/lang/ - Language Learning General

>What language(s) are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Ask questions about your target language!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Participate in translation challenges or make your own!
>Make frens!

Read this shit some damn time:
4chanint.fandom.com/wiki/The_Official_Jow Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

Totally not a virus, but rather, lots of free books on languages!:

Check this pastebin for plenty of language resources as well as some nice image guides:

Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30 plus languages:
>How do I learn a language? What is the best way to learn one? How should I improve on certain aspects?
Read the damn wiki
>Should I learn lang Y so I can learn lang X?
>What is the most useful language?
Slovakian Swedish
>What language should I learn?
Serbian Danish

Old thread Old challenge

Attached: thu hwät fräånd.png (500x558, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:


This is silly question but. Do any languages that aren't tonal use the Hanzii (other than Japanese which only has pitch accent)?

I wouldn't since they don't use it often. But you could still include it if you were desperate.

what foreign media do you enjoy, and not just cos it's in your target lang

There isn't media in my language.

Anons needing corrections:

Previous post if you're thirsty for more dumb mistakes to greentext:

meant for the Aussie user, if he still happens to be around

my positions have changed from
>language learning is a marketable skill! Let's teach everyone languages in schools!
>traditional language education is a farce, it's all useless
>language teachers can actually have a positive role and help students learn, and they deserve reasonable remuneration for their time and patience

In how much time?

I prefer the position,
>only I should be allowed to know a second language. then I will be guaranteed a job.

zondag met Lubach is unironically entertaining
there's been other Dutch movies that I liked, and a great documentary about China (langs de oevers van de Yangtze)
not to mention the many many foreign movies in langs I didn't understand (Chinese, Iranian, french, German etc)

"Most recent reconstructions also describe Old Chinese as a language without tones, but having consonant clusters at the end of the syllable, which developed into tone distinctions in Middle Chinese. "
Was this a better time for China?

What do you interpret the blur to be, keeping in mind the author is being a bit poetic here?

I watch segments of that too sometimes.
I'm tempted to learn Flemish just for the bants on De Ideale Wereld.

Language teachers, like all teachers, have diminishing effect on learning when the class size is more than around a dozen

Can you provide the link to this study for the curious?

as in how long between these phases?
No idea, months maybe

Can any Croats or Serbs tell me what programs are used in your countries for immigrants to learn your language?

What languages on internet beside english have contents, in terms of quantity and quality?

French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian

Welp that's quite a lot to choose from...



Also Japanese.

I don't get it, why would an australian watch flemish television? and you can't even understand it?

Also Scots... Oh wait. There is no media in Scots.

You can go from start to finish on any Duolingo tree (except the enormous ones, I guess) in a day if you've got some hours to spare and you don't have to use a different keyboard layout or use the on-screen keyboard too much. Surprisingly, doing this actually gives you a decent idea of the language's basic grammar. The vocabulary doesn't stick unless you keep practising, though.

> # (French)
Qui a mangé mon repas?
Tu vis où?
Quelle sorte de chat as-tu?
Comment s'appelle ton neveu?
Pourquoi touTES ces questions?

Quelle sorte d'art y a-t-il dans ce musée?
CertainEs voitures ont un système automatique de freins
Arrête, puis DÉPASSE le camion lentement
Arrête dans UN Espace sûr dès que possible
Baisse ta/LA musique

Un automobiliste doit prendre DES précautions supplémentaires quand il est en train de DÉPASSER un camion de desserts surgelés
C'est illegal pour une voiture d'être garée à plus DE 6 pouces du bord du trottoir
L'utilisation correcte des phares est fondamentalE pour conduirE en sécurité la nuit
Même s'il y a des exceptions d'émergence à la loi des téléphones portables, il est toujours plus sûr dE S'arrêter SUR LE côté de la rue avant de passer un appel


Are there any languages that have no inflection and aren't tonal? I can't find any.

Scandi grammar is so simple it might as well be considered as "no inflection"
Probably dutch as well

Don't they still use plural word forms and past/future tense verbs?

wtf, north germanic languages are loosely synthetic while west germanic languages and english are mostly analytical. youve more morphology than english for sure, by nature.

All human languages exhibit the same amount of complexity and exist on different places of a grammatical cycle. When complexity is lost in one area it is gained in another. Languages that lose all their inflections and become analytical will later develop pitch and then even tones only to lose them again gain particles, agglunitation which morphs into inflections again when the cycle continues. English as a language that is currently experiencing a loss of inflection towards more analyticity will at one point acquire pitch like Swedish already did and Swedish pitch will turn into tonality at one point.

you may, like english, not have conjugations (well, english has a grandtotal of 2..), but think about things like adjectives, you decline after number and genus of each word, thats already way more than english.

Not true. Old Chinese was non-inflected and non-tonal.

Unless you're talking about the sketches/skits, most of it is in mildly Flemified Belgian Dutch. The way the show's title is pronounced says a lot: "de ideale wereld" with a glottal stop in between "de" and "ideale" is Dutch, Flemish would be "d'ideale wereld", with a dropped schwa because the noun is female and the next word starts with a vowel, and (possibly but not necessarily therefore) no glottal stop, causing the article and the adjective to be linked together. Splitting hairs, but still.

The show's previous host was a Dutchman who'd learned to speak Flemish. The current host is also a Dutchman, but he only speaks Dutch, and I have nothing against the guy but his language is unbearable. Still, the show is pretty funny.

Dutch still has plural, verb conjugations for most persons (although it's rapidly evolving towards a simple singular/plural split), diminutives, there are still (some) nom/acc pronouns and some archaic gen/dat.

wdym its losing conjugations? do you have examples for that taking place?

>Chi ha mangiato il mio cibo?
>Dove vivi?
>Che genere di gatto hai?
>Che è il nome di tuo nipote?
>Perché tutte di queste sono domande?

>Che tipo di arte c'è in quel museo?
>Alcuni macchine hanno una sistema di frenata automatica
>Fermati quindi lentamente guida oltre il camion
>Accosta in uno spazio sicuro il prima possibile
>Abbassa la tua musica

>Una automobilista deve prendere extra precauzione cuando sorpassa un camion di dessert congelato
>È illegale per un veicolo essere parcheggiato più che 6 pollici dal cordolo
>Uso correcto di fari è critici per guida sicura durante la notte
>Mentre ci sono eccezioni della emergenza alla legge di mobile tenuto in mano, è sempre più sicura accostare al lato della strada prima faccia una telefonata

Attached: 92e2ee15fe47fa9412757e994c774ad6.png (1231x722, 283K)

No idea. I had a classmate from Greece and she had classes provided by the uni.

I don't yet, but the random subbed segments seem interesting enough.
What's so hard to comprehend?

The best way to learn Latin on YouTube, if YouTube is your preferred learning method.


>mildly Flemified
Sounds like some noveau cooking technique

I probably exaggerated a bit as it doesn't occur in all verbs at all just yet (although arguably all of the important verbs are subject to the evolution), but the conjugation for 'kunnen' used to be, for the singular persons:
>ik kan
>jij kunt
>hij kan
Now 'kunt' is rapidly losing ground to 'kan', because that makes it analogous to the first and third person forms. Another example, the past tense for 'zijn':
>ik was
>jij waart
>hij was
Has become:
>ik was
>jij was
>hij was
Analogy at work again.
Another example, the plural forms for all verbs, for example again 'kunnen', used to be (and in Flemish still are):
>wij kunnen
>jullie kunt
>zij kunnen
Which has become:
>wij kunnen
>jullie kunnen
>zij/hun kunnen
This already happened quite some time ago, though. I don't think more than a fraction of Dutchmen are even aware that the second person plural used to be different. In fact, technically the second person plural took over the second person singular (which used to end in -s(t) instead of -t) - in Flemish these still have identical conjugations (-t/-d), in Dutch the second person plural became identical to the infinitive, just like the first and third person plural already did long, long ago. As such, the Dutch simplified/unified plural conjugation is already a fact, and the simplified/unified singular is coming soon.
Many strong verbs are also rapidly becoming weak, although some weak ones have become strong.

>Che genere di gatto hai?
Could pass, but since we're talking about cats maybe it's more appropiate to say "Di che razza è il tuo gatto?"
>Che è il nome di tuo nipote?
"Qual è", but it would be more common to say "Come si chiama tuo nipote?"
>Perché tutte di queste sono domande?
Just "tutte queste"
>Alcuni macchine hanno una sistema di frenata automatica
"macchine" is feminine, so "Alcune"
>Fermati quindi lentamente guida oltre il camion
"poi sorpassa lentamente il camion"
"sorpassare" = guidare oltre
>Una automobilista deve prendere extra precauzione cuando sorpassa un camion di dessert congelato
"automobilista" can be either male or female, but when you're talking in general like here it's better to consider it as masculine, so "Un automobilista"
"precauzioni extra" would be acceptable, but if you want to italianize it more you can also say "precauzioni aggiuntive"
"quando" is spelled with a q
"dessert" is plural, so "congelati", although referring to food we usually use "surgelati"
>più che 6 pollici dal cordolo
"a più di 6 pollici dal cordolo"
>Uso correcto di fari è critici per guida sicura durante la notte
"L'uso corretto dei fari"
"è critico", since "L'uso" is singular, but we don't use the word critico that way, so "è fondamentale"
"per una guida sicura", or, taking a bit of liberty to make it sound better, "per guidare in sicurezza"
>Mentre ci sono eccezioni della emergenza alla legge di mobile tenuto in mano, è sempre più sicura accostare al lato della strada prima faccia una telefonata
We don't use "Mentre" that way, in this case you should say "Anche se"
"eccezioni d'emergenza"
"alla legge del cellulare", "cellulare" or "telefonino" = mobile phone
"più sicuro"
"prima di fare una telefonata"

oh, so you want to learn dutch. My bad, that should have been obvious. This video migth be of help for an english speaker such as yourself

Perhaps, but only Danish fits the no tone criteria as well.

I spend a lot of time around Germans but it never seems to get easier to understand them.

tja brudi, steckste nich drin. machste nix.


I don't think just listening to people speak will make you learn a language. Single words maybe. Otherwise weebs would learn Japanese in no time.

He didn't say he tried to learn by just listening. He said he never seems to improve in understanding them.

This just reminds me of that Dutch football coach and his gaffs or something, kek.

I mean, being able to understand a language is the same as learning it, even if it's just a specific aspect.

>page 10

What authors are good to read in your target language at B1-B2?

Attached: _20190904_221737.jpg (3842x2683, 1.74M)

>historical re-enactment involving Anglo-Saxons
>everyone and their brother is wearing a Sutton Hoo style helm with full face mask

my god wtf is that?

sorry about the late reply, and thanks for the heads up. I thought that by blur he meant a blurry/confusing intermediate of "howling, scratching and biting". but I'm probably overthinking this desu

John 1:1-4

Italians, explain yourselves

Attached: autista.png (1891x358, 26K)

What did they mean by this?


I mean, you COULD use "autista" as a synonym of "autistico", but I've never heard anyone use it that way.

everybody is hassling me IRL about china politics since I'm learning chinese and have been a few times

lol most of the Chinese people I know IRL aren't too fond of the communist regime.

I'm getting hassled by both chinese people and non-chinese, I feel like I'm visiting a friend's house and his parents are having a huge fight while we're hanging out

Just say you are learning taiwanese

No saben dónde estás.
Me gusta tocar el piano.
Viene de Polonia.
¿Qué piensas de mí?
El oro es grande y esponjoso.

Te veré en el centro de la ciudad. o Quedemos en el centro de la ciudad.
La conoció en Atenas el año pasado.
Si lo toques, te picará.
No lo llamaron “El zorro del desierto” por nada.
Te hubiera (habría) ayudado, pero era muy cansado.

No sabían dónde estaba Corsica, lo que me pareció extraño ya que eran franceses.
La República de Venecia medieval adquiría la gran parte de sus ingresos con comercio.
No tocaba la comida con sus manos, sino que la levantaba hacia los labios con un tenedor pequeño, dorado y elegante.

Roses are red.
I like my job.
I tried to call you!
I'm worried about my own safety.
I don't remember every dream.

The newspapers were filled with sensational stories about the bank robbery.
In less than 60 seconds, the vault was open.
The bank robber was certain that he hadn't made any mistakes.
The FBI was in charge of the Bank Robbery case.
He closely observed the bank manager's scared face.

He found it quite thrilling to see the FBI technicians enter his house with guns drawn.
The train heading North derailed causing the Bank robber to stumble out with his hands up.
This prison has no escape save for that decrepit part of the brick wall.

Rozoj estas ruĝaj.
Mia okupo plaĉas al mi.
Mi penis telefoni vin!
Mi zorgas pri mia propra sekureco.
Mi ne memoras ĉiun sonĝon.


>mi penis

>Mi penis telefoni vin!
the absolute state of esperanto...

mi penis estas BIG

Las rosas son rojas.
Me gusta mi trabajo.
Traté de llamarte!
Estoy preocupado por la seguridad de mí misma.
No me acuerdo de todos mis sueños. (¿Hay alguna diferencia principal ente acordarse y recordar?)

>Intermediario del del del edición
Los periódicos estuvieron llenos de las historias (tal vez relatos) del robo del banco.
Por menos de sesenta segundos, la cámara acorazada fue abierta.
El ladrón del banco estaba seguro que no había cometido ningún error.
El FBI (la OFI) fue encargado del caso del robo del banco.
Vigiló de cerca la cara asustada del gerente del banco.

Is it a reasonable goal to say that after reading 100 novels in a language and understanding them all at least 99% one will become fluent in that language.

no, because understanding has nothing to do with fluency
fluency is about how fluent you can be when speaking the language, not how well you do it or how many aspects of the language you can grasp

I mean if your starting point is at fluency. Say you are fluent in a language but not native level would reading 100 novels be a reasonable goal to become Near-Native(minus pronunciation I guess)

Tre bone. Mia nura propono estas uzi "provis" anstataŭ "penis".

Peni is like a more serious attempt, whereas provi is like a simple attempt.

Peni ankoraŭ taŭgas en tiu frazo, depende de la kunteksto. Mi ne scias kiom serioze la parolanto volas telefoni la aŭskultanton.

My English has significantly improved since I started reading everything I had to in English. 100 is too many, it can be an exponentially increasing learning curve if you know how to pick your reads. You're (probably) not reading that many even in your native lang

my wife chino... I WANT TO FUCK CHINO
please chino is so cute my wife chino is so cute chino chan sex chino sex with chino i'd like some more kafuu chino sex with chino kafuu chino my wife cute is so chino wife

>Roses are red.
Rosor är röda.
>I like my job.
Jag tycker om mitt jobb.
>I tried to call you!
I försökte att ringa dig!
>I'm worried about my own safety.
Jag är orolig om min säkerhet.
>I don't remember every dream.
Jag minns inte varje dröm.

>The newspapers were filled with sensational stories about the bank robbery.
Tidningorna fyllades med sensationella berättelser om bankrånet.
>In less than 60 seconds, the vault was open.
Valvet öppnades på under sextio sekunder.
>The bank robber was certain that he hadn't made any mistakes.
Bankrånaren var säker att hade inte gjort några misstag.
>The FBI was in charge of the Bank Robbery case.
FBI var ansvarig för bankrånsfallet.
>He closely observed the bank manager's scared face.
Han observarade noggrant bankchefarna rädd ansikte.

How many /lang/ posters do you recognise, /lang/?

Danish guy who is learning polish
chino wife guy

Mfw when I realized seins and saints are pronounced the same

Attached: laughing_gold_face_getting_shrunk_in_the_middle.png (327x316, 175K)

"con" is pronounced like "quand" et "qu'on"



Attached: autista autista.png (868x211, 12K)

Hayчy вac pycикy пидopacы ёбaныe

Attached: image.jpg (717x720, 53K)


Nordic runes I think

yes please!
teach me sempai

A few, people think I'm multiple different regulars though

I assume all the serbian flags are the same guy (guy who knows old english). Scots-poster won't miss a chance to post about scots

Attached: _20190905_070236.jpg (3842x2604, 1.71M)

learning spanish now. about six months in. doing pretty well. what spanish countries can i go and visit without getting kidnapped and/or slaughtered in the street with a machete? so far i'm thinking chile, spain, and possibly argentina

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