Do you really care about your race?
Do you really care about your race?
yes, I care about the HUMAN race
yes, fuck "people" of color
Yes, I'm a proud Mexican
t. redskinned mongol
I have too many ethnicities and races to count lol
Which do I pick from. I just subscribe the "le new world" identity
I'm from Europe. Racial identities is something for colonial settlers in New World countries.
I did but now I'm getting too old. Sweden has collectively decided to commit suicide.
Might as well enjoy the downfall by getting myself an asian or mena gf.
Mutts don't have a "race", so no.
I don't really but I still don't want to be surrounded by non-whites
I don't care about human race either.
>I'm from Europe. Racial identities is something for colonial settlers in New World countries.
Where this meme come from?
You have mongoloids negroids and Mena in Europe and had contact with em.
About the "white" race? Not really. I've already racemixed anyway.
This. I don't really care but I don't want niggers and arabs here, they are ugly, loud and annoying.
i care about my nation
I wish I was full Armenian instead of just half Armenian.
You mean racial identities? They emerged in New World settler colonies like the US.
No real European identifies as belonging to some arbitrary racial identity category that exclusively arose in new world settler colonies as a need for settlers to differentiate themselves from the native people groups and the prevailing slave castes (and if you are a European who does this you are a faggot and your brain has been fried from too much exposure to American identity politics). Europeans primarily identify with their ethnic, ethno-reigious or in some cases even their national identity. That's why you guys are all the same to us: Americans, no matter whether you perceive yourself as white, black or blue or green. Just ask any self-identifying Afro-American person who has travelled abroad. At home he might be black guy but abroad he becomes American
kind of. i certainly hate other races, though
>No real European identifies as belonging to some arbitrary racial identity category that exclusively arose in new world settler colonies
Would a Swede say he was as different to an Estonian as he is to an Arab?
Where does this idea that only local identities exist come from?
Obviously, otherwise I will live in a gypsy ghetto.
I bet all the lying faggots here don't live in a ghetto for a reason.
So yes I care, even if it is on subconscious level.
I'm certain a western German would identify in a subconscious level with people who look like him such as the neighboring native french and poles.
Where does the idea come from that a concept such as racial identities which is as a phenomenon exclusively arose within the context of European colonialism is somehow applicable to the rest of the world? Why can't Americans stop themselves from shoehorning their own identity politics everywhere and view the rest of the world through their own political lense?
yes. i am a mongol BVLL
estonians are not wh*Te, they are our mongol brothers :)
>I'm certain
And wrong. You can live here for decades as a Pole or a Frenchman but you will continue to be viewed as an outsider for the rest of your life.
>You can live here for decades as a Pole or a Frenchman but you will continue to be viewed as an outsider for the rest of your life.
A pole who speaks German or a native french who speaks German as native would be indistinguishable in their neighboring regions.
Yes, I care about the human race.
Of course but someone like this doesn't really exist because just a little grammatical mistake, the wrong gender for a word or some weird phrasing will tip any native German off and brand you as an outsider.
Kill whites
No, not really.
>that flag
Racial identity is an observable reality that you absolutely believe in and everyone always believed in, it did not signify any political works its existence.
No but I recognize they whites are statistically superior because of a selective harsh environment
No. It's childish and boring.
Why you oppose the observable reality that absolutely everyone always believed in and you still believe in due to some personal political beliefs of not having racial identies even exist is odd.
t. urk
No one disputes that racial identities as a social phenomenon are a reality and in the US they even are elevated to institutionalized status. However an identity that is real and existing doesn't necessarily have to be based on something that is in itself real or existing such as arbitrary racial categories which are based on 19th century racialist pseudo-science or religions based on nothing more than pure fiction.
I'm not denying any observable reality because the observable reality is that racial identities are a phenomenon that emerged in new world settler colonies.
>No one disputes that racial identities as a social phenomenon
They exist as an objective biological skeletal reality
I always care about brain size and IQ.
This is factually incorrect. What is true is that genetic clustering of people groups is a biological reality, sure, but those clusters don't correspond at all to those 18th, 19th century racialist and hierarchical categories that were cooked up to justify their systematic oppression of certain groups. If we apply different ranges of genetic distances between those clusters we either end up with a very small number of supposed 'races' or a number that is too large e.g. 18-20 'races' half of which would be found in Africa alone. That's why the unscientific term 'race' has be discarded in modern biology and anthropology for decades.
I really don’t
There's only one race in our continent.
The American race
Does this also mean that manlets are statistically less intelligent because of their lower head circumference
I wish I was an east asian because being a nigger sucks so kinda
Race no but culture yes, Anglo Saxon culture is being eroded by continental European culture when we are an exceptional people.
this but unironically
Animals are nicer desu.
this is your brain on burgers
I could not care less, I'll die alone either way
correlation between brain size and head circumference is small (c. 0.30)