Britain will never leave the EU. Pic releated will be the next Pm and change the EU from the inside.
Britain will never leave the EU. Pic releated will be the next Pm and change the EU from the inside
He look very British.
Looks like he should be teaching an art class and breaks down in tears when the kids just be on their phones for the whole class.
Boris will prevail.
I thought they had elected already that one that looks like a clown
He's unironically a closet Brexiter
he wants britain out of the EU so he can implement socialism in the UK
source: trust me dude
And it’s based, and dare I say, redpilled
Of course, socialism has shown its efficiency during the last century, why not blessing another great history shaping country with the enlightened socialism especially marxism-leninism ?
I can't wait to see ireland selling potatoes to the UK, it's gonna be the painting if you ask me.
>change the eu from inside
Lol you wish you socdem shill, the eu will just get more and more powerfull, absorbing more power of the states until it forces an authoritarian unacountable federation upon it's members, and uses the comming soon european united forces to crush any oposition.
>ireland selling potatoes to the UK
you and i both know the english will steal them all again
>no dubs
>no isr flag
it's lies
Based and redpilled. We should do the same in Vysehrad countries. European Union is great but unfortunately always will be neoliberal in some way
>you will get to see the boats full of people fleeing from the Corbynist People's Republic
Best timeline
They have already stolen the northern part of their island and it's a shame but now it's biting them back in their arses and preventing Brexit and I must say I'm having a chuckle over it lads.
He looks and acts like a British Lula.
It sucks, the fun is repelled until january.
Nah, BoJo will ask for an election and push through
>south american 3rd worlders give their "opinion" about our based continent
By the way, what's happening over the mountains Mario ?
How is Salvini coping ? Do you think that new gvt will last ?
You must admit it's fun for once to see them being bigger clusterfucks than we are. I wonder how they'll get out of this deadlock.*The funky thing is : since they have no written Constitution, Brexit has hit them in a constitutional blind spot and so everyone disagrees on what is allowed or not.
he will lose the elections you silly
>How is Salvini coping ?
news of his suicide will come any day now
Not gonna lie amico mio it would make me giggle a bit if it were to happen.
>How is Salvini coping?
His gf is even cucking him with some Chad (I wish I was joking). He's in full JUST mode
> Do you think that new gvt will last ?
Maybe, I don't know. The entire situation is so weird it's impossible to predict. Imagine if Macron and Le Pen were governing together, with Le Pen coming from a recently broken alliance with a leftist party
Last poll were a small bit in favor to cons, and the brexit electorate (11%) can genuinely fuck boris hard brexit line.
Fuck me man, I love you guys so I feel sorry for you but I can't help to find all that mess hilarious.
It's fine, we actually do better when there is no government to fuck things up
"Socialism" has transformed peasant, shithole countries to industrial powerhouses, you only say it doesn't work because you've been propagandized to say so ever since the soviet collapsed. The fact is that no countries have experienced as rapid industrial growth as Russia or China in the history of mankind.
To what cost tho? They were and are shitholes
>It's fine, we actually do better when there is no government to fuck things up
Italian Revolution when ?
It is time. We can still lend you the guillotine blueprints.
Followed by balkanization and genocide probably
True, market bonds have been favourable since the crisis began.
>Followed by balkanization
We'll help you keep it together bro.
> and genocide
OK yeah if I look back at ours went I can understand your point.
>We'll help you keep it together bro.
Nah, balkanization is fine. Most of Italy's achievements come from times when it was either a huge empire or an assembly of small countries and city states
salvini doesn't need to cope: opposition is his dream status, especially now that the economy will take the blow for all the shit the government did these last months and he won't be made accountable for it but on the contrary will capitalize and gain even more votes
Based and ML pilled.
isnt corbyn for leaving the eu?
Cunt campaigned against joining the EU TWICE.
Nazbol as fuck. Specifically, campaigned against freedom of capital and labour as it was only beneficial to the oligarch class.
If the government manages to last and elect the new President of the Republic Salvini can kiss away any "redpilled" reform for the next 7 years
Hoist the banners of the revolution!
Leftoids support the EU. That's the whole point.
M8, if M5S goes into coalition with Renzi they'll be finished. What's the fucking difference? Another Euro coup.
Salvini will have a shorterm hit, but his rise is inevitable. Berlesconi will be running the migrant boats 24/7 on his channels.The EU (read Germany) will continue to fuck Italy, and install puppet governments.
Italians have had it up to the ears. And we're following soon behind. Half of my family are Andalucian, all dye in the whool Socialists party members, all voted for Vox.
Neolibs support the EU.
Your Americanism has spread here to imply left means faggot. True left wingers know free movement of people is a weapon of capital, to weaken the Unions, and devalue wages.
The EU is supported by everyone that isn't far-right or far-left
>How is Salvini coping ?
>Do you think that new gvt will last ?
He is coping precisely knowing this government is not going to last. It's probably not even going to outlive the previous government, which dragged on for an amazingly long time to begin with.
You realize that unless Mattarella dies in office the President is slated to be elected in 2022, right? There is no way this new gov lasts that much.
>You realize that unless Mattarella dies in office the President is slated to be elected in 2022, right? There is no way this new gov lasts that much.
Yes, and who knows? The last one lasted 15 months and was a shitshow, this one could last 24 if the two parties manage to agree on some stuff
It's the same premise, groβcoalitions don't last in Italy.
They lasted for decades with Democrazia Cristiana
This isn't the First Republic, retard. On the contrary, doing anything resembling the DC's modus operandi in this day and age is literally giving away free propaganda ammunition to the enemy.
Again, nobody knows. M5S are amorphous enough and it worked well for them
Americans shouldn't be allowed to discuss politics.
Remember when UK was a strong yuro country that could shadow Germany?
1914 was a long time ago grandpa
Yeah you should’ve seen them before communism. Explain why most of Africa is shit when most of it has been trying neoliberal economic policies for decades.
Good, I hope we don't.
There are so many benefits with remaining in the European Union.
I don't shit on planned collectivism, but the previous experiments (marxism leninism) have been utter failures. And your last statement is not even true, can you only define in numbers industrial growth... Number of factories ? Number of workers ? Number of produced goods ? Early 1900 seems to be the highlights of industrial revolution in my opinion.
How about going from an agrarian society to an industrial powerhouse capable of winning a world War and achieving several spacefaring achievements in less than 40 years?
Based Jeremy Cromwell
Only applies to russia, russians have always had great scientifical figures. For the war, they lost 20 millions people and without american tanks and devices I don't bet on a victory. China had to wait americans needs for cheap workforce. You seem to imply that russia wasn't able to produce an industrial society without soviets, I disagree. Sooner or later they'd have used their huge stock of ressources, we must admit that communism haven't provided a working system for this matter.
Ahh yes, when socialist countries fails its strictly demonstrates the failure of the economic system but when it succeeds the results were inevitable and would have happened anyway.
Liberalising the economy as we all know is the greatest way for third world countries to benefit on the global market!!
China was literally a shithole until it liberalised its economy though
But it hasn't been a success. It collapsed before the end of the century.
this. based Boris.
Had an american on Jow Forums unironically tell me Merkel is a leftist desu.