>he doesn't support the creation of the european superstate
He doesn't support the creation of the european superstate
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I do but its official language should be latin or french
Nah, it obviously should be Finnish.
No, switzerland is doing fine with italian german and french no reason it won't be the same for the US of E.
Fuck no. A united Scandinavia however, that would be nice
Not expecting that flag desu
Can Canada join the EU even if we aren't in Europe?
This one?
Even if you were located in the core of europe you wouldn't be allowed you disgusting leaf
ihr solltet besser mal anfangen deutsch zu lernen, denn das wird bald die einzig erlaubte sprache in europa sein.
No I mean Norway's. They aren't in the EU
According to the Copenhagen Criteria you have to be considered an "European country" to be eligible to join, so there should be a treaty revision to make possible for Canada to start the accession process
A divided Europe is in everyone's best interest. The only western country that deserves to be a superpower is USA.
Australia is taking part in Eurovision song contest, don't see how a similar exception could be made for Canada
They're in because they're using our TV satellites iirc
The USA itself should (will?) be broken into a few pieces desu
anything is possible if all members agree
True. Could be a dangerous precedent though, I don't know
I would see them joining the Customs Union like Turkey though
>putting different countries with different languages, cultures, histories and views into one NPC state
I'm sorry you're cute and you can come in fren
no, I support the creation of the Ibero-American superstate
No. Not unless there's a suitable replacement.(and there isn't any).
should be english to be honest
Having all languages be official is fine and based desu
>putting different countries
Countries are made with different regions
>with different languages,
It depends, belgium and france plus germany and austria for instance. And look at switzerland, multilingual country and I don't need to display their superiority I guess.
Nope, and as a northerner I have more in common with the belgians than the corsicans or the catalans.
>and views into one NPC state
EVROPA isn't npc, EVROPA is the beating heart of the world. Deal with it you emu molester.
That's basically what happened to all Nation States in Europe before. Italy and Germany were all different countries that united
yeah this works too. all official documents should be released in all languages.
The Copenhagen criteria are never followed. Which is why so many shitholes are in the EU in the first place.
t. british empire
historical facts scare the alt rightist
i mean, omg different cultures in a single country? thats crazy! i mean ignore the fact that the UK is literally 4 different countries fused into 1 country and Germany and Italy were fused from multiple countries with different cultures.
>yeah this works too. all official documents should be released in all languages.
It's already like that
It was followed when Morocco asked to join and was told no. All the other enlargement were arguably with European countries
Cringe and bluepilled.
EU is a leftist trash. Now is ok yet but when Balkan parasites will be accepted then it's time to leave.
>historical facts scare the alt rightist
>he thinks pan europeism is leaft leaning
what about for jobs? you'd pretty much need to speak the local language or else u won't get a job right?
No thanks faggot.
who are you quoting?
I never said anything about something being left or right. But most eurosceptics are alt-rightists funded by Putin.
In other countries? Yeah more or less
In the EU political institutions you can just speak in your language and it will get translated to the others; most EU politicians speak 3-4 languages anyway
Yeah, that went so well for Yugoslavia...
A lot of waiters in Amsterdam only speak English. They should be thrown out of the country.
I worked in Montreal but I only speak English there. The thing is, if you are working in office type jobs, English only is fine, but if you want like a blue collar job or a service job were you need to talk to customers for example, french is mandatory. Is that how it is in general in Europe? I'd imagine so because I keep getting asked by Swedoids to work there.
Correct but kringe coming from the biggest EU parasite.
>He doesn't support the creation of the global superstate
Yeah lets see the list of failed monocultural states
Nah, you can be happy that we don't force German on everybody, even though there are roughly 100 million German speakers.
I'm supporting a European state. If you have been alive before the EU, you know it's never been so good as we have it now.
>Is that how it is in general in Europe? I'd imagine so because I keep getting asked by Swedoids to work there.
Yeah in general you need to know the main language of the country you're working in
No thanks. It will immiediately become German Empire or Greater Germany.
And all those shitholes in Eastern Europe will leech off money.
I'm quoting you, you're implying that the "alt right" is against an united europe, it's wrong. Against current union policy for sure. Against Europe ? Lol no. They're the very lover of europe. They're the only one defending europe from outsiders. And putin isn't against europe nor Russian people if anything, the only country eager to undermine europe or the eu is the US of A.
wtf, I'd LOVE to have my country also be ruled by Chinks, Russians, Africans, Pakistani's and Turks!
t. putanzee hire
didnt read also
>he doesnt support the west euro neo roman imperium with France, Catalonia and Padania, and civilised Swisserland
>And all those shitholes in Eastern Europe will leech off money.
If it's united Europe, then Russians must be included, since they are Slavs.
Soviet Union, Czechoslovakia etc.
Lmao get fucked new worlder. Prepare yourself for the european century.
Of course, matter of time.
Nah, Russia should be united with Australia. You're both large countries filled with dumbasses after all.
I really don't, yeah
This actually. There is nationalism based on state's level, nation's level and nationalism based on union's level. I support the last, not the first or second.
Russian must be included because they are the only European country with worthwhile military.
Nothing wrong with EU nationalism. Current right wing parties seem to want the opposite of that though
And it will immediately become power struggle between Germany, Russia, Britain and France. All them would want to be the leader.
Russia doesn't push all money it has into military to become a member of the EU. It does it to take control over your country and suck it dry from money and resources.
I don't care about Monkeydonian subhumans opinions. Are you even have TV in your shithole?
>as a northerner...
Sure pal.
Did you manage to post this after Hans gave you a break from cleaning his toilet while he went to fuck your sister in the nearby brothel for 50€ subhuman?
Not sure about that. Until 2007 they were anti-EU, but during the last decades it appears that "far right" parties are pro union nuancing with a solid grip on european sovereignity, like rassemblement national and alternative für deutschland. Probably not Salvini's lega but it's ending now I suppose.
I live in the northern part of France, what would you call it eventually ?
>Until 2007 they were anti-EU, but during the last decades it appears that "far right" parties are pro union nuancing with a solid grip on european sovereignity, like rassemblement national and alternative für deutschland
Mhm I don't know about that. They oppose most common initiatives, even when beneficial to their agenda, and have no clear plans to reform the Union or in what direction to bring it
But I do.
Absolutely based, but due to their sheer number German should be co-official too.
eu needs more black wmen
>They oppose most common initiatives, even when beneficial to their agenda,
Political moves. You don't play the rules when the others do it as well. Social democrat political line has been very, very, very loose with the rules (2005 referendum in France for instance), so no surprise the other political entities don't play it regularly.
Italian identity existed even during Roman times. Romans called the peninsula Italia.
>Political moves
Yeah and I don't trust them. Their ties with Russia are blatant and dangerous enough
It wasn't italy as we know it today, same for the french kingdom. It's the same for France and for all european countries, local entities got their shit together or were conquered and created higher realms. Same for russia, same goes for the usa.
I support UdSSR and native people being replaced by niggers from Africa.
it isn't like this
>And it will immediately become power struggle between Germany, Russia, Britain and France
Britain ?
What Britain ?
Why would Britain be in Europe in the foreseeable future ?
There will be no Britain in a European Federal Superstate, neither us nor them would want them in - save for maybe the Netherlands & Portugal because they are Angloboos.
We don't talk about Britain in a European discussion.
>and dangerous enough
Perharps. Let's list what Russia has done against europe directly or not :
-.... ?
Let's list what america has done :
-invaded the middle east creating the biggest chaos of the world directly leading to the migrant crisis
-jeopardizing european economy and punishing russia, iran while working with the chinese
-directly threatening europe with their military presence in germany, the UK and their patriot system, creating a potential proxy target in case of a nuclear escalation
-impeachement of a western europe- russian economical alliance which would directly hurt the USA
For the big lines.
Russians might be dangerous, because they're on survival mode. Americans are dangerous because they're imperialist and war mongering golems.
America being bad doesn't justify Russia being bad. They're both evil
Russia is meddling in our elections just like the USA and both should get the fuck out
Especially if you conclude that ruSSia and USrael are getting close to each other now with using jew-proxy that mediates hard for their anti-chinese and anti-european alliance. In such situation Europe should strenghten its ties with China and arm itself to teeth.
Based & Redpilled
Europe should be one block independent from both and cultivate the best relations possible between the two without being subjugated by either.
It's in our best interest to warm up the relation with Russia as soon as possible (i.e. as soon as this Crimea clusterfuck is solved somehow), but we should not let down our guard around them.
One of the problems that we have is that currently the world only has a choice between Trump America and China, four superpowers would work better.
Don't describe sad details of your so-called life Shiqtari. How often you have to blow German grandpas in your work?
biggest EU parasites could be us, but biggest parasites on Europe are Germans
>Russia is meddling in our elections just like the USA
other european countries as well and more, that's what you get from a political union
>They're both evil
Everyone is evil. Russia is a natural ally, america is an octopus holding us to develop our full potential.
It won't last, Trump finishing his second mandate will allow the deepstate to handle the ship back.
I do.
Fuck the ch*nks and the y*nks this is gonna be a EVROPEAN century
Well said
We have a say in a political union
We have no say when Russia passes a few millions under the table to our politicians
Rassemblement national can't contract a bank loan for their activities for some reasons, not particularly surprising that they're trying to get money somewhere else.
>We have a say in a political union
Not even Finland's official language is Finnish
Oh, fuck off, the definition of Europe used in the Copenhagen treaty was not written by Varg.
Will North Europe continue to carry South Europe?
No the EU's fault we are constantly not present when decisions are made, and our politicians miss most of the meetings
EU keeps making new pointless regulations on technology and I can't stand it.
I wish we could be in a union with the USA and legalize guns, weed and speech. Praise capitalism.
>Lives in Germany
Ye for you living in the number one beneficiary of the EU. For poor cunts in Spain whos unemployment rate is almost 5 times that of Germany or Greece which is having to get money from China to pay of debts by paying with shares in infrastructure like Piraeus Port Authority because European bailouts come with loads of shitty strings attached it's not that great.
>Ye for you living in the number one beneficiary of the EU
Not really.
fuck the EU, fuck the euro and fuck g*rmany
>German age demographics prove that Germany isn't the number one beneficiary of the EU
Yikes. I don't know what you're talking about your unemployment rate is almost three times that of Germany.
On the plus side for France once UK leaves the support for Berlin Plus will be reduced to just Scandinavian countries and Poland so you can push through more integration in CSDP to replace NATO and we'll see loads of inexperienced Slavs dying in Mali for the EU Françafrique style policies that will inevitably come about as you try and stop China's expansion into the dark continent.
If we want to stay relevant and more importantly get rid of foreign influence, we need to federalize.