>Bolsonaro worshiped the chilean dictatorship to defend himself against accusations made by Bachellet, the former chilean president, about 'lack of democracy in Brazil'
>That chilean dictatorship killed Bachellet's father
This guy has no limits?
>Bolsonaro worshiped the chilean dictatorship to defend himself against accusations made by Bachellet, the former chilean president, about 'lack of democracy in Brazil'
>That chilean dictatorship killed Bachellet's father
This guy has no limits?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Brazilian Trump
>says retarded things
I am le shocked
Why don't you ever post about Argentinian politics?
Whats there to post about? There's an election and Kirchner will win because she's not on the main ticket
People are trading tshirts for rice thanks to m*cri
Everyday there's a thread about our politics
It's completely necessary to undergo reforms and although Macri can't do what's necessary crashing the economy is part of the process
>praises her father's killer
Did you know that one of Bolso's grandfather was literally a German Nazi soldier? That's who we elected as president.
He also the holocaust could and should be forgiven.
It's fake, I can't find the source of that in spanish...
Also fake news became so normal in our politics that there is a whole section for them in journals
Macri is kill.
>its fake
Que título de mierda la puta madre, si bolsonaro es el que reivindica la dictadura no es *su* padre el que murió, es el de Bachelet
la concha de tu madre infobae
Congrats it's fake. You shouldn't believe everything you read online. Get your news from credible trusted sources
And that article has to do because....?
are you a macaco?
That's from the right wing Argentinian newspaper Claro
His real words:
"- Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, following Macron's example of meddling in Brazilian domestic affairs and sovereignty, charges against Brazil in her human rights agenda (for criminals), attacking our brave military and civil police officers.
- She also says Brazil is losing democratic space, but forgets that the reason her country didn't become another Cuba were those who had the courage to stop the communists in 1973, among them, her father, a brigadier."
Bachelet has been attacking him, openly and surreptitiously, since before he was inaugurated.
There are no right wing newspapers here you fucking cuck, the whole Maldonado fiasco and the abortion debate showed us that
>the decence of the ones who scavenge in the trash
Seriously though, Clarín is a respected and impartial news outlet. As a proud nationalist, I admire Clarín for its historical contribution to freedom of speech and by extension, the general greatness of this country.
Are you a macaco?
Clarin is liberal leftist, correct?