>Muh Jow Forumstard IQ statistics
Muh Jow Forumstard IQ statistics
What happened there
But what you posted has nothing to do with IQ ????
me when a nigger speaks in my general vicinity
excusez moi?
You wait for them to turn their back on you to punch them?
Well his IQ was probably lowered after those punches.
why is the right one punching the guy's throat?
at least he's honest
Thats what nigs do all the time lol
power move
jesus, what the fuck
the lanket FEAR the manlet BVLL
the manlet chad vs the lanklet virgin
fucking Golden One...
glorious punches tho
>This is what happens when black people do not fear you
>This is what happens when you bully the white kid too much
wtf guys I thought manlets were inferior
Nah, if you bully the white kid too much, he will steal his dad's gun.
Not necessary but it helps
hahahahahah nice final combo
shit that is so cringe. i hope those niggers die
that's an overkill, look at the white boy's stance, he clearly has some training
literally me when I visit NY
But i tambien hare black
Why are Americans so violent?
two niggers doing nigger things
You found the one video where the nig isn't the one suckerpunching
wrong, whites always sucker punch
white-anglos and americans, maybe french* i don't think any other flag would do such a cheap tactic to win
When the white missed the punch I thought he would be beaten up.
Slavs are the kings of sucker punching and dirty moves
Couldn't he just kick him in the face?
you arent white