Why are most Japanese-Americans libcuck Dem voters, 24/7 whining about "muh WW2-era concentration camps,"
some of them even tried to force Japan to apologize to China for fake and gay warcrime shit.
I don't think they share the same blood with us.
Why are most Japanese-Americans libcuck Dem voters, 24/7 whining about "muh WW2-era concentration camps,"
some of them even tried to force Japan to apologize to China for fake and gay warcrime shit.
I don't think they share the same blood with us.
Other urls found in this thread:
Most Asian-Americans vote democrat because they are minority. Thus, they benefit from Demorat polices.
I hope not all are like that
Because I want Japanese gf
The ones that came to America don't have any Jomon blood. They might even be, -may Allah forgive me for uttering this word- Zainichi.
Mike Honda is probably fake Jap.
its said that no one in allegedly his father's town knows his family.
Also he never come to Japan, although he sometimes went to South Korea.
no soul...
I can't wait until Trump gets removed so we can purge you faggots from our military.
sounds very kimmy
>japan dindu nuffins
fake jap
Ex-Congressman Honda Receives S. Korean State Medal
fake jap
Mike Honda receives honorary doctorate from Korean univ.
Right guy looks kinda...Jewish
fake jap
Honda and Park focused on the main reason for his five-day visit to South Korea — seeking new opportunities for expanded business relationships, particularly in Honda’s Silicon Valley district
fake jap
Mike Honda uses Japanese leader’s visit to press for war-crimes apology
this is Kim who pretend he is zapanese
What Japanese-Americans should do is pee on Iris Chang's grave, and help us to expose the Nanking/Holocaust hoax.
but what they do is the exact opposite. They are so useless.
>So sorry for Korean people...
Why are they so cucked? I have no qualms about shooting libcuck Japanese-Americans, especially the ones like this.
what? Why do you call him jap even though No Jap in alleged his hometown knows his father?
also he is not libcuck, he is rep.
he is just anti-jap like other Kims.
fake jap
Mike Honda speaks about publicizing comfort women issue in the US
fake jap
Korean Royal family, King Soek Lee meets Mike Honda
>Michael Makoto Honda (born June 27, 1941) is an American politician and former educator. A member of the Democratic Party
Dude is a dem. Don't spread fake news.
fake jap
Ex-U.S. Rep. Honda calls for S. Korea to reconsider 'comfort women' deal with Japan
Every Japanese is an enemy.
Funny thing Dems were in power during WW2, so they are the ones that put Japanese-Americans into concentration camps.
and they go vote for Dems because "ORANGE MAN BAD." Japanese-Americans in general are retarded as hell.
some blatant samefagging itt
>Every Japanese is an enemy.
Takei is an unironic faggot who's still bitter that his crush on Shatner and Nimoy back in the glory days wasn't reciprocated
sorry. I thought the 'rep' stands for republican.
Prove you are japanese and not an American soldier or English teacher.
but Honda the fake jap is with you Kim lol
Asians don't have real electoral voting power outside of a few districts in cali/hawaii. They are split. Generally conservative but might be swayed away from GOP because of their immigration talk/policy like Latinos.
Their real value (if any) is their consumer power, niche community, and dollars.
I'm a real naijin with limited English.
btw did Japanese hapas vote for Mikim Honda?
>outside of a few districts in cali/hawaii
Aren't lefty east Asians a thing at west coast like California?
Can you reword this post? It implies that I'm a faggot and I don't like that.
the cheekbone lol
likely Kim
Asians aren't really that left. If anything they are conservative, value fiscal responsibility, and have more nuclear families. They just vote Dems because Reps push a anti-minority/immigration message.
Much like Latinos being pretty conservative/religious but are getting pushed away by anti-latino/immigration talk. Difference is Latinos are the population play. Asians are the money play.
Ed Lee the leftist chinese became Mayer of San Francisco? kek
>run in SF
>not run left
Do you run the "let's have Chinese rape us" party in Japan?
don't say Ed Lee was not Leftist.
He provided land for South Korean communists.
God I hope some deranged Jow Forumstard will mass-shoot Chinatown in San Francisco.
I'm pretty sure where is the central place that pushes anti-Japan/pro-China propaganda.
We will celebrate it all night long.
I dont know whats your point.
maybe American joke or someshit?
For those American who not know east Asian things.
Those activists every day screeching out Muh comfort women are basically Korean commies.
Even South Koreans know this.
you know Ed Lee supported the Korean commies.
And thats US democrats.
Look at Perosi. She also sucked commie dik.
>Moon Hee-sang, the current speaker of the South Korean National Assembly, met with the House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on February 12, 2019
>and gave her an unusual gift: a scroll written in Chinese. Koreans pronounce the four large Chinese characters in the middle as “Man Jeol Pil Dong.” It means China’s Yellow River may wind in different directions, but in the end, it flows east.
>“It was a favorite phrase used by Koreans devoted to China during Chosun dynasty. It indicates yearning for China.”
>I'm a real naijin with limited English.
What is a naijin ?
Overseas jjokbari get the bullet too ^__^ you are monkey barbarian shits that need killings kekeke
Pelosi is beautiful for her age.
How come you commie Korean dare to stay there Kim?
mr.Chyon ?
naijin = 内人
gaijin = 外人
it's Jow Forumsjapancirclejerk lingo
The true figure of a noble Korean before being merged by a savage Japanese monkey.
>Overseas jjokbari get the bullet too ^__^ you are monkey barbarian shits that need killings kekeke
It’s less “benefitting from” than wariness about Republican rhetoric. They don’t send out good minority vibes ...which sucks for them, because Asians and Latinos are born conservatives. Pro-business, anti-gay, anti-feminist, pro family, etc.
I mean, I’m ultra fucking liberal but I’m glad Asians are taking on affirmative action (since it does hurt them most). But Republicans should’ve been the ones to champion that, too bad they’re usually too short-sighted to see more than one move (re: election) ahead.
I don't understand the figure that you posted.
Netouyo thread?
>since it does hurt them most
No No No
Commie Asian like South Korean n Chinese gain lots of benefits as this thread shows.
Don't say South Koreans are not commie.
They have been actually spreading commie propaganda made by commie Korean.
/Accusing fake jap of being jap/
This. Chinese are the ones that gain benefits the most from Dems in power since FDR presidency.
Stupid Japanese-Americans still not aware of this.
They are just fucking Americans.
They are not our ally or enemy.
>everyone in Japan is KOREAN
literally true
The problem is most Japanese-Americans are SJW cucks, they behave like "So Sorry for Chinese/Korean people..." "Japan should apologize to them!"
then they are our enemy.
how fucking stupid are you lmao
>how fucking stupid are you lmao
say it after you read whole thread kim
This guy is Japanese-American. He's a typical libtard.
Explain the reason why Mike Honda never come to Japan.
If he was originally Japanese, his family grave must be here.
But he only go to South Korea repeatedly and never come to Japan.
>I’m glad Asians are taking on affirmative action (since it does hurt them most).
Only a minority do and a ton of asian benefit from it you tard. In fact thetes many if not tons of places that don't do AA and some Asians still get pissy as fuck lol.
Like the small asian outcry was actually amplified and bass boosted so to speak by an organisation that had ling been against AA.
Not American, but Australian of Japanese-German ancestry who is behind Asian Boss.
This guy is also a libtard cuck that help push Korea propaganda.
>"This Japanese American is criticizing Japan's past and how Japan's dealt with it, so he must be fake Japanese".
hahahaha, this made me chuckle.
All these Anglo-Japanese think like "So Sorry for Chinese/Korean people..." "We have deep guilt..." "Japan must apologize..."
and then help push Chinese/Korea propaganda.
They are extremely bluepilled and retarded as hell.
lol the yellow fever crew Jow Forumstards will soon realize that the Asian demographic will be the one that get total open borders and gives Democrats strongholds all across America. Right now their numbers aren't as high outside of the West coast but eventually they'll make 15-20% of the nation. After their "traditional,loyal,feminine" wives pop out an Elliot or two they'll bring half their village from their 2nd world Southeast Asian country. Japanese Americans won't be a part of it though because most Asians from America are typically from the poorer Asian countries. The Japs here will most likely assimilate within a generation
They fled away from Japan, ofc they don't like Japan.
In the case of Japs though? I'm sure they're pretty successful and don't need the help.
I have a Japanese American gf. Grandparents were in internment camps during WWII. She does not speak Japanese. However, a few observations from spending time with her family:
-They don't like to throw stuff away and are basically hoarders. They take the "Motainai" mentality to an extreme
-Some in extended family have Autistic tendencies. They park their car in the same row in the parking lot at the grocery store every time so that they don't lose their car. Laundry is done at certain hours on the dot on the designated laundry day. "Jichan" loses his shit if you go 1 mile per hour over the speed limit.
-Lack of social skills due to Autistic tendencies leads to family drama. People get upset over petty stuff.
Overall though, there are some good things. The women are very submissive compared to white girls. They are very deferential to authority. They also pool their money together to help each other out.
>I have a Japanese American gf.
too obvious proxy
How? Almost all JP proxies don't work.
We have disadvantages with limited English, so we need help,
but Japanese-Americans behave the opposite, so we are pissed off.
its not your english level but the way you type that reveals
also you can easily buy a pass to get past rangebans if youre dedicated, not to mention proxies definitely work
the fuck is going on in this thread
and its not like youd know if proxies do/dont work if you were actually jap
Honestly, I wish English teachers were this redpilled about Japanese Jow Forums.
Weeb gaijins barely care about how Chinese/Korean diaspora sneakily push anti-Japan propaganda.
Change starts within
also Mike Honda never came to Japan. If he was Japanese, his family grave must be in Japan. But he never came. Instead he often go to South Korea.
Do you now understand?
t. Was mogged by this dude in high school and is still seething. Noone knows who that is you schizo
This thread is how I hate Japanese-Americans with passion.
Seeing they helped build Comfort cuck statues in SF, I can't stand the existence of Japanese-Americans anymore.
I have qualms about shooting libcuck Japanese-Americans desu.
Asians in the US vote Democrat even more than Latinos, but the alt right still sucks them off and wants to import hordes of them
>t. Was mogged by this dude in high school and is still seething. Noone knows who that is you schizo
Why do japs and kims still fight for what happened in WWII? Everybody that was involved there are either died or very old
because this
They might be Okinawans, especially if they are in Hawaii.
Recent Chinese immigrants have historically been quite poor and have their families harassed by the immigration authorities. They are really one of the most natural Democratic constituencies. Third and fourth generation Asians tend to be professionals living in large metros and given all that they're more conservative than a comparable population but still more liberal than than average