"(Bachelet) forgets that the only reason (her) country isn't like Cuba is thanks to those who had the courage to put a stop to the left in 1973," Bolsonaro wrote. "Among those communists was her ... father."
Why are right-wingers like this?
"(Bachelet) forgets that the only reason (her) country isn't like Cuba is thanks to those who had the courage to put a...
Social democracy is full on communism and must be stopped.
What a hero
he's right and fuck commies
But Cuba is the best country in central america
>Muh poverty line
human rights should not apply to those who have read Marx's Capital
This. If you manage to read and fully understand Das Kapital, you deserve superhuman rights.
He's right.
Guatemalans wish they were Cuban
Bachelet was a qt
he's in full seething mode lmao
You forgot the other paragraph.
"Michelle Bachelet, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, following Macron's example of meddling in Brazilian domestic affairs and sovereignty, charges against Brazil in her human rights agenda (for criminals), attacking our brave military and civil police officers"
The bitch has been poking him since before he was even inaugurated. Yet she said nothing about Venezuela until silence became impossible.
>killed around 10,000
Your ass.
Your time's coming, macaco branco
>made commiecucks seethe when he was alive
>makes commiecucks seethe after he died
>Yet she said nothing about Venezuela until silence became impossible.
but she did. People were mad at her in venezuela because she said some nosense about every venezuelan girl becoming a prostitute.
blessed image
He's right though, Allende was plunging Chile into complete decadence. People usually forget he was a dictator.
> Allende was plunging Chile into complete decadence
How was that bad?
That implies wealth.
Bolsonaro is one of the dumbest men that ever lived. Has zero clue about any topics other than muh trannies and muh abortions. I actually think he doesn't know how to read, much like our own (((president))). And both our Israel puppets....and both hate countries that told kikes to go fuck themselves...really makes you think
Delusional picture.
as soon as he got his computer planned economy project it would have worked
Si el turco nunca se hubiera ido hoy el salario minimo de argentina serian 25000 dolares
Bad choice of words then. It was turning into a shithole.
This but unironically
Literal brainlet. Put your quasi-religious political fanatism aside for two seconds and think. You have no reason to believe Alberto Fernandez will be like Menem. You are deluding yourself.
>This is the same mastermind who plans to protect the environment while simultaneously burning it down
Why is he so retarded?
t. Mabel
Der globoluden
Der kukarachen
We must secure the existence of our 1 a 1 and a future for menemist children.
> The Chilean military regime lasted 16 years. Pinochet ceded power peacefully by losing a referendum he had agreed to for the Chileans to decide if he should continue. In addition, he delivered a thriving country with a growing economy. But he left an official balance of 3,216 missing and murdered. Cases of political prison and / or torture amount to 38,254 people. No one justified it.
> 10,000
lmao fake
They are very responsibility averse. Whenever they fail the seek the next boogeyman and throw tantrums, just like children
Redpill me on Menem what did he do different
Chanchelet BTFO
Fucking destroyed kek.
Completely innacurate, he had one recession and then the PPP per capita started growing faster than ever before.
>muh poverty line
Arbitrary and irrelevant.
>what did he do different