Ctr f chainlink

ctr f chainlink
no results
oh no no no
expect the same thing with swift, salesforce and docusign
linkies utterly btfo

Attached: factom.jpg (1378x623, 287K)

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Whyyyyyyyyy Gooooood !!!!!!????

Attached: 1528232295799.jpg (1680x1389, 2.75M)

I'm sleeping next to my black boyfriend while furiously jerking off right now.

I love cumming in his face when he's sleeping

don't you mean on his face?

Attached: 1508498403900.gif (270x188, 1.78M)

Redpill me on Factom. Why will this moon?

Ctrl+f Sergey Nazarov
1 result

It won't, it's just another boring shitcoin, they're not even in the top 100...


Factom is bringing the IoT to the blockchain... and all of that data (real data) will be available through Chainlink nodes. It's just another (massive) step toward smart contract adoption.

The only thing I can think of after reading this is:
> Did I seriously buy this shit? 11k of these garbage "tokens" which are part of a project being shilled by literal whos like Factom?

I don't consider myself to be particularly bright, but today is a day where I have to consider how stupid I truly am.

Does this mean we'll see insurance smart contracts contracts before too long? For example, burglary insurance or fire insurance? If you're fire prevention/smoke detectors/sprinkler systems work then you'll get your automatic insurance payout? Need devices that can communicate with the blockchain for any of those.

>not throat raping (consensual) your ftmtf black "boyfriend" and dumping a ropey load in her snoring snozz
not gonna make it

Attached: 1511832843923.png (966x862, 1.05M)

Are you just pretending to be retarded or something?

Ctrl f SmartContract - 6 results
Ctrl f SmartContract.com - 5 results

OH NO NO NO NO NO not another positive announcement for Chainlink. How ever will I get my Link bags back after I sold them at

smartcontract doesn't necessarily mean chainlink

SmartContract is the company, Chainlink is the product.

In fact, anyone saying they have a partnership/collaboration with Chainlink is technically wrong.

So is this good for ppl who hold LINK tokens, or bad?

It’s like partnering with the Big Mac vs. Partnering with Subway Footlongs?

>ctrl+f "oracle" = 12 results

You bet your fucking ass they're talking about Chainlink.
You absolute trenchbrain.

Nice, I didn't know about Factom + Chainlink. Thanks OP.

Really sickening to see that no marines have recognised how old this is. This is from 2016 you pathetic marines. Go back and read every Chainlink thread from the archives now and get up to speed before you keep embarrassing us.

Deluded linky can't accept the fact that all these companies will be working with SmartContract.com to implement their *own* oracle service, and none of them will be using the LINK token or running on the Chainlink network

Attached: swift oracle.png (1181x321, 46K)

can this mean smartcontract company could actually go public and listed on nasdaq ?

Ethereum invented a car that can drive in a straight line, and last year was an empty hype frenzy where every man and his dog said "We could drive our car in a straight line over here! Or over here!"
Chainlink is the steering wheel. Chainlink's success will single handedly spark the third real, value driven bull run after Bitcoin and Monero, but the value of smart contracts will absolutely eclipse both. This is not up for discussion, this is not up for FUD. This is the future that we face.

>I Believe In An Omnipotent Omniscient Omnipresent God Who Is In Control Of Everything All The Time There Is No Such Thing As Coincidence In My Frame Of Reference

True, makes sense why LINK would let other companies take their market.

That's still a Chainlink oracle, you realize that right?

You guys know this is from 2016, right?

Nice stealth shill OP.

Thanks ;)

Accumulating more before the retards notice

Deluded Linkies are still holding their bags? How is this shitcoin going for you since ICO? Why haven't you sold at SIBOS like everyone else? Even the 1mio presale boyo in slack sold, that was the last red flag.

>How is this shitcoin going for you since ICO?
It's been the best year of my life. I see the future and it is glorious. I got healthy again because I realised I will actually have the wealth to pursue my dreams. Thanks for asking, user, makes me feel warm inside. :)

So you are more like a revolutionist instead of an investor who goes for ROI? Got it.


Attached: 1534867419448.png (263x322, 9K)

Sorry about your brainletism.

kek trenchbrain