If you were to make your own constructed language, what should it sound or look like?

If you were to make your own constructed language, what should it sound or look like?

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So it would basically be Scots but with a few subtle differences.
First; all inflection is removed. So I say 2 dug instead of 2 dugs; instead of gangit I say hae gang and so on.
Second: remove articles
Third: remove some of the unneeded latin words and replace them with Germanic equivalent, this isn't too important but it would be nice
Fourth: use a semantophonetic writing system (like hanzi)

All of this wouldn't really be a constructed language but more of an evolution of Scots, it would make it the most efficient language.

zero adjectives, zero compound words

Consonants only

Would you use verbs instead of adjectives, like instead of I am good you say I good?

Only italian hand gestures and japanese grunts

All the letters would be the same symbol, but pieces moved around or missing so you get a couple dozen variations.

All letters sound one way.

Words sound as spelled.

Equal number of consonants and vowels.

It'd just be english with dutch tier spelling and Þ + Ð

I like how old english and middle english look but I dont really understand or know much about it

ebonics with emojis as the written form

In your example, there would be a verb that would have the meaning of "to be good". So there would only be the subject and the verb in the hypothetical sentence.

The verb would also change according to the person. So "I am good" would only need to be one single word.

Guttural and with godawful consonant clusters.
So, Georgian

With grunts do you mean aizuchi?

I think he means the way that Japanese are talking, like they are at the edge of shitting themselves.

You might want to learn Chinese then, sadly it uses compound words now. Classical Chinese doesn't.

Unintellileble screaming.

Chinese makes usage of adjectivization through compound words and has adjectives.
Already studied chinese for 3 years.

>chinese characters
>efficient language
holy fucking shit are you retarded

Based and Serbpilled

Chinese writting is efficient. Chinese texts are much shorter than other scripts. The only thing not efficient about Chinese script is brainlets having a hard time learning it.

How would you make a language with zero compound words?

You'd have a single word for whatever compound word you think to need to have, but you don't.

"Compound word" would be a single word. Even "single word" would be its own word.

It's impossible to create such a language. You'd have to make up about 60,000 completely unique words

Of course it's possible, I didn't say I wanted brainlets speaking it.

Compound words are things made by idiots.

I could not use the word "word" and just use something stupid as "mouth meaning sounds", but I don't want to sound like an idiot. Which is what humanity sounds like when a compound word is used.

just farts lmao

I would like to know if any language does this but I don't think any do.

>Compound words are things made by idiots.
Scientific literature uses more compounds words than everyday language I'm quite sure

>So I say 2 dug instead of 2 dugs
Enjoy your caveman language

So? Nerds tend to be idiots.

Why do I need that inflection if I already have specified it is plural?

Most of humanity isn't smart. Most languages were made to be used by most people, who we established aren't that bright. Common sight about simple folks is their fond usage of compound words. Fictional compound wording is even used in several instances of comedy, which demonstrates how compound words are objectively recognized as being something that idiots make use of.

I want a pure language, free of idiocy, efficient, trully meaningful in every word.

>every verb would be irregular
>noun and adjective declension like in latin and slavic + hungarian special noun cases
>consonant clusters
>tones like in chinese
>dual number
>random screams and burping that change sentence meaning

So do I. The main reason for this is that I like logography writings like Chinese and Cuneiform. The language that has the least morpheme to word ration (no compound words) is the Africa language Yoruba.

Some African languages are amazing.

Clicking is seen as backwards and savage, but it amplifies the ability to create sound, and can be used to create more words, which would certainly accompany any high IQ language.

I also like your style.
Just replace screaming and burping with subtle gestures that can change sentence meaning.
You know what, leave the screaming in, I want to entertain that idea.