How hard would it be for me to become a Chinese citizen considering I have no Chinese ancestry...

How hard would it be for me to become a Chinese citizen considering I have no Chinese ancestry? Would I be accepted in Chinese society?

Attached: Hanfu_man_and_lady.jpg (500x750, 100K)

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I didn't know sinoboos were a thing.

i dont know but my guess is all will work out so long as you bring money

I like Chinese culture, and most chinese people I've met were super kind. Also my country is a fucking shithole and I need to flee to a country where I can walk in the street without getting beaten by a group of shitskins.


>where I can walk in the street without getting beaten by a group of shitskins.
OH NO NO, don't date a Chinese women then, or you will get beaten up on the street by dark Chinese men

West or East China

you will never be full Chinese


Attached: XY_Scientist_M.png (136x208, 37K)

>Chinese men
Yeah I can take that.
I don't want to be totally chinese though, I just want to be accepted as a foreigner into chinese society.

Ironic, coming from an Argentinian.

>acceptance into Chinese society
Possible in big cities if you make an effort to socialize with the locals instead of staying in expat circles

t. 100%白

Wikipedia says it's not if you live in China

You have to be rich/connected to even have a chance. I'm assuming you're neither.

How rich are we talking here?

It's impossible for you to get citizenship in either Chinese states, you may as well just become a weeaboo.

'Able and willing to sacrifice a huge amount of money to benefit the country as a whole' rich.
This is the prerequisite for citizenship

So I just have to marry a chinese girl for 5 years and I have the status? Sounds easy

Then you have to be married to one of them though.