Can I get disability for being depressed?

Can I get disability for being depressed?

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In America sure of course

Not in American lmao they will laugh at you and tell you to get a job
You need to prove actual inability to work, and there's 600 pound retards working right now, have fun you fuckin retard LOL

You can in America. I was on it from 2011 to 2018 for depression/anxiety.

What a fucking joke
That shit gets denied majority of the time, no reason for you to have gotten disability at all, not to mention for that long

I do like 2 hours of work during an 8 hour work day. I give zero fucks.

Teach us your ways, master.

Sleep 4 hours a day you’ll feel much better

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>taking a shit when you wake up

do Amerisharts seriously do this?

wtf, the period of 5am to 7am is the BEST time to take a shit

You absolutely can in America but idk why you'd want to

wagies didnt invest in crypto eatly either

If you do it in America you will also be unable to buy a gun

You are thus considered mentally unstable going forward

so what you're saying is just buy an assload of guns and bury them out in the woods in a secret weapons cache before you apply for your neetbux

That is certainly an option. Most europoors seem to be doing just fine without guns though, so there is another option.

this isn't true at all. i am a certified psycho and have a concealed carry permit and multiple registered firearms
it really depends on the state you live in.

>crazy people can have guns
Ah i am scared

you could

it's not the way I'd go, but some people swear by it

government wants us to contribute to firearm related crime via suicide.
probably want us to get absolutely comped too

It does get denied most of the time, the trick is to go at it again with a lawyer. As long as you're diagnosed it's guaranteed you'll at least get a SS payout.

Regardless op if you really want to get it and think you should. You want multiple psychiatrists/therapists to agree on your condition with depression/anxiety/whatever else you might have.
You probably will be denied multiple times if you have no record of being fucked up for an extended period of time.
You should consult with a disability lawyer on getting assistance to get your tugboat because they through jewish magick will decimate your application and wait time.
If you are really fucked in the head and go through the treatments (ssri test subject) then you deserve it far more than some fat fuck femoid with fibromyalgia.

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really can't stress the lawyer enough. go for broke the first time then pay the lawyer his fee and watch it get approved. The lawyer is the reason for people getting approved in a few months as opposed to failing for years.



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damn the evolution of the cuck cage is wild

> Pro Tip: BUY BCH
> $1 Million EOY.

wagie wagie
every day you grow more weak.

you slave your life, so willingly for a little beat and some meat.

life flashes before your eyes, the light in the sky dies.

You are old and ruined, your life and memories are lost in time.

You gave up your life so your boss's boss could live a more meaningful life on your dime.

No one will remember you, as you are laid down in the ground, your flesh decomposes long after the roses.

oh wagie wagie

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How do I find corrupt doctors to help get me the disability recommendation?

Theoretically yes, practically no.

coffee and poop while checking charts is comfy

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In germany yes pretty easy with the right doctor