I am from here. I'm from so far north that even other Scandis are southrons to me. How can I possibly relate to other europeans in particular actual southrons?
I am from here. I'm from so far north that even other Scandis are southrons to me...
My finnic brother :)
how is it living up there, whats the closests city with a hospital?
you don't you can relate to siberians though
By realizing that Europe is fucking tiny
Santa is that you?
I am a Stockholmer and have a Norwegian ancestor from Narvik, do you feel cucked by this knowledge?
Comfy, winters became a bit dark and depressing to return to since I moved away though. The people are very reserved but nice, the snow is great, going fishing in the midnight sun in a forest lake is top comfy. My city has a pretty big hospital, it is a city of 80 000 in a larger metro region of about 200 000.
But I want to relate to my fellow EU brothers, not R*ssians.
have we met?
You don't. We're not supposed to relate to the mainlanders for they are of Catholic breed.
any different than ppl from boras? it sounds top comfy
Unlikely but maybe
Yes, Borås is a normie western swe city.
Why should we care about whom you can or cannot relate
We don't give a fuck about you
Go choke on dicks
>How can I possibly relate to other europeans
There's nothing stopping you really
He didn't ask you to do anything you autistic spaz.
What do you look like, sampi slant eyed or swedish
This is not your gay blog pekka
We are in this European Union together with the shared goal of federalizing it. We have to get along.
I have small eyes and a round face but I'm ethnically Finnish.
Guess you are southern for me, too.
Sweden is going to leave soon anyway
I don't expect to befriend your arrogant people
Are there a lot of Samis ?
>But I want to relate to my fellow EU brothers
By learning about the history of Europe and its culture through the centuries.
Not anymore
What did you do to them ?
go fuck a reindeer samejävel
Forced sterilization among other things
I am Tornedalian, we're based and arguably redpilled.
Any brown people over there and do you guys eat tacos every Friday like your southern tribesmen?
Why are you so arrogant?
A few are placed here by the state but they mostly fuck off as soon as they can. We eat tacos and are mostly like other swedes except we go to the sauna and are less tolerant against homos and feminists.
I'm from even further north than you
No and no
Hey, I've been there (Vilhelmina) last year
We totally don't go to the sauna down here and you totally aren't overrepresented when it comes to voting for the left and socdem party.
I'd rather vote for the left party than the liberal party.
I've been there (Lulea). Nothing special.
lel I recognize the Lulea church. Either you're not from there or you're just another faggot student studying there.
I am from here
Because you love brown people, Islam, trannies, feminism, domestic violence and immigrants.
Lulea isn't even as close to the arctic circle as Rovaniemi you nigger. Try being from Ivalo then we'll talk.
I am from Luleå but live in the So*th
Um no we don't, that is an issue with your southron southdemocrats and anyway it was the right wing government that opened the rapefugee floodgates and the socialdemocratic government that closed the border.
I have family from Rovaniemi, beautiful santa city.
Seems peaceful
Move map a bit lower and there's me.
Why are Scandinavians such obnoxious special snowflakes? Nobody fucking cares how far north you live.
Caхaлин? Гoвopят, чтo этo "ocтpoв", нa кoтopoм ecть жд c мaтepикoм. Ha кaмчaткe ни жeлeзнoй дopoги, ни oбычнoй к мaтepикy чтo вo вpeмeнa мoeгo пpoживaния тaм нe былo, чтo и ceйчac нeт нихyя. Mы кopoчe дaжe бoльшe ocтpoв, чeм тpyъ-ocтpoв.
>I am from Luleå
You're basically a sout*Ron then, coastal cities have a -20 latitude penalty. That puts you somewhere around northern Italy, pleb.
I lived in Murmansk when I was a child and I hated polar days. Polar days is the fucking worst thing about the north. And the lack of tall trees.
И кaк ты тaм живeшь вooбщe? У вac тaм интepнт пoди пo тaлoнaм 100мб. Пиздeц, кaк жe хopoшo, чтo y мeня poдoки в ДC пepeeхaли в 90ых.
Are you dumb? Are you kidding me? The socdems haven't closed any border. See this is why I hate you gullible half Lapp shitheads.
Socdems were elected in 2014 and have had the gates open during the whole refugee crisis.
Not only that's they created the whole fucking culture where you can't criticize Islam. They're in a fucking government with MP for gods sake.
Пepeчитaй cooбщeниe пoвнимaтeльнee, paньшe тaм жил. Интepнeт и впpaвдy зaлyпa былa, нaвepнoe щac тaм yжe пoлyчшe, были зaявлeния пpo пpoвoдкy кaбeля пo днy oхoтcкoгo мopя пo кpaйнeй мepe. C 2015 гoдa я нe живy тaм yжe.
By getting out of the shithole called eu
Swedes are not my kin
Heт, eщe нижe)
The swedes are so cuckolds that even talk to each other in English.
Кypилы? Bлaдивocтoк?
what happens in there
fishing I'd assume?
Voolcanos, snow, poverty. Rightful chink clay.
>Snowy winter volcanoes
god I wish we had that seems really comfy
There is nothing going on, come there for fishing, but I do not advise you to use the services of local guides, they charge for their modest services (to bring to a beautiful place, swim in a volcanic source, climb an active volcano, etc.) fabulous money. It is better to prepare a route in advance, book a hotel, hire a driver.
Only Swedes and Finns do this
He’s Saami most likely. Isn’t that something else as a Finn?
Do Swedes in the north have a derogatory term for Swedes living in the south? In northern Norway we often use the sentence "jævla söringa" as an insult
Hes italian what do you expect
Gällivare here, and yes. We call them Sörlänningar. Jävla sörlänningar...
you are not european, you are a hyperborean
You are a Finn. Of course you see Scandis as niggers, for they are swarthy pajeets and you are a white European. Now stop speaking Hindi and come home.
you sout*Rons are to blame, the entire north has 900k eligible to vote, stockholm has 1.6 million eligible to vote. that means more stockholmers voted for S than the entire north.
and that's after you sout*Rons have had a problem with immigrants for 30 years. 10 years ago no one in the north had even seen a nigger.
troll harder
>Muh amount
Only 360000 Stockholmers voted for S but it should't madder to you since you obviously voted for them and I would bet my life savings on it, lappfuck.
Look at the image. This is sorted by support of S.
Why am I not surprised?
"only 360000"
that's more than the entire north voted for S you inbred half-turk
That's not the point. I'm calling you out for being socialists.
Is it immigrants there?
cope harder, you sout*Rons ruined this cunt with your feminist vegan niggerlovin' attitude that bled into all parties from the 90's and onward
but noooo, blame the insignificant vote
>cope harder, you sout*Rons ruined this cunt with your feminist vegan niggerlovin' attitude that bled into all parties from the 90's and onward
Me? I'm from skåne, niggerlover. Also, if it was so shit why did you all keep voting for it? It was S who started it all in the 70s after all.
Lmao. You're a whole 10% of the vote.
I'm also calling you out for complaining about Stockholm all the time while the same politicians you voted for actually are the ones calling the shots.
wow, you're so stupid you're blaming the north instead of stockholm
no use talking to single cell organism
I'm not blaming anyone!!!!!! I'm calling you out for voting for something you claim to hate and then complain that it's Stockholm's fault when the same politicians you voted for are I'm fact the ones calling the shots.
>Imagine having to walk trough life as this retarded lappfuck.
>I'm fact
In fact*
didn't matter when it was reinfeldt behind the wheels
it's all about how the politicians are influenced (spoiler: it's whatever the stockholmers want), but I see now you're probably 19 and voted for the first time last year so all you know is the last couple years of politics
I don't give a shit who's fucking up this country. The point I'm making is what you're shitty human beings and I hope S start taxing petrol even more in the future so that you and your inbred friends actually think about who you're voting for.
>var skåning
>bli våldtagen av babbar i 40 år
>röstar SD
>var norrlänning
>se inte en enda babbe i hela ditt liv
>röstar inte SD
Hmm svårt att förstå varför. Skylle på bögholmarna och skjuteborgarna som lever med babbar och ändå röstar på sjuklövern.
Is Sweden as politically divided as this thread is?
Tänker inte skylla på dem eftersom man får 3 val.
>Riksdagen, landstinget, kommun.
Grejen är ju att vi inte röstar SD så mycket för att vi inte har samma problem som er. Hur många rån och gruppvåldtäkter har du läst om i Luleå eller Kiruna? Till och med gängskjutningarna här görs ju av vita för fan.
Man får fan börja läsa lite nyheter då så att man har koll på vad som händer runt omkring i landet innan man röstar i riksdagsvalet.
Jag sitter här i Simrishamn och upplever nästan inga av problemen som babbarna tagit med sig, fast jag är röstar fortfarande på SD för att jag bryr mig om folket i resten utav landet.
mm svenska objektiva nyheter lol. Ganska stor skillnad på att bo 1 timme från Malmö och att bo 10 timmar från närmsta babbeghetto. Sedan röstar vi SD till viss grad, vi ligger just under rikssnittet och betydligt högre än Stockholm, Uppsala och Göteborg så förstår inte varför du är så stjärtsmärtad över oss. S har varit mindre skadligt än M med psykfallet Reinfeldt.
S hat indoktrinerat generationer. Finns inget mer skadligt än partiet som fyller partikassan när dem höjer public-serviceskatt och fått folket att lita på staten före familj samt haft öppna gränser och importerat miljontals babbar i decennier.
Det är en hittepåterm.
You can't relate to Europeans Mr.Genghis Khan
Even worse in real life.
I know right. How do we Europeans relate to you?
Isn't that the singer from this video?
You're closer to Sicily than Boston is to New Orleans.
>He’s Saami most likely.
why do people assume this still? they are like 10% of the population at most in that area
There are much more ethnic finns than samis in the far north. It it something like 5% sami, 50% finnish and 45% swedish
Ask a real southron anything
>not isle of wight
fuck off norfern poof
>50% finnish
therefore rightful Finnish clay.