Why are ethnics so embarrassing?
Why are ethnics so embarrassing?
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Everyone loves white women. It’s just embarrassing for them because they’ll never get one because white women don’t like them.
indios BTFO
only the anglofied ones that live in reservations
>Everyone loves white women. It’s just embarrassing for them because they’ll never get one because white women don’t like them.
It's a woman actually.
It’s true. White women only like white men.
i rejected a russian and an irish girl back in hs Idk if they count as white tho
1. North Europeans are the most beautiful.
2. Shitskins don't respect Europeans, they are literally raping and murdering Europeans.
3. Your picture is a shitty forced meme by a certain yellow fever fag.
Fake picture of brainwashed little girls. And just because they’re saying that refugees can have temporary refuge in their country doesn’t mean they want anything more to do with them. They’re going under the assumption that they'll never have to see or deal with these “refugees.”
>It’s true. White women only like white men
Okay, Ahmed
hola jhon
i prefer asian girls, this is me
This is totally not a made up story LOL.
This except your 3rd point. It’s 100% true.
Keep coping.
You prefer aliens to humans.
idc care if you consider them aliens they are cuter than any white woman
No, they look like insects from another planet.
And then within the hierarchy on white men being the most desired by white women, Meds are at the top.
Cute...like a kitten right? Just wrong if you are meaning it in any other way. You feel attraction towards your own species.
>keep coping
This. How can you be attracted to something so unlike yourself? How far do they take it? It’s weird.
cute like a girl, not like a masculine white woman
>1. North Europeans are the most beautiful
Why are you posting pictures of yourself Ahmed?
seethe white roastie
All self-hating ethnics should be shot
Because they try to be white. You would love to be white wouldnt you?
the absolute state
Then the vast majority of nonwhite women would be fired upon.
ethnics are the biggest copelords on the planet, literally 35%+ of them between 18 and 30 in white countries are incels
im not white, whats wrong with me not liking white women who tend to look like men?
>cute like a girl
Creep and even then, not a human girl
>not like a masculine white woman
Ok dude. Totally masculine.
They are. The women.
He spoke the truth.
LOL true
And an even larger percentage of ethnic men so it would all work out fine in the end
No, your race disgusts me to no end
All men, especially non-whites, love white women. What are you?
>Creep and even then, not a human girl
fat white femcel detected, why are you so upset about me prefering azn girls?
>Why are you posting pictures of yourself Ahmed
im a non white male
do girls exist on Jow Forums? outside of /soc/ and /cgl/ I mean.
I’m not fat, but the truth is, all men live white women.
All my ancestors are European.
What are you?
What's wrong with admitting some people are better looking than others?
*LOVE white women
Yes, that poster is a known mentally ill white girl here
There's nothing wrong in admitting white women are ugly hags
>All my ancestors are European
Im 75% yaqui and I prefer azn girls, specially mongolians and central azns
Jow Forums is one of the boards with the most femcels
Is this cope?
>ninguna mujer es fea si se le mira por donde mea
You don’t know who I am. This is an anonymous board.
Cope because you know you’ll never get a white girl.
They are. Now get out of Europe.
Your taste is retarded. But I don’t care about what shitskins like. I just know that you do like white women, but resort to this because you know you can’t get one.
only good looking white women are slavs
Next rare flag to collection.
Yes it is.
All white women are good looking, or at least desired. Especially Northwestern Europeans. Being a blonde makes a women an automatic 5, or that is how it should be at least.
Right on, sis!!!
as a non white is easier to get a white over na asian women, im not resorting to azns because they are easier.
They are simply cuter and more feminine than white women, thats why I like them
Wow! 2 women represents every white woman in the world!
>Now get out of Europe
>as a non white is easier to get a white over na asian women
It’s not and you know it. Non-whites can’t get white women.
>It’s not and you know it. Non-whites can’t get white women.
getting a white gf is easier than getting an azn one
then there would be no whites in the world
It’s true. White women are not naturally attracted to non-whites. You will see a minority end up with blacks because of shilled media influence and the whole oppression guilt thing. No one else.
>All white women are good looking, or at least desired. Especially Northwestern Europeans. Being a blonde makes a women an automatic 5, or that is how it should be at least.
Asians leech onto anything not Asian lmao.
>You’re fat hehe
I’m not, but whatever helps you cope.
asian women tend to prefer white guys over non whites, getting a white gf is easier
el que escoge no coge
>I’m not, but whatever helps you cope.
Most attractive women by race
1 Latina
2 Mena
3 Asian
4 white
5 black
And they will still prefer any other non-white over an Asian. Some of them might be weary of blacks, but I’ve seen them resort to that too.
No lol
White girl
・disgusting scary deep eyes
・disgusting body odor
・disgusting body hair
・Wrinkled face
・pig skin
look like gay
Asian guy not interested white girl.
Keep crying no white woman will look at you.
You’re deluded.
>white not last
Yes you are, but you know better than to even bother LOL unlike nogs. Meanwhile pajeets are in the same boat as you but have no self awareness.
Keep seething.
Idk, tell me
White girl are fucking ugly.
not feminine
Swedes are also shitkins.
i dont like white women but you have to admir they are better than sheboons
azn women dont pay attention to me, all girls who like me are white or hispanic
Cope. All the most famously classically beautiful women the world knows are white. Above the neck I couldn’t even tell that apart from an Asian male. I can’t even tell if Asian men look feminine or Asian women look masculine, like with blacks. Androgynous people all around.
based, white men all the way
so true. asian girl are goddess
*Unlike with blacks
>Marriages between White men and Asian women are over twice as frequent as those between White women and Asian men. Recent research has proposed that this imbalance may be explained by the finding that, on average, White men are perceived as more attractive than Asian men, and Asian women are perceived as more attractive than White women, possibly because Asian faces are perceived as more feminine than White faces. Here, we explore whether Asian faces are perceived as more feminine than White faces. Thirty-five Malaysian Chinese (20 male) and 30 Australian White (12 male) participants manipulated 100 face photographs (50 Asian; 50 White; half male) on a masculinity/femininity axis to optimize attractive appearance. As predicted, White women’s faces were increased more in femininity than Asian women’s faces, and White men’s faces were feminized more than Asian men’s faces to optimize attractiveness. These findings suggest that White faces are perceived as more masculine than Asian faces.
Everyone love Asian girl.
sounds like cope. black women are very attractive. they also give birth to very healthy children, and are very nurturing, despite black men not being good fathers, many blacks make it big -- because of black women's motherly attitude.
>cute like a girl, not like a masculine white woman
cope harder, you fucking incel
nobody can tell the difference between chink men and chink women, you all look the fucking same if you had the same hair length