>Post yfw CANZUK is formed
Post yfw CANZUK is formed
What's canzuk? Is it a customs union or what
Free movement of goods and people and maybe closer political ties to a federation
Unironically I would be jealous and it would be based but I have good hopes the Brits would undermine the Union and eventually crash it with pic related.
What's the benefit for each country? And if it's beneficial, why canzuk wasn't formed before?
>What's the benefit for each country?
Benefit would be a large economic block with countires that have similar HDI, Gdp per capita (ppp), law system, language and head of state rather than being part of regional organisations that are more diverse and lack this parity and comminaity of intrests more often than not with these nations being pulled into spheres of influence that put them in a weak position (UK with EU, Canada with USA, and AUS/NZ with China). One of the big problems with Supranational organisations is a conflict of culture and objectoves but CANZUK is unique in being homogenous and sharing collective values.
>And if it's beneficial, why canzuk wasn't formed before?
It was for a while and was planned to be expanded with the imperial fedration and round table movement
But britain dipped to the EU and as such the other nations ended up going their own ways but with britain leaving the EU its back on the menu.
CANZ should be formed, it'd be perfect
Will trade between countries so far from each other be beneficial at all?
Yeah logistics arn't really a problem thanks to modern technology
Australia and New Zealand are increasingly worried about China's rise, and America going AWOL so closer ties with Britain would be nice as a form of security. Canada, New Zealand and Canada are all large exporters of resources and food, Britain is a huge importer of resources and food. Before Britain's entry to the EU we supplied Britain with most of these commodities. Our economies are pretty much complimentary to one another so it'd be good to go back to that. Canada has the least benefit, as they're next door to America who provides them with a huge economy and military security, plus the Quebecois may be reluctant to join an Anglo union where they'd become an even smaller minority.
Moving goods may not be a problem, but wouldn't long distance increase prices of imported goods based on distance and travel time? Fastest way from London to Sydney by sea is through Suez Canal and they gyppos will tax the shit out of freighters, planes are faster, but that should be even more expensive.
Ultimately trade in the modern world is so cheap it doesn't matter, think made in china. Also it will be further offset by what states about complementary economies of UK and Aus NZ and to a lesser extent Canada. A CANZUK union would actually be amazing only downside is the US feeling left out if we took Canada from them tho this may not be a problem of the continue to go hard with protectionism.
I only recognize ANZUK because let's be honest, Canada is just frog territory
>plus the Quebecois may be reluctant to join an Anglo union where they'd become an even smaller minority
All of us are fairly staunch free trade supporting nations. If trade between us was uncompetitive for certain goods or items, I think we'd be quite happy to let different states source from elsewhere. As long as national security or whatever wasn't threatened.
I didn't expect that, interesting.
As for China, if the UK has military might to oppose the chinese, why did they just hand over Hong Kong to them?
Hes not talking about military secuirty tho britain is a nuclear power, its more spheres of influence. China is very keen to draw Australia into its orbit as Australia is rich in natural resources to fuel Chinas growth, this could become a problem is china then starts flexing its power within its sphere making demands on australia which would have to be aquested as Australia would be almost compleatly dependednt on China. CANZUK could give australia more soft power clout and alternitive options to becoming simply a chinese resource provider.
Not a fan of chinks, sorry.
Can we join
Side question how do Sinapore people view china as arn't you majority ethnic Han?
I don't think the UK could militarily match China, but CANZUK combined starts to be more of a deterrent. Especially when the UK is a nuclear state and a permanent UNSC member. It would reduce all CANZUK states dependence on America too knowing we have each other. Combined I'd like to think we could at least build a navy strong enough to keep China away.
Canada isn't represented on the flag
We don't want a fucking leaf on it
yes it is, top left is the stars from the republic of canada flag
oh right, that's obscure.
better than a leaf tho, matches the theme of the flag
oh no not again
Where do CANZ get their oil from?
Because we were legally obliged to hand over Hong Kong (and yes I'm aware that only the new territories weren't under lease but Hong Kong Island without them would've been a crippled rump state). A big part of the UK's business comes in its global reputation as being contractually reliable, that's why it didn't just crash out of the EU right away in 2016. I know it's fun to live out these Jow Forums power fantasies but it's not how the real world works.
were under lease*
We get ours from the Middle East directly, or "mega refineries" in Singapore and Korea which is from the Middle East originally. I think Canada has plenty of oil in their tar sands and maybe even fracking nowadays. We've got absolutely shit tons of natural gas coming online if you want to buy some.