Why is Japan so comfy & tidy


Attached: tokyo.jpg (1920x1080, 803K)

Because japs are Like germs


Our cities aren't even remotely as comfy & tidy as Japanese ones (๑•̀д•́๑)キリッ

I hate both germany and japan.

I rely on German approval.

because they dont have any whites to dirty the place up

You are an evil, soulless , mongoloid insect.
Takashi yamamoto the insect from tokyo is who you are

I love you


Attached: DA47FCFE-48A1-4ABE-8EBE-7E5B0B8E1DE6.jpg (601x960, 98K)

I wish all german/austrian people and all japaanese insects will die.

You're a filthy jew you have no room to talk, jackass

I'm not evil.
I don't live in Tokyo.

Cool it with the inferiority complex shlomo

Go back to algeria muhammad you smelly brown arab animal

hello cute German (o・ω・o)

Hiii ٩(๑ᴗ๑)۶


They are white

Hello SADC brother

Cute german?
all germans /austrians are nazis and should be killed on the spot.

You kikes could be based sometimes
Kys weeb. Hang yourself and spare decent people from your faggotry


Wjat is sadc?

Holy shit A-angola?

It's near tokyo?

I want the Boer to answer you

its like the opposite of korea lol


Go back to the oven filthy brown kike piece of shit
I don't speak to third worlders

nice to see another african flag

an economic alliance, it’s short for “sad cunts”

looks cool and all
but why the fuck do you need street lights here

Insectoids aren't superior to anyone