why do wh*te crakkkas complain so much about brown people when they are just claiming back their own land?
Why do wh*te crakkkas complain so much about brown people when they are just claiming back their own land?
Because brown people overtake infrastructures and institutions not built by them. Your centuries old land deed means shit.
If she isn't Comanche that's fake news
Interesting. Does that only work for Mexico or do Silesia, Pomerania, Elsass-Lothringen and the others still belong to Germany following that logic?
Whats fake news?
No one is native to this land neither whites nor browns
Just about everything built in the American southwest that's modern was built by Mexicans lmao
she comes from pic related, all that was unsettled mostly
Stop using the word mexican like irs an ethnicity, its just a nationality
It's just like to claim that she is in her homeland in Philippines
And most admit the South West is Chi land.
>she comes from pic related, all that was unsettled mostly
All Mexican indians (not just the aztecs) are a mix of pueblids and margids indians who were originally from the southwest and california
are those regions different from Germany?
so no human is native to this planet?
Native americans = the first humans to settle on these lands.
As differen't as you and Guatemala
Everyone is native to the planet but land does not belong to you just because your ancestors were there longer
Mexican amerindians are related to indians who occupy modern day american territory
Do the people in pic related think the land they live in is better off if it belonged to Mexico once more?
No, they just dont want to be deported
Half of youre cunt will be Hispanic because greedy politicians and businessmen and there's nothing you can do to change that
>Mexican amerindians
Comanche people are 50k and they live in Indian reservations there
Guatemala and entire Central America is the same as Mexico, we share the same culture and same roots. Wh*te jewish crakkkas balkanized us when we were a single country, but now we are looking forward to become one once again.
That's right. The era of the crakkka is coming to an end, no matter how long they settled on the land.
Yes, everyone knows that Mexico would have surpassed USA if the land remained untouched by crakkkas.
This is not just conflating all "native American" cultures together, it's conflating native Americans with the Spanish empire with the state of Mexico.
And unless she's saying the southwest should be territorially subsumed by Mexico, it's really beta and contradictory to say "we're the aboriginals, let us immigrate to America and live as Americans do", which is what all this bleating is about really, not the advancement of Mexico.
>Half of youre cunt will be Hispanic because greedy politicians and businessmen and there's nothing you can do to change that
It will be mestizo, mestizos abandon hispanic culture over here
>Comanche people are 50k and they live in Indian reservations there
Mexican amerindians are pueblo indians who colonized mesoamerica
Mestizos wont take over, they will just assimilate and become american over time.
You are not comquering anyone
Well, they're not as German as they used to be 100 years ago, but they're still more German than the rest of Poland, France, Belgium and Denmark. Silesia and so on are way more developed than Eastern Poland and there still are Germans living there.
>mexicans build all american houses
>slight breeze knocks them over
No surprise there
Finally a spicanese who understands the El Paso shooting was a self defense shooting on invaders
Tell that to these guys
Its weird how being a nerd became cool and popular but they just took the term and gave the nerds a new one.
Incels = nerds
He shot people regardless of their immigration status.
It was not self defense against invadors, self defense against invadors is shooting illegals at the border not shooting ramdom brown people
if that was true there wasn't any traces of Mexican Culture in half of the US, but instead there is, and it's becoming larger and prominent.
and that's good, wh*tes don't deserve to live on OUR LAND.
Are you Iroquois?
How is this your homeland?
Scratch a Mexican, you'll find a European.
>self defense against invadors is shooting illegals at the border not shooting ramdom brown people
And this is why Patrick is better than you.
He wasnt wishy washy about who the enemy is.
>Oh you invaded the USA a century ago therefore you arent an invader
Lol these shootings make me laugh cause its always unarmed dumbasses and invaders that get hit.
Predominantly amerindian mexicans are pueblids
Legal immigrants are not invadors
Anyone born here is technically a native american, america is a civic nationalist country.
Only illegals are invadors
>native american
to which tribe you belong tho?
american is no the same as unitedstatian
>Stoles and kill ALL REAL native americans
>"Now we decide who is ilegal!!"
Kys amerigoblo
Are wh*Tes, dare I say it, BTFO
America is my nation/tribe
>Legal immigrants are not invadors
Good luck, invader.
The aztecs/mexicas called this land anahuac not america
>Anyone born here is technically a native american
Not if another nation is trying to overtake your natio trough pushing their people into yours as a slow invasion.
You are retarded or a traitor.
How am I an invador?
Im a legal citizen according to us law
Mexico is not trying to take over and mestizos wont take over this land, they assimilate in two generations
We allow anyone to become a citizen regardless of race, we just dont want you to come here illegally
go back to spain, murderer
Illegal is a term used to desribe those who enter a country without asking and getting no permission.
A country is a land mass with people in it who decided where the borders are.
Other people with their own nations agreed on this nations size.
If you have no military or agreements backing up your borders you have no country.
The USA is being invaded because nobody gives a shit about its border thus nobody gives a shit about its people.
>I am a legal citizen according to the law
Its so easy to pick out invaders.
No you are going to lose California to spics.
They are turning muslim for a reason.
Why are you assuming hes an iberian?
He could be mostly amerindian for all you know
>Illegal is a term used to desribe those who enter a country without asking and getting no permission
Like pigskins in the american continent?
The concept of nation state is european, makes ZERO sense for the original people form those lands
kys pigskin
>Its so easy to pick out invaders.
Whos an invador?
>No you are going to lose California to spics.
We are more likely to lose it to chinks, they have more economic and political power in that state, mestizos just go there for work
he's a mutt no matter what
a spic, a spanish speaker
he's no indian, he's a murderer and doesn't get to point fingers at the white man
>he's a mutt no matter what
>a spic, a spanish speaker
>he's no indian, he's a murderer and doesn't get to point fingers at the white man
There are millions of 100% native americans in Mexico, pigskin
Is it possible for you to be more upset about white superiority?
Mestizos did not colonize the americas they did not benefit from it, they are not responsible for what happened to amerindians
>Whos an invador?
You and it's painfully obvious.
>It isnt us goyim its the others who never cause trouble
Invader please, stop it.
>There are millions of 100% native americans in Mexico, pigskin
Yes they are called central american natives not north american natives.
I was born here and the goverment says im an american, tell me how im an imvador
go back to portugal
Are you larping as a SJW idiot or are you genuinely this retarded?
Damn bro did the Suriname BVLL come in your wife without asking last night?
What makes me an sjw?
Im not blaming whites for anything
>The concept of nation state is european, makes ZERO sense for the original people form those lands
This is why it's a good thing for all "natives" across the globe to be genocided, they're dumb and useless
>tell me how im an imvador
I will tell you how you are aan invador, muchacho.
A sheep born on a plane isnt a pilot even if the pilot allow him to fly along.
You are the foot in the door, the anchor baby.
You should be going back and build your country up instead of mooching off of the hard work and blood shed of another people.
Dont get me wrong i dont hate spics, I dont hate anybody besides freeloaders who hold the door open for other free loaders.
Mexico is part of north america idiot and central american native is not a racial classification.
Central american natives are istmids and mayans
>Leaf talks about being cucked
>Gives terrorists a million dollar home and his 5 wives too
You are talking about ethnic responsibility for what 100 to a 1000 guys did for some rich guy.
Thats top notch SJWism
If the us goverment says im an american im an american. Race does not matter here this is a civic nationalist country
The french guy
sayed mestizos were murderers and I simply told him why it wasnt true
>sheep born on a plane
The absolute state of right wing metaphors
>Invador is so American he cares about spicanese natives
Just take off the 10 gallon son and show us your sombrero.
>If the us goverment says im an american im an american.
Like I said: good luck invader
Leaf please get yourself a gun before your government makes it illegal for you to defend your boy pussy from Ahmed.
>he doesn't deny it
Lmao how angry must you be to see all those Suriname and Indo BVLLS roaming the Netherlands as they see fit while you stew in impotent rage
>Leaf wants me to take him and his wife's boyfriend seriously
Leaf please, dont kill yourself. You have so little to live for it'd be a shame if you gave up.
My family is italian, pigskin
Having knowledge about amerindians makes me anti american?
>good luck invader
Why do you think im an invader, do you think only white people shoukd be allowed to live in this country?
>wife's boyfriend
>im 60% pueblid amerind which means most of my ancestors lived in this region longer than whites
>i have american citizenship and I respect US law
How am I an invader?
Yes it shows your allegiance lies elsewhere, invador.
No any patriot & nationalist can stay.
If you assimilate you stay if you break the law you go.
Tf is a country if its full of people that dont want to be part of the country but rather talk about how awesome Mexico is and how there shouldnt be a border with miniguns and landmines
>Yes it shows your allegiance lies elsewhere, invador.
i also have knowledge about europeans and asians, does that mean I have an allegiance with them?
>If you assimilate you stay if you break the law you go.
I have assimilated and I dont break any laws
>Tf is a country if its full of people that dont want to be part of the country but rather talk about how awesome Mexico is and how there shouldnt be a border with miniguns and landmines
i never said anything good about mexico and never advocated for open borders, so whats your problem?
>i also have knowledge about europeans and asians, does that mean I have an allegiance with them?
Ever heard of evidence gathering?
You tick off a lot of boxes.
>I have assimilated and I dont break any laws
>i never said anything good about mexico and never advocated for open borders, so whats your problem?
You don't disagree with the OP and that's another nail in your ataúd, invadorrrrr.
>Texas is actually Tehas
i dont agree with op, all I said is that shooting random brown people is not self defense against invadors becsuse you dont know if they are legal or not
Don't wewuz when half of your city names have Slavic etymology
You're basically a bunch of scandi snowniggers that crashlanded on Slavo-Celtic border and started larping as natives
no crucé la frontera
la frontera me cruzó
When are you going to stop being a NEET?