Judo or Wrestling?
Judo or Wrestling?
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Grappling is gay. Real man go strikers.
Judo techniques
Anything, but BJJ.
That Eri Tai Otoshi at 4:12 is max kino.
isn't bjj newaza-only judo without nagewaza
Wrestling is Chad. Judo is soy
grappling > striking
so choose whatever looks more fun to you
Judo add boxing is strongest martial arts.
Wrestling is patrician af and doesn't teach all that asian "philosophy". bullcrap.
Ju philosophy and do philosophy is both important though.
Softness beat harness.
But japan is good at hardware and not so good at software. Why?
Lack of judo philosophy.
Do bs will never give you any kind of edge while subjugating someone else. Technique is all.
And btw, sod off armynigger.
*doesnt wear a gi in your path* sorry judo pal good luck finding the lapel on my tshirt while my gable grip breaks your ribs and then i throw you on to of your head
But in real life, there are situations where you are not allowed to throw strikes to opponents
I personally like boxing the most though
that literally only applies to bouncers who don't wanna risk getting sued
>that literally only applies to bouncers
Not only bouncers but also police officers and teachers(they deal with delinquents in schools in poor districts)
>police officers
here they'll just pull out the nightsticks they have no fighting training
Wrestling looks gay, so Judo.
Maybe it's efficient
In my country, all the police officers have to train Judo. Especially cops in anti-riot units and those who investigate extremists or terrorists are very tough judoka
In real life you can 12-6 the back of the head of your opponent and put him to endless sleep
That would be very effective in Russia
It would be even more effective on tiny insect asians.
stfu cowarditaly
Sambo (and wrestling
Not kidding, you made a "Duplicate file exists here" message appear when I first tried to post
Why Sambo is not Olympic sports??
Kek based
Systema is some western meme. Nobody in Russia knows what it is.
I think it will be soon. They already received IOC recognition last year
Wresrling by far. No gi only the body you get so strong and stamina its insane alsi fun as fuck
What did gaijins mean by this???
>S-s-sorry Japan! I-I admit your Judo techniques are legit! Please let my arm go! My arm, my arrrrrm!
>women "fight"
Wrestling niggas be like "My arrrrrmmmmm!!! My arrrrrrmmmm!!!"
Most top MMA grappler are either Wrestler, Sambo practionners or JJB.
Muay Thai niggas by like "My arrrrrmmmmm!!! My arrrrrrmmmm!!!"