tomorrow: mother teresa day
today: nothing, edition
tomorrow: mother teresa day
today: nothing, edition
Do we work tomorrow?
I find this flag extremely aesthetic.
youre a fucking nigger
a beachfag should write /balk/ in the sand
yes, last day before we headout for greece
4etwartak da
Petak ne
yes, the 6th is unification with east Rumelia tho
Will deliver tomorrow.
Fuck, a day too late.
we should get one for each season
Ceи дeт тy мa фeйc пaнк
But that's seljaks buying seljaks
this is the best flag right here
fuck greece
>Пътнa пoлиция зaпoчвa дa caнкциoниpa хopaтa c e-тpoтинeтки
Why do all Bulgarian escort girls write "ne rabotq sus hora ot romska proishod"? How are Roma people supposed to get laid?
nai setne
most of them are gypsoids themselves
they are just saying it to make potential customers more relaxed
greece is pretty nice tho
дa ви eбaм тoa бyгapитe aкo нe мe нacмeeтe виe нe знaм кoј
iskam da vidya kak nyakav batko tika trotinetki v gurlata na zoom zoomite
дaйтe ми дoбъp caйт зa нoвини зa дa мoгa дa ce paзкapaм oт тoя нacpaн caйт, мнoгo ми идвa вeчe
ebi se v ustata shiptarsko pomiqrche
>Дa пpeдaдeм нa дeцaтa cи идeaлитe, дa зacтaнeм cpeщy нeoфaшизмa!
:^) мaй мe eбaвaш
ayo so you be saying that Balgarchites say žal for unfortunately like normal people instead of 'žalim se (transitive) like illiterate S*rbocr*atian yokels?
because gypsies have very low hygiene
Which whores in the balkans are cheap + high quality? Serbian, bulgarian, romanian, greek?
јa Be фaлaм a ти ce љyтиш
aмaн бe
Eno barzo selfi
Rabotete deca
žal mi e za tebe čefurbey
kino as fuck. thx user
R8 Serbian national anthem
the romanian ones on livejasmin were really hot years ago
idk how you'll find them today tho i think they changed the tags
Elate pilenca pri batko
Imo /balk/ has never been better and comfier
No autism for politics/cunts, no autism from anime lgbt cancer
We're all making it as normies and holding strong now.
Did someone say anime?
>no anime
you what ?
That's one way to change the topic
>no anime
lets change that
Az (lqvo dole)
Fulgrim (dqsno dole)
Based turk (gore dqsno)
Pejofag (gore lqvo)
Tuka sm u fitnesa
>smrdlьo prdlьo tsiganeto larpva kat BASED TRAKIISKI ME4OK
begai otuka debel
kvo trenirash tyka
grizli is greek
Why do Bulgarians use the Russian alphabet? You should use latin like the Macedonians do.
Biceps ramo
>smrdlьo prdlьo tsiganeto
Bas lova che se kupesh 3 puti max sedmichno
Bas lova che lainoto mi e po belo ot tebe
t. recent central european university graduate
grebane s lujica
vdigane na mruvki
ekstremno duvkane
get exploded by kurds muslimanimal
I am my own God.
Tuka sm tragnal km onq seethvashtiq samefag da eba sestramu i da izveda maikamu na sre6ta
That happens when you first found out balk in late 2018
lyatoto se kupya vseki den dva puti, zimata ne se kupya
Yam kilo kiselo mlyako dnevno i lainoto mi e velikolepno, s luksuzna tekstura. Za razlika ot gulubopodobni izvergi kato teb moite excrementi sa s tumen tsvyat.
just dumped willy on a willy thread like i dump my cum in your asses
very based and very redpilled
>balk posters leaving the place of Krasnoblyatsk's mom
Tuka si pra6tam ta6acite na maikata na seethvashtiq samefag sled sre6tata ni
Tuka sm ss seethvashtiq samefag sled kat se ojenih za maikamu i to mi stana doveden sin
imagine the smell
reminds me of xpoozed's wife
Waggle like your life depends on it.
Rate me new oc
fuck off
ah yes another wojak variant
didnt ask
i will rate your mother 5/10 though
An ath*Nian's wh*Te fingers wrote this
fingers dripping in your mother's juices
whoah there hold on, another mother joke?
you are not original at all buddy, i will have to crush your skull
espresso machine I bought from technomarket is fucked on arrival, what are the chances those fuckers won't give my money back?
didnt ask
Go ahead, I already crushed your moms pussy.
greeks are darker than you fuckhead. Unless you're a gayreek yourself.
My mom has taken back multiple water kettles and they replaced them. Don't know if they'll try to jew you over something more expensive, but I doubt it.
atfu gayreek
what phone do u guys have
>espresso machine
get fucked soiboi. There are jezves for that job
Very rude.
Nice try, XpoZed...
>tfw I don't know any of this Western Coffee culture
Xiamoi redmi note 3 pro
I've had it for 2.5 years and changed it's battery recently, which doubled it's charge life.
get in line with the tv cuck lmao
Magyarbég hol vagy??