanon , you can get our expertise on food , and we'll get your education system
Has lord of the rings really been stolen from finland?
I am finland
Some board of travelling gave Kaurismäki a "reward" (a lemon?) for portraying Finland in such a dull and ugly light. Couldn't handle the thruth imho
Otherwise, he's one of the national heroes
've been to Vaasa
Finland? More like Slavic-Sweden.
Finland is FINNO UGRIC. They're BVLLS, unlike those germanic and slav(e)ic dogs
my brother :)
only reason someone has ever had for going to finland is to buy cheap booze at the cruise ship
25 % of int are finns
Any finnish porn?
but that's what we are supposed to do sven
how expensive is alcohol on that side of the puddle
Why do autistic losers love Finland so much?
Finnish girls are hot. How do I ask them out (as a foreigner)?
How does Kela work exactly? If you have zero income but a few savings, are you allowed to housing assistance, social assistance, etc.?
It's less expensive in Sweden. I guess swedes just are illiterate and can't comprehend pricetags
h-hi finlan, do you love me
t. sweden :3
Halt doch dein Fresse du sheiss Loch
>'ve been to Vaasa
You've been to Sweden
Onhan tuolla kaleksit nyt ihan vitusti halvempia.
Doesn't apply to me, I'm a Finnish resident with a Kela card. Now answer my question as if it applied to you.
kill yourself
>If you have zero income but a few savings, are you allowed to housing assistance, social assistance, etc.?
Yes. Just fill the forms for general unemployment allowance and general housing allowance on their site.
I'm a female but very autistic and chubby. How do I get a finnish bf, unironically? Dating apps? Finland seems so comfy and I want a cute Finn bf to cuddle
>very autistic and chubby
You'll fit right in. Tinder is popular here as are most big dating site.
Thanks. So they don't take savings into consideration?
>Finland seems so comfy
It really isn't.
It has been a long time when I had to apply for either but I don't think they care about savings, only monthly income. Some neet might be able to answer your questions better.
This is Finland for you.
Thanks for your reply.
No, that's H*lsinki.
Finland is fucking based. All their hitory they've been undeveloped tribes of hunters-gatherers opressed by vikings, balts and slavs, but now they managed to create the most civilized, cozy and developed country.
>russian education
He's on his way to Valhalla
Gonna need the sauce for that one
lmao we were the KINGS of the north. it was those damn christian whiteys who fucked us up
Finland YES
Love fins, They make ultra based bm
Did you have any written language?
I HATE wh*te people SOOOOOOOL much!
I am from Finland (suomi)
I am a 30 year old virgin from Finland who never dated or even kissed a girls.
I havent had any friends for 11 years.
ye pekka. we dropped our swords during the swedish crusades.
to kneel before the FINNISH BVLL
lmao yes you did bitch boy
finland didnt even have a written language until the 1800s and has never won a war.. ever.
completly irrelevant nation.
you on the far left
says the swede
ok muhammad
Finland has invented the following inventions
-First video game (stolen by white man)
-First mobile phone (stolen by white man Martin Cooper)
-Heart rate monitor
-Internet (stolen by white man Al Gore)
-Computer operating system (stolen by white man Bill Gates)
-Bubblegum (stolen by white man)
-Distillation of alcohol (stolen by Arabs)
-Molotov Coctail
and tampere, turku, hämeenlinna, lahti, oulu...
why do wh*tes do this? Are Arabs also wh*te?
Uralic Brother
>All their hitory
What history?
The forbidden one
just elves lore and language, also gandalf is ripoff from Väinämöinen
You mean the nonexistent one.
No. It was stolen from Wales.
The Finnish Kalevala was stolen from Karelians in Russian Karelia. Don't let F*nns fool you otherwise. It would be like a Spaniard saying "the Spanish epic" was written in Portugal.
For me, it's Oulu
Visit Finland, as a american woman you are toptier here and get tens of hot autistic Finnish men to show you the places.
>The Finnish Kalevala was stolen from Karelians in Russian Karelia.
Finnish-Karelian people from stolen Karelia
imagine being proud just because you happen to live on a piece of gland
lmaoing @ all the losers who are nationalist because they can't achieve anything by them selves
Agreed. It's quite embarrassing when Finns go full Jow Forums, especially for Finns.
Hello, Ed. How was your summer?
>Finnish-Karelian people
No. Karelians are a different tribe. It's like saying "Finnish-Veps people" or "Finnish-Estonian people". Nonsensical.
Finns claiming Kalevala is Finnish would be like a Spaniard saying "the Spanish epic" was written in Portugal.
It's the same heritage no matter what. I have no problem giving credits to Karelians.
>Myös Länsi-Suomessa oli alun perin kalevalaisen runouden perinne, ja eräs yleinen oletus on, että kalevalainen runosto on peräisin juuri Länsi-Suomesta
>Insinöörikomentajakapteeni Rudolf Dillström julkaisi 1927 kirjan Kalevala ja meri, jossa hän esitti oletuksen nykyisestä Varsinais-Suomesta Kalevalan runouden syntypaikkana. Hän päätyi tähän näkemykseen Kalevalassa esiintyvien vesialueiden nimitysten perusteella. Dillströmin mukaan meri johdannaisineen esiintyy Kalevalassa 202 kertaa, kun järvi vain 14 kertaa ja joki 82 kertaa. Kalevassa mainittujen luonnonpiirteiden perusteella sijainti tarkentui Varsinais-Suomeen. Ilmansuunnista luode on kirjassa mainituin ja hän katsoi viittaavan Lounais-Suomen rantaviivan suuntaan.
>Kalevalainen runous perustuu kalevalaiseen runomittaan eli kalevalamittaan. Kalevalaista runoutta esiintyy itämerensuomalaisten kansojen keskuudessa. Kalevalainen runous on syntynyt viimeistään rautakaudella
Varsinais-Suomi asutettiin ensimmäisenä.
>1600-luvun puhdasoppisuuden aikana kirkko pyrki kitkemään ja sammuttamaan kaikki epäkristillisinä pidetyt perinteiset runot ja tavat.[5] Tämän on väitetty olleen yksi syy siihen, että kalevalainen runo- ja myyttiperinne rapistui Länsi-Suomessalähde?. Kalevalainen runous ei kuitenkaan täysin kadonnut läntisessä Suomessakaan, ja sitä saatiin runsaasti kerättyä 1800-luvulla, tunnetuimpana esimerkkinä Ritvalan helkarunot. 1600- ja 1700-luvuilla luterilainen papisto itsekin käytti kalevalaista runomittaa tai sen mukaelmia uskonnollisessa runoudessaan. Tunnetuin esimerkki tästä on Matias Salamniuksen Ilolaulu Jeesuksesta vuodelta 1690. Myös yhteiskunnalliset muutokset vaikuttivat siihen, että perinteisemmät henkisen perinteen genret väistyivät ja korvautuivat uusilla.
Jopa Ruotsissa asuvat metsäsuomalaiset kertoivat Kalevalaan liittyviä kertomuksia.
>Kaisa Vilhuinen runoili sammaksesta
Tietäjä Kaisa Vilhuinen (1855-1941) aiheutti kansatieteilijöiden keskuudessa suorastaan sensaation tarinoimalla sammaksesta, kultapylväästä, joka kannattaa taivasta. Vilhuisen tietojen mukaan pylvään päässä istuu nainen, "Jumalan lähmäinen enkeli, joka Väinämäisen avulla torjui Lohoa, kun tämä yritti varastaa auringon kauas pohjoiseen pimeään Kalmamäkeen".
Vaikka Vilhuinen sanoi olevansa epävarma sammasta koskevista yksityiskohdista, hänen tarinansa päätyi todistusaineistoksi Kalevalan sammosta käytyyn keskusteluun. Kansanperinteemme suuri tuntija, kielitieteen professori E. N. Setälä katsoi Sammon arvoitus -tutkimuksessaan Vilhuisen runoilleen maailmanpylväästä, joka päättyy Pohjantähteen, taivaankannen naulaan.