do you want to find love in japan?
Do you want to find love in japan?
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Sure why not
Fuck off, Giovanni
You live in the country with the most beautiful women in the world.
And even so crave for those insects
You are a disgrace to the italian race
All of them have 6/10 faces
i want to find nobita and beat him up
I just want to find love.
yes, the only thing I want :)
t. Zhang
No real med would crave for those insects
I crave for all races
That would be nice, yes.
I wanna immigrate to Italy to marry Italian girl
I'll take the third one from the left of the bottom row.
Ear nibbling is my fetish, looks like I could tease her a lot.
FACT: only low test syojaks fetishize asian women
incel here, what do you think?
I already have a Japanese girlfriend and I'll impregnate her womb with my Korean seed.
low test syojarks only get a low tier asian woman.
she doesn't look east asian.
>thing never happen
stfu pak.
adult are talking
based gaben
why do you always post a pic of Korean girls?
I want to find love and I really like Japan so why not?
why do people always post Korean girls when they want to insult Japanese girls?
Where did you get this video of me and my wife?
Yes because Plato told me so
rack off we are full
They know the truth
>they wanted to think japanese are ugly like them(korean)
These are jjokbari girl.
Yes, or Korea.
koreans and chinese women are cuter on average but japanese culture is so much better soooo yeah I guess
Why do you have an autistic meltdown in every thread when somebody is making fun of insectoids?
Nnngggg my dick
let's do an exchange, I'll get you an italian qt and you'll get me a japanese qt
imagine her bullying you with her thighs
Back off Antonio e Francesco, Jap qts are mine. 2020 here I cum.
first three posts are photoshopped pics of gooks with surgeries under lightning
totally not a raid btw
actually it's japan that found love (me) in france
Hell no. I hate those strange sounds those bitches do.
not their ugly samefag faces, deformed bodies and bug mentality?
fuck off jew drop your proxy
go back to your gas chamber
jews promote race mixing and the destruction of white people, you stupid fucking mulatto
Considering it.
Come on man. C-Milk is ok for a former white wannabe rapper.
I want to marry my seiyuufu
why do you always post a pic of Korean girls?
I want a small girl with hair and facial features like her. Race doesn't matter.
they dont like subhuman manlet foreigners like me
its over
Does anyone? Any woman at all? Anywhere?
And that's a good thing.
psy op
oh god oh fuck yes I do
why do japanese bitches have such good leg game :o
some of these are cuties
Implying your dick gives a fuck about faces.
>Checks flag
Oh I see, you're a faggot.