It's the language of the future. Blyat.
Why don't you all learn some freaking Russian?
Other urls found in this thread:
where do i start
russian women don't date me :(
i dont plan on moving there
fuck off mongol
recommend me some russian trap music and ill consider
I already speak a tiny bit of Russian and they wouldn't want a manlet anyways.
I wanna learn Hebrew to get chosen by god.
>spitting hostile sounds from the side of your mouth is the language of the future
This is literally a porn actress
imagine the aids
Drug consumption related
I dated a 1.77 russian and I am 1.70, don’t be a fag
Because you're European.
Those previous two combined.
i'm talking about russia you dumb mongol
1 in 2500 to become HIV+ from vaginal sex with a woman who literally has HIV already.
Why do you post a literal porn actress as an example of “Russian women”?
The American problem is magnitudes more than the Russian issue.
Literally not because there are more new cases, but because they started multiple programs to combat it and more people get checked.
k vatnik
>learn russian
>post a whore
What did he mean by this ?
It’s not about pro or contra. China’s CO2 emissions are twentyfold when compared to Europe but they don’t get to pay carbon taxes. Bullshit is bullshit. Go fuck any girl in the pussy raw you will only get a kid or candida on your dick.
>Why don't you all learn some freaking Russian?
Because I don't have a qt Russian gf to teach me of course
>a random thread about russia
>a butthurt polak appears from out nowhere
where did you buy this? i mean camera
Я yжe гoвopю этo нaхpюк))
More like language pf the past
It’s a gross language.
lies and western propaganda. Russian women never do porn. They are the most trad women in history :3
It's Lauren Southern
Elbows on the table, biggest red flag
Where do I start, comrade? Is pimsleur any good
She does porn btw and is in a video sucking dicks with that same outfit
Even better, all women are whores.
Boulevard Depo - Люди дpeccиpyют людeй
Boulevard Depo - Hot wheels
Кaкoй y тeбя pocт?
make it so getting a visa isn't a months long headache of a process that continues to burden you even while you're in the country, get rid of grammatical gender, and stop being third world, and i'll consider it
how hard is it for eastern europeans to get an australian visa?
Because I hate you scum
idk, but for a tourist visa, i imagine not nearly as arduous
It's even harder lol. You waive your visa first, then we'll talk.
more russians come here than we go there, the onus is on you
>third world
Russia is second world, dumb chink.
Nah. Only bilateral visa free agreements are possible. And your American puppet government will never agree.
surprised jannies haven't deleted this thread yet
>muh cold war definitions
and switzerland and sweden are third world
i'd be up for that, just pointing out that it would benefit more russians than australians, because russia is one of the least popular tourist destinations here, so it would necessarily have to start from your side
>It's the language of the future.
Chinese is future language of Russia.
>lies and western propaganda. Russian women never do porn. They are the most trad women in history :3
what makes you say that?
Are Australians welcome in Russia?
>muh cold war definitions
There are literally no other official definitions.
If you're going by Jow Forums meme definitions then they're still second world.
post link
>what makes you say that?
Real life experience. They're much more traditional than Western girls.
Also nice Ukrainian.
Sure, why not?
avoid talking about politics and you should be fine mostly
It seems hard to speak it
>Also nice Ukrainian.
do you know her name?
>Sure, why not?
can English speaking people travel alone in Moscow and SP?
What do you mean?
im sorry but that was trash, u know anything similar to this?
Why is it always Ukrainians?
I'm still waiting for the link Aussie
I wish but i can't
It is obvious you don't know Russian being you use "blyat" instead of blyad.
Nice slav(e) monkey phenotype