Finns need to fuck off from Finno-Ugric scene.
Finns are oppressors and in reality are boring shadow compared to our other people.
To us Finno-Ugrics Finns are the same as America is to Europe - artificial and modern.
Finns need to fuck off from Finno-Ugric scene.
Finns are oppressors and in reality are boring shadow compared to our other people.
To us Finno-Ugrics Finns are the same as America is to Europe - artificial and modern.
Finns are the only humans of the Finno-Ugric linguistic group. That’s why the group is named after them.
And here we can see a traditional reindeer nigger. You can probably tell how he got his name
They are outsiders who happen to belong in the same language tree.
Without Finns no one would know anything about Finno-Ugrics. Show some respect
What the fuck does that have to do with anything? We don't care about others. Who gives a shit what they know and don't?
>we don’t care about others
>is obsessed with finns 24/7
Go fuck a reindeer, Aslak.
>Imagine replying to some salty Aslak or Ivan behind a proxy
Fuck off back to the Urals, reindeer fucker.
They are chad estonians that shart over yuros
Daily reminder that 95% of Finnish Samis are Norwegian migrants who actively oppress the native Finnish Sami who are dying out. Finnish Sami were village dwelling farmers, not nature destroying reindeer fuckers.
I'm glad you're here to show your true faces. Now everyone can see.
Al ugro Finns need to go back to Mongolia
Et sä mikään lappalainen ole. Ei kukaan lappalainen närkästy jostain Alatalon laulusta.
Pistä se proxy pois äläkä koita kääntä tätä yandexilla.
Fuck off back to Norway and stop oppressing Inari Sami and stop crying to the U.N when we stop you from doing it
Just a brotherly banter crankypants, you aint nothing more but just a another finnish tribe
T. Karelian
Saami are children of Finns and Arctic Siberians. They are not a thing in themself but a spin-off.
>T. Karelian
>yo bro it's just eugenics program brotherly love
fuck off
Why is this nigga dressed up like a jester
t: Miisa Nuorgam
>the same as America is to Europe - artificial and modern.
Even though you try to insult us, it comes off as you calling yourself o antiquated and third-world.
Funny how the way you see yourselves slips out sometimes when your pride won't let you admit the reality.
Hey loleyloleyloleyloooola
Imagine being 1/4 Karelian savonigger and claiming that your heritage, thats some amerimutt tier delusionalism.
You should blames swedes if someone, wev been mixing together hundred of years.
Stop ignoring me you Norwegian nigger. You're not Finnish. You came here in the 19th century and use the Saamelaiskäräjät to deny real Finnish Sami their rights. FUCK OFF BACK TO NORWAY WITH OUR REINDEERS. You're destroying Lapland.
Modern day Finland is a black hole of culture and identity and it's normal to want to roleplay something else
You can find 7/8 Savonians in Helsinki who identify as Finland-Swedish
>You can find 7/8 Savonians in Helsinki who identify as Finland-Swedish
Finland-Swedish is only an ethnicity in Pohjanmaa. Southern Fennoswedes are ethnic Finns and it's entirely a cultural phenomenon.
But they do it because they want to be something special
Why do scandis (finns included) hate saams?
Finns don't care about them only northerners do
we have so many more immigrants why would anyone even bother to remember some weird tribe
They get gibs that other people don’t and whine about muh indigenous shit
Damn... I really, REALLY didn't know before the internet that we cause so much butthurt in different ethnic groups, just by existing. Swedes, Russians, "we wuz indopajeets" -larpers, hungarians and now even the Samis.
It is not our fault if your youth is not interested in preserving your language and culture.
On my behalf you can declare independence, but I think you'll soon find that these living standards are not maintained by fucking reindeers and drinking liquor.
why infight
indoeuropeons are laughing at us
the slavs are fighting against each other here all the time
The thing about Finland is that we have it too good and so people need to invent problems
There are more Russians then all ugro Finns together. Thats the difference
Why the fuck is it even called "finno-ugric languages"? Should just call us Baltic-Finnic languages and others by their country names.
They just cry about their "we ar ingednous n shit"
and your point is? everyone is an invidual.
Go suck reindeer testies Sami bitch
I have wondered this myself. Baltic-Finnic languages have our ethnicity in it as well as our real language.
s*mis are always whining about us, luckily there is not many of them. The only Finno-Ugrics that should be extinct. Soon they will be.
Saami are not Baltic Finnic and linguists haven't been able to agree if Baltic Finnic is more closely related to Saami or Mordovian
Anyway the whole set of them is called West Uralic
I was talking about us Finns.
based Mikko
haha finno-ogrec
They are called "uralic languages" today, Finno-Ugric is an outdated term for linguistics, if I have understood correctly. Uralic is the same as Indo-European, being the language family. Baltic Finnic, Samic, Volga Finnic and Permic, Samoyedic etc are language branches of the same family, the same way as Germanic, Slavic, Baltic and Romance.
But people here often bundle us all in the same category and think that Finns understand Sámic, even though it's the same as asking if a Swede understands Spanish, because they belong to the same language family
Funny fact. Most of us real Finno-Ugric people (i am saami) like Russians more than Finns. You guys never did anything bad against us unlike Finns.
Come home, native man
bait, but it makes me hate samis even more. So happy that you are going to die out.
Reindeer herding was copied from Siberian Asians in the past centuries
Before that you were eating berries
How about you read some history about our relations so you don't have to wonder like an idiot why we don't like you.
>Most of us real Finno-Ugric people (i am saami) like Russians more than Finns. You guys never did anything bad against us unlike Finns.
low iq lappsomali strikes again
If we have abused you: GOOD!
And you probably dont even speak any sami language. You will go extinct.
We don't really hate them but they are eternally butthurt, demand areas for their reindeer, because somehow they are entitled to it, and gubberment gibsmedats so they can keep farming their horribly expensive meat that doesn't even taste that special. But it's their beautiful natural culture so no one is allowed to criticize this.
its just 1 mentally ill retard
So basically scandis are wagecucks and saams are smug neets?
Why don't you unite in hatred of the Swedes?
we should have killed all of them already at early merovingian period
Hating Swedes is a meme. It's just something we do for fun. We really hate you.
We don't hate the swedes. They gave us compensation for they wrong-doings unlike Finns.
>no worries about forced sterilization, but fuck finns because they dont give us gibs
>this thread
In Sweden saami people was allowed to speak our own languages. In Finland however it took much much longer until our language was accepted. We were not allowed to speak our language in school for example.
every post op makes is making me more sure about the fact he isnt even a sami
We didn't let you speak your own language in school while Swedes were sterilizing you and we're the bad guys? You have brain problems.
>acting like Finns were not using eugenics against us in the 1900s
nice try. my grandmama told something different.
How are Saamis oppressed by Finns?
t. Fennoswede
Interesting. Finland sponsors (weakly) and ideologically supports Finno-Ugric nationalists and learning FU languages in Russia. Russians oppress everyone, you know. But at the same time they are in conflict with their small nations.
OP can't even speak Sami.
We are not in conflict with Samis. They unironically have it better than 99% of ethnic minorities in the world, saamis just like to cry and play the victim all the time, probably because we're too kind to them
You know nothing about Finland if you think Fennoswedes are the ones who hate Russia
Actually it feels like they do, way more than Finns.
t. half fennoswede
Be nice to your Sami countryman, Finnish posters.
Are there even any lappoids that still can?
a few thousand boomers. The zoomers refuse to learn it because it's useless. They will only learn Finnish - and Swedish. Lol.
I think Fennoswedes in capital area care very little if Russians immigrate here
Kys Aslak Bájkkaperše
What's this supposed to mean?
basically he is calling you a sami and telling you to kys ( kill yourself)
Fuck the sami, we have never mistreated them and they are pricks to us for no reason. I hate them. OP is not sami but he made me hate sami even more.
I see
Fuck Off aslak